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Insulinogenic Effects of Milk- and Other Dietary Proteins, Mechanisms and metabolic implications

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förekomsten av sjukdomar inom det sk metabola syndromet (typ 2 diabetes, insulinresistans, övervikt, högt blodtryck och hjärt-kärlsjukdomar) ökar kraftigt i västvärlden. En viktig faktor för utvecklandet av detta syndrom är en försämrad insulinkänslighet. När kroppen utsätts för kontinuerligt höga insulinnivåer försämras känsligheten för detta hormon vilket resulterar iThe metabolic syndrome (type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, dyslipidaemia, and hyperinsulinaemia), is increasing in prevalence world-wide. The progression of this syndrome proceeds through a step-wise deterioration of metabolic events where deterioration of insulin sensitivity appears to have a key role in a ?vicious circle? of hyperinsulinaemia/hypergly

Diatoms in peat : dominant producers in a changing environment?

Changes in hydrology and temperature can induce rapid changes in boreal wetland ecosystems. Factors such as hydrosere, permafrost, climate and human interference may disturb the prevailing mire vegetation, whereby a new dominant assemblage can develop. At the transition from one vegetation type to another, the old vegetation may be suppressed, die out or start to decay, and some time may pass unti

The generalized bimodal traffic stream model and two regime flow theory

A new generalized bimodal traffic stream model deriving theoretically (i.e., via some underlying model of driver behavior) from (local) equilibrium solutions of a kinetic equation of vehicular traffic is presented and shown to have the correct flow behavior at jam density. This bimodal traffic stream model depends not only on parameters such as the desired speed w, the headway σ(0) at jam density

Altering the Point of You : Perspectives on Intersubjectivity and Metacognition

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka olika aspekter på intersubjektivitet, metakognitiv utveckling och mellanmänsklig förståelse. Mer precist var syftet att undersöka hur några specifika teorier – mentaliseringsteorin, teorin om primär intersubjektivitet, samt interaktionsteorin – beskriver vilken roll intersubjektivitet har att spela i denna utveckling. De förThe aim of the thesis was to examine different aspects of the role of intersubjectivity in metacognitive development and in social understanding. More specifically, it investigates how different theoretical frameworks, such as mentalization theory, the theory of primary intersubjectivity, and interaction theory describe the developmental role of intersubjectivity. The suggestions these theories ma

Hand Veins Feature Extraction using DT-CNNs

As the identification process is based on the unique patterns of the users, biometrics technologies are expected to provide highly secure authentication systems. The existing systems using fingerprints or retina patterns are, however, very vulnerable. One’s fingerprints are accessible as soon as the person touches a surface, while a high resolution camera easily captures the retina pattern. Thus,

Gear Tooth Surface Roughness of Helical Gears Manufactured by a Form Milling Cutter

Manufacturing involute gears using form grinding or form milling wheels are beneficial to hobs in some special cases, such as small scale production and, the obvious, manufacture of internal gears. To manufacture involute gears correctly the form wheel must be purpose designed, and in this paper the geometry of the form wheel is determined through inverse calculation. A mathematical model is prese

Pro- and anticoagulant mechanisms in coronary artery disease. Clinical studies on factor VII and resistance to activated protein C

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärtinfarkt och kärlkramp orsakas av förändringar i hjärtats kranskärl pga åderförkalkninng (ateroskleros). Fettinlagring i kärlväggen leder dels till förträngning och dels till bildning av ömtåliga plack som plötsligt kan spricka. Denna kärlväggsskada försöker kroppen reparera genom aktivering av blodets levringssystem (koagulation). Det är i denna situation inte heltThe triggering mechanism in myocardial infarction (MI) and unstable angina involves coronary thrombus formation following plaque rupture. Coagulation is initiated by tissue factor that activates factor VII (FVII), and is inhibited by protein C and its co-factor protein S. Resistance to activated protein C (APC resistance) is a common risk factor for venous thrombosis caused by a mutation in the ge

Users’ knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding electronic resources and information literacy: a pilot study at Makerere University.

This paper presents a pilot study of an on-going doctoral study, addressing the knowledge, attitudes and practices of e-resources users. The study was a cross-sectional survey of graduate students, researchers, academic staff, heads of departments and college librarians at the Makerere University School of Public Health. The purpose was to test data collection methods and gain pre-understanding of