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Early resources lead to persistent benefits for bumble bee colony dynamics
Conditions experienced early in development can affect the future performance of individuals and populations. Demographic theories predict persistent population impacts of past resources, but few studies have experimentally tested such carry-over effects across generations or cohorts. We used bumble bees to test whether resource timing had persistent effects on within-colony dynamics over sequenti
Toward Rejuvenated Inspiration with the Unbearable Lightness of Anthropology
How might the connections between anthropology and international law become more dynamic? I reflect upon this question in this essay using ethnographic insights from the documentary cycles of the UN Human Rights Committee, the treaty body monitoring state compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Building on recent anthropological scholarship on international organi
Bone Phenotyping Approaches in Human, Mice and Zebrafish – Expert Overview of the EU Cost Action GEMSTONE (“GEnomics of MusculoSkeletal traits TranslatiOnal NEtwork”)
A synoptic overview of scientific methods applied in bone and associated research fields across species has yet to be published. Experts from the EU Cost Action GEMSTONE (“GEnomics of MusculoSkeletal Traits translational Network”) Working Group 2 present an overview of the routine techniques as well as clinical and research approaches employed to characterize bone phenotypes in humans and selected
KOM MED - kommunicera med teknik : Metoder och övningar
Metod- och övningsbok om Alternativ och Kompletterande Kommunikation (AKK), med fokus på kommunikationshjälpmedel, praktiska metoder och förhållningssätt. Boken ingår i ett kursmaterial i tre delar, för utbildning av personliga assistenter och andra som arbetar och lever nära ungdomar och vuxna med omfattande kommunikationssvårigheter på grund av funktionsnedsättning.
PM 7/21: Resilience of biodiversity to plant protection product use – the modifying influence of landscape and interventions
A constructivist approach to the spatial organization of transformative innovation policy
Recent attempts to conceptualize the multi-level governance of transformative innovation policy make strong arguments in favour of pursuing societal challenges at the subnational scale. This article suggests, that these recent efforts risk falling into a scalar trap, because they rely on a theoretical assumption about the policy effectiveness of the subnational scale. In response, the paper propos
Mouse and human HSPC immobilization in liquid culture by CD43- or CD44-antibody coating
Keeping track of individual cell identifications is imperative to the study of dynamic single-cell behavior over time. Highly motile hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) migrate quickly and do not adhere, and thus must be imaged very frequently to keep cell identifications. Even worse, they are also flushed away during medium exchange. To overcome these limitations, we tested antibody c
Confluences of Street Culture and Jihadism : The spatial, bodily, and narrative dimensions of radicalization
Research on the new crime-terror nexus has focused on examining the confluences of criminal and jihadist milieus. This article contributes to this research, using insights from criminological theory and analyzing data from interviews with Muslim men who have been exposed to jihadism and have a background in street life and crime. We propose that the connection between street crime and jihadism can
Three-Dimensional Coherent Bragg Imaging of Rotating Nanoparticles
Bragg coherent diffraction imaging is a powerful strain imaging tool, often limited by beam-induced sample instability for small particles and high power densities. Here, we devise and validate an adapted diffraction volume assembly algorithm, capable of recovering three-dimensional datasets from particles undergoing uncontrolled and unknown rotations. We apply the method to gold nanoparticles whi
Integrative studies of brain pericytes and their involvement in glioma and COVID-19
Joseph Heath: Philosophical Foundations of Climate Change Policy : New York: Oxford University Press, 2021. Hardback (ISBN 978-0-197- 56798-2) $65.12. Viii + 339 pp
Distal lung microenvironment triggers release of mediators recognized as potential systemic biomarkers for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive fibrotic lung disease with an unmet need of biomarkers that can aid in the diagnostic and prognostic assessment of the disease and response to treatment. In this two-part explorative proteomic study, we demonstrate how proteins associated with tissue remodeling, inflammation and chemotaxis such as MMP7, CXCL13 and CCL19 are released in response
Den tidiga Jesusrörelsen : En introduktion
Utombibliska källor : En översikt
Osteoinductivity of engineered cartilaginous templates devitalized by inducible apoptosis.
The role of cell-free extracellular matrix (ECM) in triggering tissue and organ regeneration has gained increased recognition, yet current approaches are predominantly based on the use of ECM from fully developed native tissues at nonhomologous sites. We describe a strategy to generate customized ECM, designed to activate endogenous regenerative programs by recapitulating tissue-specific developme
Engineering of a functional bone organ through endochondral ossification
Embryonic development, lengthening, and repair of most bones proceed by endochondral ossification, namely through formation of a cartilage intermediate. It was previously demonstrated that adult human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (hMSCs) can execute an endochondral program and ectopically generate mature bone. Here we hypothesized that hMSCs pushed through endochondral ossifi
Engineering Human Bone Marrow Proxies
Recent advances in engineering complex organs in vitro inspire the development of human bone marrow equivalents to foster scientific discovery and innovative therapeutics. Here, we discuss challenges in generating relevant human bone marrow proxies, potential design principles, and future directions.
Dietary fatty acids, macronutrient substitutions, food sources and incidence of coronary heart disease: Findings from the EPIC-CVD case-cohort study across nine european countries
BACKGROUND: There is controversy about associations between total dietary fatty acids, their classes (saturated fatty acids [SFAs], monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids), and risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Specifically, the relevance of food sources of SFAs to CHD associations is uncertain. METHODS AND RESULTS: We conducted a case-cohort study involving 10 529 incide
Sex biased expression and co-expression networks in development, using the hymenopteran Nasonia vitripennis
Sexual dimorphism requires regulation of gene expression in developing organisms. These developmental differences are caused by differential expression of genes and isoforms. The effect of expressing a gene is also influenced by which other genes are simultaneously expressed (functional interactions). However, few studies have described how these processes change across development. We compare the