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Sweden and the Second World War: Historiography and Interpretation in the Post-War Era
Probing single-particle and collective states in atomic nuclei with Coulomb excitation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Atomer är de grundläggande byggstenarna för alla material runt omkring oss. Varje enskild atom består av ett tätt packat område i centrum, som kallas atomkärnan, omgivet av ett moln av elektroner. Atomkärnan innehåller neutroner och protoner, hopbundna av den starka kärnkraften. Vissa kombinationer av neutroner och protoner leder till bildandet av kärnor som är stabilaA series of experiments and developments, related to stable and radioactive isotopes, have been carried out. These studies have focused on measuring the low-lying excitations of spherical and deformed nuclei using electromagnetic (Coulomb) excitation and also on developments in detector technology for upcoming radioactive ion beams facilities. The low-lying excitations in the nuclei 107,109Sn and
Going Public without the Public: Between Political Governance and Corporate Governance
Jämställdhetslagen har för första gången avgjort en akademisk strid - och hon vann
Curvature Regularization for Curves and Surfaces in a Global Optimization Framework
Length and area regularization are commonplace for inverse problems today. It has however turned out to be much more difficult to incorporate a curvature prior. In this paper we propose several improvements to a recently proposed framework based on global optimization. We identify and solve an issue with extraneous arcs in the original formulation by introducing region consistency constraints. The
Radiative decay data for highly excited Zr I levels
Leader or Foot-Dragger? Perceptions of the European Union in International Multilateral Negotiations.
Analys av osäkerhet i beräkning av energianvändning i hus och utveckling av säkerhetsfaktorer. Slutrapport för forskningsprojekt. Med stöd från Energimyndigheten 30007-1 och SBF 11768
Grundämnessammansättning i olika partikelstorleksfraktioner av den atmosfäriska aerosolen
Beskrivning ges av analysteknik (protoninducerad röntgenstrålning), provtagningsteknik (kaskadimpaktor av Battelle-typ) och provberedningsteknik. Utfört arbete i form av provbehandlingsförbättringar, konstruktion och förbättring av provtagare, bestämning av lämpliga analysparametrar samt uppbyggnad av ett dataprogramsystem presenteras. Sammanställning av resultat i form av beräknade medelvärden i
Managing overflow in affluent societies
Abstract in Undetermined“It is simply too much” is a common complaint of the modern age. This book looks at how people and institutions deal with overflow - of information, consumption or choices. The essays explore the ways in which notions of overflow – framed in terms of excess and abundance or their implicit opposites, scarcity and dearth – crop up in a number of contexts such as sociological
Event-Based Response Time Estimation
Response time is a measure of quality of service in com- puter systems. Estimation techniques, suitable for support systems for mobile phone systems, are explored. These sys- tems are complex queueing systems with large databases. The trac generated by users and system adminstrators changes rapidly, some loads can be measured other cannot. Attempts to capture all details give models that are not s
Borgar i Skåne
In Skåne there are 167 casles and castle sites. 40 of these sites are described in the book. The intoduction charpter gives a broad view of the danish castle developement from Viking age to renaissance.