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Your search for "*" yielded 528253 hits

Investigating Three Particle Correlations in Pseudo-Rapidity for the Λ0 , Ξ 0 , and Ω− Baryons

The aim of this research is to study three particle correlations in pseudo-rapidity for the $\Lambda^0$,$\Xi^0$, and $\Omega^-$ hyperons with a focus on their baryon and strangeness quantum numbers. The two primary questions asked are, into which particles are these quantum numbers typically conserved, and what are their correlations in momentum space. The research investigates these problems by e

Non-heme high valent iron(IV) tosylimido complexes displaying oxo-like reactivity.

High valent FeIV species serve as important intermediates in many metalloenzymes involved in biological oxidation reactions. For example, in reactions with iron oxo-bleomycin or cytochromes P450, FeIV intermediates are generated as key factors. In addition, they have been implicated as important intermediates during nitrogen fixation and the Haber Bosch process. While FeIV-oxo intermediates are co

Psykologers perspektiv på evidensbaserad psykologisk praktik - En kvalitativ intervjustudie.

Evidensbaserad psykologisk praktik (EBPP) kombinerar forskning, klinisk erfarenhet och patientfaktorer för att främja effektiv psykologisk behandling. Studien undersöker legitimerade psykologers erfarenheter av att arbeta med EBPP inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin (BUP) genom kvalitativa intervjuer. Den belyser psykologernas uppfattningar om EBPP:s tillämpning, dess möjligheter och begränsningar. TEvidence-based practice in psychology (EBPP) combines research, clinical experience, and patient factors to promote effective psychological treatments. The present study examines licensed psychologists' experiences of working with EBPP in child and adolescent psychiatry (BUP) in Sweden through qualitative interviews. It highlights psychologists' perceptions of EBPP's applications, its

Micro-cavity optimization for single ion fluorescence detection

This thesis describes the work done on two open access microcavities that aims at detecting single rare-earth ions for quantum information applications. The initial microcavity faced mechanical instability due to its geometry, which limited robust design possibilities due to the 25 mm diameter space of the helium bath cryostat. A Purcell enhancement of 2.2 was realized for nanoparticles at 2.1 K,

Nurses' health and work experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in Swedish prehospital and hospital care : a deductive content analysis through the lens of the swAge model

Working as a nurse offers job security but also poses risks for mental health issues. This study aims to explore factors and processes that affected health and work experiences among nurses in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 nurses from high COVID-19 patient load areas (ambulance, emergency departments, ICU, infection wards, and specialized CO

Naphthalene Decomposition on Fe(110)─Adsorption, Dehydrogenation, Surface Carbon Formation and the Influence of Coadsorbed Oxygen

Tar is an undesirable byproduct of biomass gasification, which can be removed through catalytic reforming to syngas components. Iron is a promising, abundant alternative to highly active but toxic nickel catalysts. The results observed so far in catalytic studies with iron have been mixed. In this paper, the decomposition of naphthalene, a representative model compound of tar, was studied on the c

Word embeddings on ideology and issues from Swedish parliamentarians’ motions : a comparative approach

Quantitative analysis of large-scale political text data in the form of word embeddings has great potential for systematising differences between political parties. We examine the differences between embeddings obtained from speakers from the two competitors for the PM position in Sweden (Social Democrats and Moderates) over a 30-year period. The goal is to compare how off-the-shelf general pre-trQuantitative analysis of large-scale political text data in the form of word embeddings has great potential for systematising differences between political parties. We examine the differences between embeddings obtained from speakers from the two competitors for the PM position in Sweden (Social Democrats and Moderates) over a 30-year period. The goal is to compare how off-the-shelf general pre-tr

An X-ray BPM and accompanying electronics

Recent experiments at the Brazilian Synchrotron Ligth Source (LNLS) Ultra Violet and X-Ray beamlines are pushing on the Synchrotron Radiation (SR) beam position stability requirements. In the direction of having photon Beam Position Monitor integrated to the orbit closed loop control system, we developed a staggered blades XR BPM and a four-channel current measurement electronics. The BPM mechanic

Design, construction and commissionig of a NEG coated wiggler vacuum chamber for the LNLS storage ring

We present the design of the vacuum chamber for the LNLS 2T Hybrid Wiggler. The chamber is a 3m long, 1.2mm thick 316L SS tube, which was mechanically pressed into an elliptical shape from an originally round tube. In order to provide the necessary mechanical tolerances, the rather flexible tube is welded to lateral supports that run the complete length of the chamber. Special care has been given

Effekterna av lönetransparensdirektivet på HR:s operativa arbete - En arbetsrättslig analys av arbetsgivarens skyldigheter vid implementeringen av lönetransparensdirektivet med fokus på rekrytering, lönesättning, lönerevision och samverkan med fackliga organisationer

The wage disparity between women and men stems from the historically unequal valuation of their work. This systemic undervaluation of women's contributions to the labor market has persisted over time, highlighting the ongoing need for regulatory measures to address these inequities and promote greater fairness in pay practices. This study seeks to explore the anticipated impacts of EU Directi

Design, development, construction and installation of a ceramic chamber for a pulsed kicker at LNLS storage ring

Following the upgrade of the LNLS injector system with the addition of a 500 MeV booster synchrotron, the storage ring in vacuum ferrite injection kicker magnets started to show overheating due the interaction with high frequency electromagnetic fields induced by the electron beam in large currents. In this paper, we describe the design of a new ceramic chamber for the kickers, which minimize this

Design of button beam position monitor for the Brazilian Synchrotron light source

We present the electrical and mechanical design of a button beam position monitor (BPM) recently developed and installed in the UVX electron storage ring at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS). The first characterization results will also be presented. This development started when we observed strong correlation between false stripline BPM readings and the external temperature of thi

Creating nature-based play settings for children through looking, listening, learning and modifying in a Swedish landscape laboratory

Children's outdoor play and access to nature are important for their health and development of environmental agency but there is a global decline of green spaces available to them. The aim is to explore the possibilities of creating nature-based outdoor settings for play and learning which benefit children as well as the wildlife and wider ecosystems. A fieldwork on developing nature based play se

Income inequality in Mexico, 1895-1940: industrialisation, revolution, institutions

This paper, building on new archival research and the social table method, presents comprehensive estimates of income inequality in Mexico in 1895, 1910, 1930 and 1940. Inequality grew from 1895 to 1910, driven by economic expansion within the context of an oligarchic economy. While real income increased for the lower classes during this period, the main beneficiaries were large landowners and ent

Effects of very early hyperoxemia on neurologic outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest : A secondary analysis of the TTM-2 trial

Purpose: Hyperoxemia is common in patients resuscitated after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and may increase the risk of mortality. However, the effect of hyperoxemia on functional outcome, specifically related to the timing of exposure to hyperoxemia, remains unclear. Methods: The secondary analysis of the Target Temperature Management 2 (TTM-2) r

Plasma Alkylresorcinols is an objective biomarker for gluten intake in young children

BackgroundAlkylresorcinols are a well-established biomarker for whole grain intake. There is evidence suggesting that total plasma alkylresorcinol concentration may also be used as a biomarker for gluten intake in adults.ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to evaluate if total alkylresorcinol concentration is a valid biomarker for gluten intake in young children.MethodsNon-fasting plasma alkylresorc