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Your search for "*" yielded 532953 hits

The effect of voice quality and competing speakers in a passage comprehension task : perceived effort in relation to cognitive functioning and performance in children with normal hearing

The study investigates the effect of voice quality and competing speakers on perceived effort in a passage comprehension task in relation to cognitive functioning. In addition, it explores if perceived effort was related to performance. A total of 49 children (aged 7:03 to 12:02 years) with normal hearing participated. The children performed an auditory passage comprehension task presented with si

Judgments of warmth and competence in a computerized paradigm: Little evidence of proposed impression formation asymmetries

Much of what we know concerning impression formation is based on experimental methods where the participant receives a list of traits or behaviors and is asked to make trait judgments or meta-cognitive judgments. The present study aimed to put some well-known effects from the impression formation literature to a test in a more dynamic computerized environment, more akin to many real world impressi

The archaeology of teaching and the evolution of homo docens

Teaching is present in all human societies, while within other species it is very limited. Something happened during the evolution of Homo sapiens that also made us Homo docens-the teaching animal. Based on discussions of animal and hominin learning, we analyze the evolution of intentional teaching by a series of levels that require increasing capacities of mind reading and communication on the pa

Measurement-based analysis of relaying performance for vehicle-to-vehicle communications with large vehicle obstructions

It has been widely recognized that relaying is an important method for increasing the reliability and spectral efficiency of communications systems, and it is thus helpful for improving the performance of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication systems. However, designing and evaluating V2V relay networks require understanding the effect of shadowing, as this critically impacts the performance of t

Genetic diversity and evolution in eukaryotic phytoplankton : Revelations from population genetic studies

Eukaryotic phytoplankton exhibit an enormous species richness, displaying a range of phylogenetic, morphological and physiological diversity. Yet, until recently, very little was known about the diversity, genetic variation and evolutionary processes within species and populations. An approach to explore this diversity and to understand evolution of phytoplankton is to use population genetics as a

A reduction of vestibulo-visual integration during transdermally administered scopolamine and dimenhydrinate. A presentation of gain control theory in motion sickness

The effect of transdermally administered scopolamine (TTS scopolamine) (release rate 5 micrograms/h) and dimenhydrinate (100 mg) was examined on optovestibular nystagmus in 16 volunteers in a randomized double-blind trial. A statistically significant decrease in the optokinetic part of nystagmus was observed during all treatments. Most profound reduction was found during treatment with two TTS sco

Gör balansprov på alla döva småbarn! : Tidig upptäckt av Ushers syndrom ökar möjligheterna till kommunikation vid senare dövblindhet

Although deaf children depend upon sight for communication, retinitis pigmentosa is present in 6 per cent of those with a profound hearing deficit. Usher syndrome type 1 (USH-1) is an autosomal recessive disease characterised by profound hearing impairment, absent vestibular function, and progressive loss of vision due to retinitis pigmentosa. Owing to the severe handicap of the combined disorders

Psychological manifestations of celiac disease autoimmunity in young children

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Psychological symptoms can be associated with celiac disease; abstract however, this association has not been studied prospectively in a pediatric cohort. We examined mother report of psychological functioning in children persistently positive for tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies (tTGA), defined as celiac disease autoimmunity (CDA), compared with children without C

Cardiovascular drug utilization post-implant is related to clinical outcome in heart failure patients receiving cardiac resynchronization therapy

BACKGROUND: In select patients with heart failure, cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is the most common complementary treatment besides medical treatment. We aimed to assess the association between post CRT-implant changes in cardiovascular medication and cardiovascular mortality and heart failure hospitalization.METHODS: 211 patients on optimal medical therapy eligible for CRT were retrospe

Subcritical water extraction and characterization of bioactive compounds from Haematococcus pluvialis microalga

In this work, extraction and characterization of compounds with antioxidant and antimicrobial activity from Haematococcus pluvialis microalga in red phase have been carried out. To do this, subcritical water extraction (SWE) has been combined with analytical techniques such as HPLC-DAD, HPLC-QqQ-MS and GC-MS and in vitro assays (i.e., for antioxidant and antimicrobial activity). The effect of the

Fast and easy coating for capillary electrophoresis based on a physically adsorbed cationic copolymer

In this work, a new copolymer synthesized in our laboratory is used as physically adsorbed coating for capillary electrophoresis (CE). The copolymer is composed of ethylpyrrolidine methacrylate (EPyM) and methylmethacrylate (MMA). The capillary coating is easily obtained by simply flushing into the tubing an EPyM/MMA solution. It is demonstrated that the composition of the EPyM/MMA copolymer toget

Kazachstania gamospora and Wickerhamomyces subpelliculosus : Two alternative baker's yeasts in the modern bakery

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the conventional baker's yeast, remains the most domesticated yeast monopolizing the baking industry. Its rapid consumption of sugars and production of CO2 are the most important attributes required to leaven the dough. New research attempts highlight that these attributes are not unique to S. cerevisiae, but also found in several non-conventional yeast species. A small n

Capturing individual-level parameters of influenza A virus dynamics in wild ducks using multistate models

Disease prevalence in wildlife is governed by epidemiological parameters (infection and recovery rates) and response to infection, both of which vary within and among individual hosts. Studies quantifying these individual-scale parameters and documenting their source of variation in wild hosts are fundamental for predicting disease dynamics. Such studies do not exist for the influenza A virus (IAV

Bipolar Monte Carlo simulation of hot carriers in III-N LEDs

We carry out bipolar Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of electron and hole transport in a multi-quantum well light-emitting diode with an electron-blocking layer. The MC simulation accounts for the most important interband recombination and intraband scattering processes and solves self-consistently for the non-quasiequilibrium transport. The fully bipolar MC simulator results in better convergence th

The spleen dictates platelet destruction, anti-platelet antibody production, and lymphocyte distribution patterns in a murine model of immune thrombocytopenia

For many years, splenectomy has been used to treat immune thrombocytopenia (ITP), and this procedure benefits approximately two-thirds of the treated patients. Although splenectomy may raise platelet counts, antibody-coated platelets and cytotoxic T lymphocytes appear to persist or can change over time. To better understand how the spleen may affect anti-platelet immune responses, we used a murine