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C4b-binding protein: Identification of binding sites and a possible function of the interaction with protein S

Popular Abstract in Swedish Komplementsystemet är ett system bestående av cirka 35 proteiner i blodet och på cellytor, som ingår i kroppens medfödda immunförsvar. Det är ett mycket viktigt men också explosivt system, potentiellt skadligt för kroppens egna celler, som kräver strikt reglering. Denna avhandlings huvudaktör, C4b-bindande protein (C4BP), nedreglerar komplementsystemet. C4BP har en ovanThe subject of this thesis is plasma protein C4b-binding protein (C4BP). C4BP is an important regulator of the classical pathway of the complement system, a cascade-like system comprised of over 35 proteins, which partakes in the defence against micro-organisms and is involved of clearance of immune-complexes and apoptotic cells. C4BP contains two different types of subunits, seven identical alfa-

PIV and CFD measurements of internal velocity in a forming drop in a liquid-liquid system

A PIV method has been used to determine the internal motion in an oil drop during formation and to validate a numerical simulation of the drop formation process. The PIV system included a microscope attached to the camera, which gave a focal depth of 50 µm and a possibility to measure the velocity in the centre cross section of the drop. Oil was forced through a capillary with a diameter of 200 µm

Dynamics in Protein Synthesis, Structural Studies of Translation Factors

Protein biosynthesis is performed on ribosomes. The ribosome is a complex of ribosomal RNA and proteins forming two subunits. A messenger RNA strand is decoded on the small subunit by charged aminoacyl transfer RNA (aa-tRNA) molecules and each tRNA molecule delivers its amino acid to the growing polypeptide chain on the large subunit. RNA performs the central reactions and ribosomal proteins and f

How ideas are created and transmitted through the organisation field; Quality assurance in Swedish health care

We note that today ideas and models regarding both how to perform activities and how to pre¬sent oneself are generously offered to all organisations. Thus ideas concerning organisational models, management principles and quality assurance travel between countries, fields and organisations (Czarniawska and Sevòn, 1996). Organisations in the public sector, faced with the demand for higher productivi

A general architecture for autonomous agents

Being autonomous (or being an agent) does not describe an effective process and even if we succeeded in characterizing the conditions for being autonomous it would be of no use. Instead, it is the conditions of acting autonomously that should be of concern and the interest should be directed towards systems in which we can find, and possibly define, such acting processes. It turns out that anticip

Med fingret på avtryckaren: En essä om fotografi och antropologi

Fotografiets möjligheter till seende och deltagande är denna boks tema. Den vänder sig till fotoentusiaster och samhällsvetare och placerar sig såväl framför som bakom kameran. Bildmässigt gör den ett nedslag i Vilda västern med färgstarka personligheter som Billy the Kid, Buffalo Bill och Sitting Bull. Den behandlar skärningspunkterna mellan fakta och fiktion, dokumentation och konst, avbildning

Providing flexibility in a convolutional encoder

In future radio systems, flexible coding and decoding architectures will be required. In case of the latter, implementing architectural flexibility with regard to low power issues is a challenging task. The flexible encoding platform in this paper is a first step toward this envisioned decoder. It generates a wide class of codes, starting with convolutional codes. As an extension to this, turbo co

Stora döden. Den värsta katastrof som drabbat Europa

Boken handlar om digerdöden 1347-52 och dess kulturella följdverkningar, främst i Europa (men även i Främre Orienten). Steg för steg skildras epidemins härjningar i hela den kända världen, men dessutom skildras dåtidens orsaksförklaringar, medicinska experiment, religiösa rörelser, judepogromer, agrarkriser, med mera, vilka alla på ett eller annat sätt kan länkas till digerdöden. Boken belönades

Branch Identification in Elastic Stability Analysis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar metoder för att kunna beräkna den last en struktur kan bära. En struktur kan i detta sammanhang vara allt från en bro till en mjölkkartong. För att kunna göra en korrekt bedömning av den lastbärande förmågan måste hänsyn tas till olinjära effekter som härrör från stora deformationer. Sådana olinjära effekter kan orsaka instabilt beteende hos en stIn this thesis, methods to determine the static postbuckling behaviour of elastic structures undergoing large deformations, are considered and developed. Since the governing non-linear equations usually becomes too complex to be handled analytically, the main focus has been on developing methods that can be incorporated into a numerical solution scheme, such as the finite element method. First me