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Hållbarhetsredovisning av aktuella samhällsfenomen - En analys av #MeToo-rörelsens avtryck i svenska och brittiska hållbarhetsredovisningar

Syfte: Uppsatsen syfte är uppdelat i två nivåer. Det grundläggande syftet är att studera om metoo-rörelsen har satt spår i svensk och brittisk hållbarhetsredovisning. Uppsatsens mer övergripande syfte är att, med hjälp av teori om nationell kultur och institutionell teori, undersöka vilken relation uppmärksammade samhällsfenomen har till redovisningspraktik. Metod: Uppsatsen tillvägagångssätt innePurpose: Fundamentally the purpose is to study if the metoo-movement has affected sustainability accounting in Sweden and in the UK. Using national culture and institutional theories, the more general purpose of examining the relationship between social phenomenon and accounting is carried out. Methodology: The approach consists of three stages. Firstly, a quantitative content analysis of the dat

Daylighting and sunlighting in street canyons. A quantitative research on the visual perception and in-situ daylight measurements of four urban canyons in Copenhagen.

“Light creates ambience and the feel of a place, as well as the expression of a structure.” Le Corbusier With the current urban pressure and large waves of immigration, cities are facing an increase in population and therefore urban densification. This increase in building quantities affects daylight reaching the public space. City densification is easily readable in large metropolitan areas, wh

A Swedish Presence ”A case study of Swedish companies in Japan”

As one of the largest economies in the world, Japan obtains great potential for foreign investors. Nonetheless, the Japanese market has been known to be difficult to penetrate for foreign companies. Research areas of adjustment regarding Swedish companies’ market presence in Japan were identified as; forming the organisation characteristics, culture and leadership approach, acquiring skills, manag

Redistribution of leftover food from municipal canteens in Sweden to avoid food waste - Environmental, social and economic effects

I december 2015 skrev den svenska regering under FN:s Agenda 2030 bestående av 17 hållbarhetsmål med tillhörande 169 delmål. Mål 12, delmål 3 lyder: “Till 2030, halvera det globala matsvinnet per person i butik- och konsumentledet, och minska matsvinnet längs hela livsmedelskedjan, även förlusterna efter skörd.” Att fullt ätbar mat slängs belyser alla tre aspekter av begreppet hållbarhet på ett efIn 2015 the Swedish government signed the UN Agenda 2030 comprising of 17 Sustainable Development Goals and a total of 169 sub targets. Goal 12 target 3 reads as follows: “By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses.” Wasting eatable food effectively highlights all three param

Analyser av eDNA i småvatten inom biogeografisk uppföljning – detekterbarhet och tidpunkt för provtagning

Att biodiversiteten minskar både regionalt och lokalt är en av vår tids största utmaningar. För att kunna bedriva ett framgångsrikt bevarandearbete i Europa genomförs så kallad biogeografisk uppföljning vars syfte är att övervaka och kartlägga utpekade arters utbredningsområde och populationsstorlek. För detta ändamål är det viktigt med pålitliga standardiserade metoder som är kostnadseffektiva me

The political ecology of alternative agriculture: Ontological difference and conflict in the struggle over sustainability in Scania and on Zealand

The aim in this thesis is to explore how power dynamics are involved as one way of knowing the environment is held to be more rational than the other. This is being put in the case of the development of alternative agriculture in Sweden and Denmark, where organic agriculture has managed to gain greater attention in recent years whilst biodynamic farming has been less successful. Furthermore, this

Increasing Sound Quality using Digital Signal Processing in a Surveillance System

Hearing is our second most important sense. The main focus of a surveillance camera is obviously the video but the audio shouldn't be neglected. It is possible to hear what the camera can't see and what is said in a conversation can't be showed in a video. Therefore there are good reasons to always try and achieve the best audio possible. This is not an easy task since cameras are oper

Naken hud och cirkushästar. En redogörelse för hur olika verkligheter på en plats skapar kulturkrockar.

Enligt ett flertal forskare uppstår det en konflikt då västerländska turister besöker muslimska destinationer. När individer med olika sedvänjor, värderingar och världsbilder möts kan det uppstå en konflikt i och med att individer önskar använda platsen på olika sätt. En del destinationer har valt att, med hjälp av en fysisk uppdelning och/eller en “double-standard policy”, upprätta gränsdragningaAccording to a large amount of researchers, conflict arises as western tourists visit Muslim destinations. When differentiating customs, values and worldviews meet, a conflict can arise in relation to the utilisation of the physical area in which the two cultures interact. With the help of physical separation and double standard policies, some destinations have chosen demarcation as a tool to upho

#Hashtag: the implication of it as a marketing tool on brand awareness in Twitter: A Study on the Sportswear Industry

Title: #Hashtag: the implication of it as a marketing tool on brand awareness in Twitter: A Study on the Sportswear Industry Date of the Seminar: 31 May 2016 Course: BUSN 39 Degree project in Global Marketing, Master Thesis Authors: Bochen Zhang, Farhan Rashid Ahmed Ansari, Sky Preedanon Supervisor: Veronika Tarnovskaya Thesis purpose: The Purpose of this thesis is to explore how companies c

Analys av brandspridning inom probabilistiska säkerhetsanalyser använda i kärnkraftsindustrin

The work presented in this report was based upon two different stages, with the aim of coming up with an improved screening process concerning fire spread within PSA at Ringhals Nuclear Power Plant in Sweden. The first phase consisted of creating a methodology for the screening process, which was based on various screening data, such as CDF, fire loads and openings between compartments. Each sprea

Measuring Environmentalism - A critique of the EPI and why Gender Equality matters for environmental policy.

I denna avhandling har jag kritiserat EPI (Environmental Performance Index) och det sätt ett lands hållbarhetspolicy tenderar att mätas. Jag har granskat tidigare bortsedda aspekter av nationernas miljöpolicy och försökt föra dem fram i hopp om att dessa kommer att användas för framtida miljömätningar. Jag har också tittat på sambandet mellan jämställdhet och statlig miljö och försökt hitta empiriIn this thesis, I have criticised the EPI (Environmental Performance Index) and the way state environmentalism tends to be measured. I have scrutinised overlooked aspects of nations environmental policy and tried to bring them to the fore in the hope that these will be used for future environmental measurements. I have also looked at the connection between gender equality and state environmentalis

Erfarenheter av att höra röster

Studiens primära syfte var att skapa en vidare förståelse av rösthörare och deras erfarenheter genom att med en kvalitativ metod närma sig deras position, beskriva hur den uttrycks i rösthörarnas eget berättande. Det sekundära syftet var att förstå rösthörarnas erfarenheter utifrån ett maktperspektiv. Den kvalitativa metoden bestod av intervjuer med nio rösthörare. Resultatet angav att rösthörandeThe primary purpose of this study was to broaden the understanding of voice hearers and their experience by using a qualitative method to approach their position to describe how it is expressed through the voice hearers own narrative. The secondary purpose was to understand the voice hearers experience from a position of power. The qualitative method was based on semi-structured interviews with ni

”Hur mycket julafton ska de behöva fira för vi ska tycka att de är välintegrerade?” Personal på boenden för ensamkommande barn beskriver integration och kultur.

The aim of this study was to examine how professionals working in residential care units for unaccompanied children, construct and understand integration and culture. The study was built on empirics which was the result of five semi-structured interviews held with professionals working in this field. The interviews included both professionals working in the public sector and professionals working

Nyproducerade bostäders samband med prisutvecklingen på den befintliga marknaden

Under de senaste åren har man sett en kraftig ökning av bostadsbyggandet, vilket kan innebära en stor prisrisk på den svenska bostadsmarknaden. Vid studerande av tillskottet av bostäder och prisnivån i olika kommuner ser utvecklingen dock olika ut. Kommunerna följer inte samma mönster. I detta arbete studeras sambandet mellan nyproduktion av bostäder och prisutvecklingen, samt utreds hur nyproduktIn recent years, there has been an increase in new housing, which may imply a large price risk in the Swedish housing market. When investigating the new housing and price levels in different municipalities, the developments are different. The municipalities do not follow the same pattern. In this thesis, the relation between new housing and development in price is studied, as well as how new housi

Education as an Empowerment Tool for Afghan Women

This thesis explored how highly educated women in Afghanistan relate to the multiple challenges affronting women’s education, and what they see as possible pathways forward. It raised questions about the women's lived experiences, their motivations and positionings, as well as their readings of the situation and perspectives on the cause. The study is based on ten in-depth interviews with wome

Det danska ögat - En studie i blick och binära motsatser i fyra porträtt av Vilhelm Hammershøi

The Danish Eye - A study in The Gaze & binary oppositions in four artworks by Vilhelm Hammershøi The following thesis will investigate four paintings by the Danish artist Vilhelm Hammershøi, with a study of portraits from 1890 to 1911. The paintings include two self portraits and two portraits of the artist’s partner, Ida. The method of investigation will be structured around Gillian Rose’s

Multiclass Cross-selling Model for Savings and Investments Using Gradient Boosting

Danske Bank has for several years modeled customer purchase behavior on category level (e.g. savings or investments). This thesis is a first attempt at predicting (first time) customer purchase behavior on product level. Five products within two categories were chosen and modelling was done with python using gradient boosters (mainly XGBoost, but also Light GBM). Results indicated that predicting