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Electrochemical Regeneration of NAD Covalently Bound to Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase

An enzyme-coenzyme complex was immobilized on the surface of a glassy carbon electrode and investigated with cyclic voltammetry in ethanol-containing buffers. The complex consists of an Liver Alcohol Dehydrogenase molecule to which an NAD-analogue is covalently attached via its straight six-carbon, spacer. One cycle was observed but repeated recycling could not be carried out. presumably due to ca

Idén om ett godtagbart lidande: barnrätt, barnperspektiv och barnets bästa inom ekonomiskt bistånd

Since the incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into Swedish legislation on January 1, 2020, the topic of children’s rights and the best interests of the child has gained increased prominence within social services – not least within the context of financial assistance. We have conducted interviews with eight social workers in a Swedish municipality to examine how work rela

Economic Organizations and the Transformation Towards Degrowth

Degrowth seeks to achieve a sustainable society in the future. It implies overcoming capitalist norms and structures. Economic organizations have found little attention in degrowth scholarship. The existing literature focuses on degrowth compatibility without the wider structural and societal consideration that degrowth implies. Further, it is riddled with incoherences, such as a supposed compatib

Quality of Life After Orthognathic Surgery in Swedish Patients : A Register-Based Cohort

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of orthognathic surgery on quality of life among Swedish patients.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients subjected to orthognathic surgery due to dentofacial deformity (DFD) and registered in the National Register of Orthognathic Surgery (NROK) in Sweden between 2017 and 2020 were eligible for inclusion in this study. The Swedish-validated Orthognathic Q

Haplotype analysis identifies functional elements in monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance

Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) based on common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have identified several loci associated with the risk of monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS), a precursor condition for multiple myeloma (MM). We hypothesized that analyzing haplotypes might be more useful than analyzing individual SNPs, as it could identify functional chromosomal units

Rare manifestations and malignancies in tuberous sclerosis complex : findings from the TuberOus SClerosis registry to increAse disease awareness (TOSCA)

BACKGROUND: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a rare multisystem autosomal dominant disorder caused by pathogenic variants in either the TSC1 or TSC2 gene. Common manifestations of TSC have been grouped into major and minor clinical diagnostic criteria and assessed in clinical routine workup. However, case studies point towards the existence of rare disease manifestations and to the potential as

Legal mobilization dilemmas in the Nordics – an autoethnographic reflection on the role of scholars in the asylum commission

The present article investigates key dilemmas in collective legal mobilization initiatives in the field of asylum and migrants’ rights. Focusing on my own experiences from working in the Asylum Commission – a trans-sectional mobilization initiative that ran in Sweden from 2019 to 2022, involving researchers, civil society representatives, and professionals – I analyze two central dilemmas that cha

EUROFEL : Europe tackles key issues of free electron lasers

During the last few years Europe has made enormous progress towards free electron laser (FEL)-based research infrastructures. The FLASH facility [1] at DESY in Hamburg, Germany, has been in user operation since the summer of 2005; FERMI@Elettra [2] in Trieste, Italy, is under construction; the European XFEL [3] in Hamburg will start construction in summer 2008; and several other FEL projects are b

The psychosocial impact of prostate cancer screening for BRCA1 and BRCA2 carriers

Objectives: To report the long-term outcomes from a longitudinal psychosocial study that forms part of the ‘Identification of Men with a genetic predisposition to ProstAte Cancer: Targeted Screening in men at higher genetic risk and controls’ (IMPACT) study. The IMPACT study is a multi-national study of targeted prostate cancer (PrCa) screening in individuals with a known germline pathogenic varia

First lasing and initial performance of the European UV/VUV storage ring FEL at ELETTRA

An overview of the European storage ring free electron laser (FEL) project was presented. The details of initial lasing at 350 nm and 220 nm ranges were also presented. The distinguising features of the project were the use of an optical klystron to reduce power loading on the mirrors, the use of sophisticated mirror chambers and the integration of the FEL on a low emittance synchrotron radiation

Max IV lin AC injector simulations including tolerance and jitter analysis

The MAX-IV linac will be used both for injection and top up into two storage rings, and as a high brightness injector for a Short Pulse Facility (SPF) and an FEL (in phase 2). 100 pC bunches of electrons are created from a 1.5 cell $-band photocathode gun and subsequently accelerated up to 3 GeV by $-band linac sections. Simulations of the dynamics of the space-charge dominated beam up to 100 MeV

Analys av rullande bärighetsmätningar. Teknisk undersökning av relationer mellan vägens styvhet, materiallager och mätvärden

Bärighetsmätningar är avgörande för att bedöma vägars kapacitet att hantera ökande trafikbelastningar. Enligt Trafikverket förväntas en ökning av personbilar med 27%, bussar med 17% och godstransporter med 46% fram till år 2040. Denna prognostiserade tillväxt leder till ökat vägslitage vilket i sin tur kräver mer omfattande underhåll och komplexare åtgärder i högtrafikerade områden. Traditionellt

Ingenting försvinner, allt finns kvar – En studie om konstruktörens möjligheter att minska byggprojektets avfallsmängder

De snabba klimatförändringar som nu sker kopplas av de flesta klimatforskare ihop med ökad halt av växthusgaser i atmosfären, något byggbranschen är starkt bidragande till. Byggbranschen ger också upphov till mycket avfall, år 2020 uppgick bygg- och rivningsavfallet till 14, 2 miljoner ton vilket motsvarar 40 procent av allt genererat avfall i Sverige. Enligt Boverkets miljöindikatorer verkar mängThe rapid climate changes that are now occurring are linked by most climate scientists to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, something the construction industry is a strong contributor to. The construction industry also generates a lot of waste. A simple way to quickly reduce the climate impact from the construction industry can be to reduce the amount of waste. The purpose of

Waiting list and post-transplant outcome in Sweden after national centralization of heart transplant surgery

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have demonstrated an association between transplantation rate per center and postoperative mortality after heart transplantation. In 2011, Sweden centralized heart transplants and waiting lists, reducing the number of centers from 3 to 2. We aimed to assess the active waiting time and pre- and post-transplant mortality before and after centralization.METHODS: Heart tra

The impact of family-genetic risk scores on social functioning in individuals affected with six major psychiatric and substance use disorders in a Swedish National Sample

To examine whether the level of genetic risk in psychiatric disorders impacts the social functioning of affected individuals, we examine the relationship between genetic risk factors for major depression (MD), anxiety disorders (AD), bipolar disorder (BD), non-affective psychosis (NAP), alcohol use disorder (AUD), and drug use disorder (DUD) in disordered individuals and five adverse social outcom

Factors associated with self-rated health in people with late-stage parkinson’s and cognitive impairment

Purpose: To investigate the contributors to self-rated health in people with late-stage Parkinson’s disease (PD) and cognitive impairment. Methods: A secondary analysis of baseline data from the international Care of Late-Stage Parkinsonism (CLaSP) cohort study was conducted. Participants with PD and either dementia or mild cognitive impairment or MMSE < 24/30 in the absence of major depression we

Proof Logging for the Circuit Constraint

Proof logging in constraint programming is an approach to certifying a conclusion reached by a solver. To allow for this, different propagators must be augmented to produce justifications for any inferences they make, so that an independent proof checker can certify correctness. The Circuit constraint is used to enforce a Hamiltonian cycle on a set of vertices, e.g. for vehicle routing. Maintainin

Extended Swedish Adoption Study of Adverse Stress Responses and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

IMPORTANCE Twin studies have found that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors within a generation. No study has used an adoption design, which can address questions about the degree and sources of cross-generational transmission of adverse stress responses (ASRs) and PTSD. OBJECTIVES To examine whether ASRs or PTSD are transmitted from parents

AI-driven Log Analysis for Intrusion Detection

Today’s security systems generate system logs that contain information about important events such as intrusion attempts and hardware failures. However, the large volume of data makes manual analysis impractical. Instead, this thesis proposes a method of using AI for classification. Building on previous research, a transformer model has been integrated with a hyperspherical loss function and a Lar

Control Analysis of Active Dynamic Filtering Systems for Electrical Power Application

This thesis investigates the behaviour of an active dynamic filtering (ADF) system connected to an unknown electrical grid and suggests how to use control theory to reach desired requirements. The ADF system, which is based on a product by Comsys AB, consists of a PI controller and a low pass filter. The main part of this work was focused on developing methods for system identification by finding