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De lär oss vägen till arbete - åtta röster om upplevelsen av att delta i ett integrationsprojekt

Supervisor: Annika Capelán Assessor: Olle Frödin The purpose of this study was to explore the participants' experience of the ongoing integration project “Integration through work” in the south of Sweden. This was done empirically by performing semi-structured, qualitative interviews with eight of the project´s participants from a theoretical perspective based on the concepts of marginalizati

Mellan stigma och respektabilitet. En studie av identitetsformering och hemlöshet

Hur gör hemlösa identitet? Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera identitetsformering och hemlöshet. Detta görs utifrån material som samlats in under ett fältarbete på gatutidningen Alumas Malmökontor. Fältarbetet genomfördes med fenomenologins tanke om ”att vara där” i åtanke. Både deltagande observationer och intervjuer har genomförts. Teoretiskt utgår jag från subjektspositionerna stigma och respe

Working Poor Thai immigrant entrepreneurs in Sweden

Abstract: The study covers several aspects of Thai immigrant entrepreneurs in Sweden. The main focus is to study whether they should be regarded as ‘Working poor’ and why Thai working poor entrepreneurs in Sweden still continue their businesses. Moreover, employing the concept of the necessity and opportunity entrepreneur, the study explores their reasons to become an entrepreneur, and what kind o

China’s increased export influence: An empirical analysis of the impact on Sweden’s and the United States’ industrial production between 1994 and 2008

Title: China’s increased export influence: An empirical analysis of the impact on Sweden’s and the United States’ industrial production between 1994 and 2008. Topic/course: NEKM01 Master thesis Author: Anna Persdotter Supervisor: Fredrik NG Andersson Keywords: Export, Comparative advantage, China, Sweden, the United States, Engle Granger, ECM Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examin

Teori om praktik tur och retur? – En studie om hur Ving arbetar med att internt kommunicera med sina medarbetare.

Abstract Issue: Theories of how to use communication tools and what underlying strategies should be are many, but why do we not know how a successful organization values these tools and how they make these strategies into action? Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to expose how a large, decentralized and successful organization is using internal communications, and how they communicate organiza

Att skapa förutsättningar för legitimitet i en komplex omvärld - i organisationens roll som socialt ansvarstagande aktör

Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to explain how organizations, as an actor of corporate social responsibility, can create conditions for legitimacy in a complex world. Method: To address how organizations can create conditions for legitimacy we accomplish qualitative interviews with Communication managers and CSR managers in five Swedish social responsible organizations. Findings: The

Implementera MultifunC

Author: Una Hauksdóttir Title: Implementera MultifunC Tutor: Olle Frödin MultifunC is a treatment method for teenagers with serious behavior problems. The teenagers are in the ages 14 to 18 years old and are treated in an institution. MultifunC is located in different places in Norway and Sweden. The method is in an implementation process at one of the institutions in Sweden. The aim of my stud

Yes I Can!? En fallstudie om intern marknadsföring på Radisson SAS i Malmö.

I en konkurrensutsatt och ekonomiskt pressad bransch gäller det att ha ett starkt varumärke. I servicebranschen spelar den kundnära personalen en särskilt viktig roll för gästens upplevelse av företaget, och de flesta företag jobbar på något sätt med att försöka få personalen att ”leva varumärket”. Den interna marknadsföringen präglas dock i många fall av en ålderdomlig syn på organisationer och k

Empowerment i närområdet - En kvalitativ studie av Fritids- och Förebyggande verksamhets i Rosengård stadsdel, Malmö

Authors: Carl Lagrelius & Eduardo Ocaña Title: Empowerment in the Community - a qualitative study of Fritids- och Förebyggande Verksamhets work in the community of Rosengård, Malmö. Supervisor: Jan Magnusson The purpose of this study was to examine if the work done by the professional workers of Fritids- och Förebyggande Verksamhet in Rosengård could be considered as a form of empowerment. Fu

Psykoedukation i multimediaformat: en pilotstudie av information till ungdomar om social fobi

Several previous studies have shown that Internet-based CBT can be an effective treatment of social phobia in adults. To what extent this treatment is applicable for adolescents is currently not clear. It is plausible, however, that a multimedia approach is suitable for this audience. Therefore, the main purpose of this study was to design and evaluate a film consisting of educational material abo

Påverkas mammors och pappors omvårdnadsrepresentationer av sitt barn av deras inbördes känslomässiga anknytning?

Denna studie undersökte korrelationen mellan romantisk anknytning och representationer av omvårdnad. Deltagarna var 56 föräldrar vars äldsta barn var mellan 1 och 6 år, och vars parrelation hade varat i minst 2 år. Hälften av deltagarna intervjuades med Caregiving and Attachment Interview (CAI), en semistrukturerad intervju om relationen till sitt äldsta barn. De genomförde även Experiences in CloThis study examined the correlation between romantic attachment and representations of caregiving. The participants were 56 parents whose oldest child was between the age of 1 and 6 years old and whose relationship with their partner had lasted for 2 years or more. Half of the participants were interviewed with Caregiving and Attachment Interview (CAI), a semistructured interview regarding their r

BBIC och Arbetstillfredsställelse "Vi arbetar ju alla efter samma lagar"

Since we came across many negative opinions regarded BBIC as a working model, the question: how this model influences the work satisfaction of the social workers who work with children and youth inquiries, was aroused. Our questions concerned work satisfaction and social workers ideals regarded their work. Our study is a qualitative study of social workers who work with children and youth inquiri

Ledarskap i fokus - en kvantitativ studie om hur äldreomsorgens vårdpersonal ser på ledarens stil, position och kompetens

The purpose of this study was to examine which perceptions the nursing staffs in the elderly care has about leadership styles, the leader's position in the organization and the leader's competence. I chose this subject because there have been major changes in the welfare sector that have affected the organization, leadership and the direct care work. My quantitative study was carried out u

Tvingad till livräddning? – Etiska dilemman och konflikter i arbetet med LVM

The purpose of this essay was to study and analyze which ethical problems civil servants that work with LVM (law of non-voluntary treatment for addicts) experience and their point of view at their work with LVM. Civil servants in this essay, refers to the workers at LVM-homes that treat the addicts and the investigators at social office for grownup addicts. The method used was qualitative intervie

Söta smultronställen och sura gubbar – En studie om varumärkets betydelse för hur ideella organisationer attraherar medlemmar

Föreningar har överlag svårt att rekrytera och engagera nya medlemmar till sin verksamhet. Det är främst i målgruppen unga vuxna, som antalet engagerade är underrepresenterade. Detta är både ett samhällsproblem och ett problem hos många föreningar. Vi är därför nyfikna på hur ideella organisationer arbetar med sitt varumärke för att nå denna målgrupp. Vårt syfte med denna uppsats är att fördjupa k

Corporate Citizenship and HIV/AIDS in the Workplace: What influences the implementation of workplace programmes in Botswana?

The specific aim of the study was to ascertain what may influence the implementation of HIV/AIDS workplace programmes in two global organisations operating in Botswana. A case study approach was applied, focusing on two case companies defining themselves as good corporate citizens and in relation to this are implementing workplace programmes applying the same model and service provider. It was fou

Uppfattning och användning av ordet vanvård samt riskfaktorer som kan leda till att vanvård samt missförhållanden kan uppkomma inom äldreomsorgen

Abstract Author: Jessica Göransson & Sener Tulpar Title: “Apprehension and application of the word neglect, and riskfactors that can lead to words like neglect and incongruity can arise within the geriatric care.” Supervisor: Yoshiko Boregren Matsui The purpose with this study was to begin with to examine how the word neglect was understood and used within the geriatric care and in the dif

"Samtalet är som en dans där patienten för" - Om sjukhuskuratorers beskrivning av sitt arbete samt av sin kunskap och kompetens

The purpose of this study was to examine the work of clinical social workers. More specifically our aim was to perceive the knowledge and competence of clinical social workers using their own description of their work. The main questions that we address in this thesis are: How do the clinical social workers describe their knowledge and competence? What are the opinions of clinical social workers o

Leva med anorexia - En kvalitativ undersökning om hur anorektiker upplever sina liv

Abstract Author: Ellen Andåker Title: Living with anorexia - a qualitative study on how anorexics experience their lives. Supervisor: Anders Giertz The aim of this study was to create an understanding for how it is to live with the disease anorexia nervosa and how the anorexics feel about their living conditions within the areas family, employment, health and social life is affected by the disease