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En hjälpande hand? - Moralfilosofiska perspektiv på medverkan till självmord i brottsbalken och dess förarbeten

I svensk rätt är inte medverkan till självmord straffbart annat än i de fall då agerandet kan anses falla inom ordalydelsen för mordparagrafen i BrB. Men varför är inte medverkan till självmord kriminaliserat när samtyckesdödande alltid är det? I denna framställning undersöks gällande rätt avseende gränsdragningen mellan medverkan till självmord och samtyckesdödande. Dessutom undersöks StraffrättsBy Swedish criminal law it is illegal to take someone’s life regardless of consent. However, abetment of suicide is not criminalized apart from cases in which the action or omission can be implicated in the wording of the Penal Code. Why is not abetment of suicide as such criminalised when consensual homicide in all cases is unlawful? The established law regarding the distinction between abetment

Hur ränteavdraget påverkar bostadsmarknaden - En argumentation för ränteavdragets vara eller icke vara

Med de senaste årens skenande bostadspriser har bostadspolitiken återigen börjat få aktualitet i samhällsdebatten. Vissa argumenterar för att det beror på Sveriges generösa skattesubvention som medför en ökad inkomst för privatpersoner varpå de får ett större finansiellt utrymme att köpa en dyrare bostad. Avdrag för räntekostnader är något som särskilt har uppmärksammats under senare tid och idag With the past years of rampant housing prices, housing policy has once again begun to get topicality in the public debate. Some argue that it is due to Sweden’s generous tax subsidy that bring increased income for individuals, whereupon they get a greater financial space to buy a more expensive residence. Mortgage interest deduction is something that recently has been particularly noted, and today

Kopplingsförbehåll ur ett rättsligt och ekonomiskt perspektiv

Bland ekonomer och jurister skiljer sig synen på kopplingsförbehåll och hur förbudet ska tillämpas åt. Fördelar så som produktförbättring och kvalitetsförsäkran ges av somliga större tyngd, medan för andra de konkurrenshämmande effekterna, så som prisdiskriminering och resande av inträdeshinder, är av större betydelse för marknadens välmående. Vilken omfattning förbudet ska ha – och alltså hur detAmong economists and legal scholars, the view on tying and how the prohibition is to be applied, differ. Some give advantages such as product improvement and quality assurance greater weight, while for others the anticompetitive effects, such as price discrimination and entry barriers, are of greater importance to the well-being of the market. The extent to which the prohibition should be – and th

Barnpornografibrott - en studie om barns rättsliga ställning vid barnpornografibrott

Barnpornografibrott innebär att ett barn har utsatts för ett sexuellt övergrepp. Ett övergrepp som dessutom har dokumenterats och kan spridas vidare. I svensk lagstiftning utgör det emellertid inte ett sexualbrott, utan ett brott mot allmän ordning. Till följd av detta har barnet inte en självklar ställning som målsägande, det har istället staten. Om barnet inte har målsägandeställning finns det iWhen a child pornography crime is committed, it means that a child has been subjected to sexual abuse. The abuse has been documented and can be spread. In Swedish law, child pornography crime does not constitute a sex crime; instead, it is a crime against public order. The consequence of this is, that the child is not to be considered the victim in a legal procedure; instead the state has that pos

Vad är problemet med homosexuella föräldrar? - En queerteoretisk analys av samkönad kvinnlig närståendeadoption i SOU 2001:10

Homosexuella par fick möjlighet till juridiskt föräldraskap 2003 som en följd av den statliga utredningen SOU 2001:10 Barn i homosexuella familjer. När ett kvinnligt samkönat par genomgår en insemination inom den svenska offentligt finansierade sjukvården kan föräldraskapet för den kvinna som inte föder barnet fastställas genom dom eller bekräftelse. Om paret genomgår inseminationen i privat regi Homosexual couples in Sweden have had access to legal parenthood since 2003, as a result of SOU 2001:10 Barn i homosexuella relationer (Swedish Government Official Reports series 2001:10 Children in homosexual relationships). When a female same-sex couple undergo insemination at a state-run facility, the parenthood of the woman not carrying the child can be settled through a court judgement or thr

No title

This thesis studies the ways in which the concept of honor is presented in the novels The Time of the Hero (1962) by Mario Vargas Llosa and Chronicle of a Death Foretold (1981) by Gabriel García Márquez. After defining what honor is, an investigation of how this concept is presented in the novels and the role it plays in these two literary works will take place. Also, the portrayal of honor in the

On condition-based maintenance for machine components

The goal of condition-based maintenance (CBM) is to base the decisions whether or not to perform maintenance on information collected from the machine or component of interest. A condition-based maintenance tool should be able to diagnose if the component of interest is in a state of failure but the ultimate goal of a CBM tool is to be able to estimate time until failure, either in terms of remain

Kartläggning av faktorer för upplevd ilska och självskattad aggression hos klienter på två LVM-institutioner

Det huvudsakliga syftet med aktuell studie var att undersöka vilka enskilda faktorer som bidragit mest till upplevd ilska under pågående vårdtid för LVM-klienter på två LVM-institutioner. Samband mellan ilska och aggression samt könsskillnader i fråga om upplevd ilska och självskattade aggressiva karaktärsdrag har även undersökts. Sextio LVM-klienter med jämn könsfördelning undersöktes med ett helThe main purpose of the current study was to examine the individual factors that contributed most to perceived anger during a hospital stay for LVM clients in two LVM institutions. Associations between anger and aggression, and gender differences in perceived anger and self-rated aggressive traits have also been studied. Sixty LVM clients with equal distribution by genders were examined using a st

The Compromise Algorithm in the Swedish PhD Admissions Problem

What mechanism should be designed to allocate PhD applicants to universities in Sweden? We introduce the Swedish PhD admissions problem, and it is influenced by the college admissions problem (Gale and Shapley 1962) and the student placement problem (Balinski and Sönmez 1999). In order to “solve” this problem, we design a novel mechanism, namely the compromise algorithm. We propose three theorems

Vår Fader, Moder eller möjlig(h)en något annat?

The feminist theological perspective reveal and criticize a patriarchal language in the Christian church – all the feminist theologian agrees on this. However, there are different ways of approaching the issue to create an adequate god-language to use in the liturgical prayer and on a daily basis in the Christian faith. One is to have a gender-neutral language and the other is to introduce feminin

We Love Horses - En kritisk diskursanalys av H&Ms marknadskommunikation (idrottssponsring) gentemot unga konsumenter

Through a case study of H&Ms equestrian sponsorship this study aims to investigate the communicative aspects of sports sponsorships targeting a young audience, as well as its impact on the core values of children’s and youth sports in the Swedish society. Furthermore, this study intends to investigate and create further knowledge on how elite athletes are used by commercial businesses in order

Härskartekniker och arbetsengagemang - En enkätundersökning om arbetsplatsmiljö i stads- och kommunhus i Sverige

Undersökningen är gjord med inriktning mot arbetslivs- och organisationspsykologi i syfte att studera förekomst av härskartekniker samt hur andra faktorer, som arbetsengagemang, påverkas. Studien kommer att diskutera hur psykosociala faktorer och fysiska arbetsmiljöer kan främjas, samt ge vetenskapligt underbyggda förslag på hur arbetsgivare kan arbeta för att förhindra att härskartekniker förekomStudy conducted with a focus on industrial and organizational psychology in order to study the presence of master suppression techniques and how other factors, such as work engagement, are affected by it. The study will examine how psychosocial factors and physical work environments can be promoted, as well as provide scientifically substantiated suggestions on how employers can work to prevent ne

Effects of Iron- and Organic-Rich Waters on the Baltic Blue Mussel

Brownification is an increasing problem in the Northern Hemisphere. In the south of Sweden, the Kristianstads commune, its Vattensriket biosphere, and the local farmers and fishermen are particularly affected by the brownification of their main river, the Helge Å. The iron concentration and the concentration of dissolved organic matter have increased by 284% and 118%, respectively, in 40 years. Fu

Teaching Literature in the ESL Classroom. A Qualitative Study on Teachers' views of Literature in an Upper Secondary School Environment in Southern Sweden

This is a qualitative study conducted in Sweden to inform on views and approaches to literature teaching in the ESL classroom of teachers at upper secondary schools. The research questions are: What views may teachers have of the teaching of literature in the ESL classroom in upper secondary school in Sweden? How can the Swedish curriculum for upper secondary school be interpreted and used when it

The impact and optimization of citrate and lactic acid concentration in ProViva orange containing Lactobacillus plantarum 299v

Alla vill vi vara måna om vår kropp och hälsa och ett bra sätt att göra det på kan vara att dricka ett glas ProViva varje dag. ProViva är en fruktdryck med en levande bakteriekultur bestående av Lactobacillus plantarum 299v. Denna mjölksyrabakterie har vetenskaplig dokumenterad effekt, så kallad probiotika, och kan vara till stor nytta för obalanserade magar. Apelsinjuice är en populär vän på frukTo be able to produce an orange flavoured ProViva, a fruit drink containing oatmeal formula with the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum 299v, it is essential to inhibit the co-metabolism of citrate performed by the bacteria. Orange is namely a fruit containing high concentration of citric acid. By the end of shelf-life, the co-metabolism will result in an increase of an unwanted carbonatio

Att klara jobben - En diskursanalys av Socialdemokraternas jobbpolitik

In this essay a discourse analysis, inspired by Michel Foucault, is applied on the Swedish social democratic party’s policies on employment. Specifically, the feasibility conditions of the discourse are examined – that is, why employment is problematized today. The purpose of the essay is to make visible and analyze conceptions within the discourse which are seldom questioned. Policy documents o

"Vi måste göra något åt gatubarnen"

The aim of the study is to evaluate how the Swedish Government has been acting in the case of the Moroccan child migrants. By using international and national conventions and goals in migration politics a framework of normative and descriptive guidelines is created to the evaluation. With the background that the Swedish government has been accused for violating several articles of human rights in

"We" is as true as "them"

This study uses Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory to explore how ethnic identities are constructed by the Swedish Left party. The purpose is to examine if there is a political force that can resist ethnic nationalist mobilizations. A hypothesis is also formulated in the study to test if Left wing parties construct ethnic majority’s ethnic identity in constraining terms and the identity’s of min

Arbitration on whose terms? - A TWAIL analysis of investor-state arbitration through Bilateral Investment Treaties

Denna uppsats studerar skiljeförfarandemekanismen i Convention of the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States (ICSID-konventionen) och hur den används i bilaterala investeringsavtal (BITs). Ämnet analyseras utifrån Third World Approach to International Law (TWAIL), vars synsätt utgår från att det finns en strukturell orättvisa i folkrätten och en dominans av This thesis examines the arbitration mechanism of the Convention of the Settlement of Investment Disputes Between States and Nationals of Other States (the ICSID convention) and how it is used in Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs). This is done from a Third World Approach to International Law (TWAIL) perspective. The main hypothesis of TWAIL is that inequality is embedded in international law, w