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Charged Polymers at Spherical Surfaces
Two separate topics in the area of colloidal chemistry have been investigated by the use of molecular modeling: the structural properties of polyion?macroion complexes and of diblock polyampholyte brushes. The main results were obtained by the use of Monte Carlo simulation in the framework of the primitive model, and in the case of polyampholyte brushes the simulation results were also complemente
Utnyttjande av solenergi i energieffektiva byggnader. Stöd under projekteringsprocessen.
Muslim Organizations in Bashar's Syria : The Transformation of the Shaykh Ahmad Kuftaro Foundation
Skånes mossor.
Epidemiology and clinical manifestations of Lyme borreliosis.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det har nu gått 20 år sedan ett utbrott av ledinflammation (arthrit), i Connecticut, USA, satte forskarna på spåret till den sjukdomsbild som vi idag kallar fästingöverförd borreliainfektion och det är snart 15 år sedan man lyckades isolera bakterien som orsakar sjukdomen, Borrelia burgdorferi. Symptomen på sjukdomen har visserligen varit kända sedan sekelskiftet men heEpidemiological and clinical characteristics of Lyme borreliosis (LB) in Sweden are described through a one year surveillance-study. The findings differed only marginally when compared to studies from the United States indicating similar clinical presentation of the disease. Incidence was 69/100.000/year with large variation between counties (26-160/100.000/year) and concentration of the disease t
Ekonomisk utveckling och entreprenörskap
Housing accessibility - covariance between objective and subjective assessments
Systemic combinatory use of Brainstorming, Mind-Maps and Rich Pictures for analysis of complex problem spaces
For years tools and techniques such as Brainstorming, Mind-Maps and Rich Pictures have been used in both academic and professional practices to assist people with making sense of complex problem spaces. These tools have their supporters and in many cases their uses can be argued to be interchangeable. Seldom however have they been systematically applied in combination in theory or practice. Even t
A Model for Estimating Particle Concentration Indoors – Based on Information from Occupants’ Questionnaires, Indoor Sources Emission Factors, Outdoor Concentration and Building Characteristics.
Diplomacy: Three Volume Set
This three-volume set includes seminal journal articles and book excerpts dealing with various aspects of diplomacy. Volume I deals with the theory of diplomacy, Volume II with the history of diplomacy, and Volume III with problems and issues in contemporary diplomacy.
Calculation of dynamic heat and vapour resistance
Detachment and Relatedness - The Tension of a Twofold Pedagogy in Confirmation Work in the Church of Sweden
Two approaches to moral education are discussed in the article: one aiming at detachment in terms of personal autonomy, one aiming at relatedness in terms of a conscious socialisation into a shared morality of a community. The philosophical features of the two approaches are related to their respective pedagogical implications in a study of the pedagogical guidelines for confirmation work in the c
Areas of Iranian Women’s Voice and Influence
Besöksguide till Naturen i Linnébygden
Verhalten auf dem "Visual Cliff"
This paper was prepared for a discussion of the concept of the schema, which is the fundamental pre-requisite for the presentation of experimental observations in natural language. On the basis of the schematism in language, the agent (knower) has been identified as the integrative component, which gives it the steering function in the behaviour on the visual cliff and the schematising processes a
Practicing ethnicity in a hierarchical culture
No title
This article is about the production of forms like je parlE by Swedish adult learners of French. It will consider the contribution of the Missing Surface Inflection Hypothesis regarding the use of default forms. Based on an analysis of the frequency of surface forms in the input, this study will further show that the variation found in learners’ interlanguage shows some systematicity.
A model library for dynamic simulation of liquid food process lines
Ongoing work in developing a general structure and a comprehensive components library aiming at modelling liquid-food process lines is presented. The dynamic component models were developed in an object-oriented library structure based on the dynamic modelling language Modelica using the object-oriented graphical tool Dymola. The models were based on fundamental conservation laws and can simulate
Structure-Activity Relationships in the Oxidation of Alkylaromatics over Metal Oxides
In order to accomplish oxidation of alkylaromatic compounds, both cations, which serve as adsorption centers, and oxygen species of suitable bond strength are needed. When compared to partial oxidation, relatively weakly bonded oxygen species are involved in combustion. On the basis of these criteria, using a simple model of the active ensemble, a relationship between reaction rate and bond streng