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Microorganisms for Desulfurization of Coal: the Influence of Leaching Compounds on their Growth

An investigation was undertaken to outline how microorganisms suggested for use in coal desulphurization are affected by compounds leached from coal. Three species of the genus Sulfolobus were studied. Sulfolobus acidocaldarius was seen to be affected by compounds leached from coal more negatively than Sulfolobus brierleyi and Sulfolobus solfataricus. It was observed that certain conditions during

The Refined Structure of dUTPase from Escherichia coli

Deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase (dUTPase, E.C. catalyzes the hydrolysis of dUTP to dUMP and pyrophosphate and is involved in nucleotide metabolism and DNA synthesis. A crystal of the recombinant E. coli enzyme, precipitated from polyethylene glycol mixtures in the presence of succinate at pH 4.2, was used to collect synchrotron diffraction data to 1.9 Å resolution, in sp

Streptokinase activates plasminogen bound to human group C and group G streptococci through M-like proteins

An ability to interact with plasminogen or plasmin could provide micro-organisms with a mechanism for invasion. Thus, group A, C and G streptococci secrete streptokinase which binds and activates plasminogen. Some streptococci also express surface structures which bind plasminogen without causing its activation. Plasminogen-binding surface proteins were extracted from one group C and one group G s

Off-axis primary-dose measurements using a mini-phantom

The characterization of the incident photon beam is usually divided into its dependence on collimator setting (head-scatter factor) and off-axis position (primary off-axis ratio). These parameters are normally measured "in air" with a build-up cap thick enough to generate full dose build-up at the depth of dose maximum. In order to prevent any influence from contaminating electrons, it has been re

On Premixed Gas Fuelled Stirling Engine Combustors with Combustion Gas Recirculation

Popular Abstract in Swedish I föreliggande arbete har användandet av recirkulation av förbränningsgaser vid mager förblandad förbränning undersökts och testats i gaseldade Stirlingmotorbrännkammare. Ett förbränningssystem med en flamhållare av flamstoppstyp där man använder en ejektor för att recirkulera förbränningsgaser och för att förblanda bränsle och luft har konstruerats och provats i motortThe main objective in the research described in this thesis was to design and test the use of lean premixed combustion using combustion gas recirculation for gas fuelled Stirling engine combustors. A system using a flame-arrester type of flame-holder to stabilize the flame and an ejector system for the recirculation of combustion gas was designed and tested in the laboratory. The impact of changes

Improved oscillator strengths and wavelengths for Os I and Ir I, and new results on early r-process nucleosynthesis

The radioactive decay of 238U and 232Th has recently been used to determine ages for some of the oldest stars in the Universe. This has highlighted the need for accurate observational constraints on production models for the heaviest r-process elements which might serve as stable references, notably osmium and iridium. In order to provide a firmer basis for the observed abundances, we have perform

Hur dör djur?

When mourning pets, costoms and rituals are in many ways similar to what is used for humans. Whether one likes it or not, the market for pets, dead or alive is an expanding and lucrative one.

Analysis of the interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 polymorphisms in patients with chronic periodontitis. A pilot study

The aim of this study was to analyse whether the interleukin-1 (IL-1) and IL-6 gene polymorphisms were associated with the susceptibility of chronic periodontitis. Genomic DNA was obtained from 20 patients with chronic periodontitis and 31 periodontally healthy subjects. All subjects were of North European heritage. The test subjects were kept in a maintenance program after periodontal treatment b

Alternatives for leakage reduction in a novel claw-pole electrically magnetized synchronous machine

The leakage characteristics of a novel claw-pole electrically magnetized synchronous machine are discussed in this paper. The novelty of the machine is that the magnetizing coils are placed in magnetically conducting end-plates, thus eliminating the need of slip-rings in the rotor. A previous study comparing this machine with a permanent magnet alternative showed a 20% higher leakage in the electr

Lactobacilli express cell surface proteins which mediate binding of immobilized collagen and fibronectin

Binding of immobilized collagen-I (Cn-I) and fibronectin (Fn) by Lactobacillus acidophilus CRL 639 depends on cell-surface proteins. Capsule formation during the stationary growth phase has a negative effect on adherence of Cn-I and Fn. However, cells from the exponential growth phase. which produce no capsule, exhibit maximal binding. Binding is sensitive to trypsin, proteinase K, pronase E, and

Atrial fibrillation and flutter: aeromedical considerations. New strategies for management and intervention

Few cases of atrial fibrillation can be completely excused from the possibility of having some impact of potential importance in the aviation environment. The clinical pattern in paroxysmal disturbance is very wide and possible incapacitating phenomena are mainly haemodynamic. In contrast, chronic atrial fibrillation is mostly well-tolerated with only minimal haemodynamic effect, but there is a ri

Imperiet slås tillbaka?

Globaliseringsrörelsen har observerats allt mer. Men den består inte av en rörelse utan av flera. I samband med rapporteringen från Göteborg och Genua har också den nya boken ”Empire” uppmärksammats. Boken försöker fånga den anda som driver globaliseringsrörelsen framåt och de politiska rörelser som politiserar denna process.