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Missed Connections: Mobility Management and the Swedish Public Transport Administration

Kommuner and the Swedish National Government have been promoting sustainable transport in Sweden. Their actions and plans use the concept of mobility management, as well as infrastructure investments. However the public transport administrations who are responsible for the procurement of public transport in Sweden have had limited visible engagement with this concept. The purpose of this thesis wa

Herrens tjänarinna?

Luke 1:28-38 is read in Church of Sweden every year during “Feast of the Annunciation”. During the sermons focus often lies on Mary as a role model for the people. A role model because Mary chose to accept the mission from God to carry Jesus in her womb. The question the essay answers is; Did Mary have a choice, could she say no to the angel Gabriel when he told her she would get pregnant and carr

Localisation of TRP Channels in Mammalian Skin

Perception of temperature in mammals is critical for their survival, it enables them to perceive the world around them and act with an appropriate physiological or behavioural response. However, the full understanding of the thermosensory system in mammals has thus far been clouded. TRP channels are thermally sensitive and are known to associate with heat sensitive nerve fibers and keratinocytes i

Protection of Individual Minority Rights in the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals

Minorities falling under the Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil, Cultural and Political rights, that is, individuals belonging to national, ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities possess characteristics that form part of their identity and differ from the characteristics possessed by the majority population of the state. Because of these particularities, minorities can be often

The Low Interest Rates: a Legacy of the Financial Crisis or the Result of Something Else?

The 2008 Global Financial Crisis has come and gone. Since then, worldwide interest rates remain at an all-time low, yet economic growth remains sluggish. Theories have been put forward to explain the phenomena, two of which take a secular perspective, detached from the recent crisis. This paper employs an explorative style of examining two historical datasets with the staging point of the real int

“They don’t fit in”: Homeless EU migrants, New Social Risks and the Mixed Economy of Welfare in Sweden

Problem/ background: Since the enlargement of the EU in 2004 and the free mobility directive there has been growing concern of homelessness and destituteness among EU migrants in several European countries, Sweden being one of them. This is an important welfare and policy issue. Previous research on this matter has tended to focus on challenges faced by, as well as strategies adopted by, NGOs and

Hall Measurement on Regrown Nanowires

Ternary semiconductor alloys like $In_xGa_{1-x}As$ have lured competing attention in connection to sub-50 nm high performance, low power, planar Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology. This compound semiconductor owes its popularity to excellent bulk carrier mobility, minority carrier diffusion constant, small bandgap, high electron injection velocity and its capability to take Moore&#

Eslövs idrottsföreningar: Energianvändning, effektiviseringsåtgärder och åsikter

Det fanns två huvudsyften med examensarbetet. Det första huvudsyftet var att kartlägga energianvändningen för varje idrottsförening i Eslövs kommun. Det andra huvudsyftet var att genom fallstudier hitta energieffektiviseringsåtgärder som är typiska för idrottsföreningar, vilket inkluderade att visa på möjlig besparingspotential och lönsamhet i åtgärderna. I examensarbetet har även en studie gjorts

Industrial Maintenance Performance Analysis Routine – IMPART

När man pratar om industriellt underhållsarbete är mänskliga fel ett viktigt ämne att hantera. Olika typer av mänskliga misstag till följd av farliga tillstånd i vissa speciella parametrar, s.k. Performance Shaping Factors (PSFs) introducerar nya och oförutsägbara risker. Detta examensarbete presenterar en metod som, till skillnad från många metoder som finns tillhands idag, är tänkt som en enkel When discussing industrial maintenance, human error is a topic that easily comes to mind. Slips, lapses and mistakes due to hazardous settings of critical conditions referred to as Performing Shaping Factors (PSFs) introduce unforeseen and unanticipated risks. Unlike several tools to date, the methodology presented in this master thesis is thought to serve as an easy and fast way to identify risks

Hur unga kvinnor med depression upplever omgivningens attityder - fyra anekdoter tolkade ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv

How young women with depression experience attitudes from other people - four anecdotes interpreted from a lifeworld perspective The aim of this master thesis was to, through a lifeworld perspective, understand how young women with some form of depression, experience other people’s negative attitudes towards depression. Using a hermeneutic phenomenological method, as described by Max van Manen, f

Finnas kvar och ta över världen : feministiska och queera förlag på den svenska bokmarknaden

This study aims to examine difficulties and possibilities when having a feminist or queer publishing company in Sweden. To reach that goal, I examine six different publishing companies that are or have been active on the Swedish publishing field during the last ten years. The material consists of six interviews with founders of or staff members at Normal förlag, Rosenlarv förlag, X-Publishing, Doc

I drömfabriken. Om hur produktionen av konst vid ett australiensiskt art center påverkas av kommersiella intressen.

Denna masteruppsats i socialantropologi diskuterar och undersöker hur kommersiella intressen påverkar konstproduktionen vid ett art center i centrala Australien. Studien är baserad på etnografiskt fältarbete under slutet av 2014. Inom den västerländska konstteorin finns det en tydlig uppdelning mellan konst producerad med kommersiella intentioner och konst skapad utifrån konstens egen skull. De båThis Masters thesis in social anthropology describe and explore how commercial interests have affected the production of art at an aboriginal art centre in the heart of Australia. The study is based on ethnographic fieldwork during six weeks in the end of 2014. In Western art theory, there is a sharp division between art produced with commercial interests versus a presumable more authentic art der

Becoming a Citizen:The Process of Leaving a Gang in Cape Town, South Africa

This study investigates the process of how eight people left competing informal institutions, in the form of gangs, to join substitutive informal institutions, which is more compatible with a democratic society, and in this way became ‘good citizens’. The research question is as follows: How do ex-gang members explain their change in lifestyle, from past involvement in gangs to the subsequent tran

Identifiering och analys av kristaller som uppstår i mjukost under lagring

Projektet gjordes i samarbete med ett företag som producerar mjukost. Ibland bildas kristaller i uppdragsgivarens mjukost vid lagring, vilket ger en oönskad sandig upplevelse i munnen vid förtäring. Mjukost är baserat på hårdost, smör, smältsalter och vatten, som upphettas under omrörning. Övriga ingredienser kan tillsättas för att uppfylla önskemål på smak och textur. Genom litteraturstudier påvi

Do New Product Announcements Have an Impact on Stock Prices of Consumer Electronic Firms?

This paper examines the stock price impact of new product announcements on the consumer electronic market by conducting event studies. Cumulative average abnormal returns are estimated for event windows of different lengths centered on the new product announcements. Cumulative abnormal idiosyncratic risk is estimated for the same event windows with the intention to research if new product announce

Business Cycles and Mortality Rates - Aggregate Data for the EU-15 Countries 1990-2012

The relationship between business cycles and mortality has been a highly debated subject in the field of economics. The majority of previous studies, using the unemployment rate as the main proxy for macroeconomic conditions, have found ambiguous effects largely depending on how the effect is estimated. This thesis follows the methodology used by Ruhm (2000), but instead applies aggregate data for

Identification and spatial negotiation through a hole, and possible influence of individual size

Flying insects are able to negotiate complex environments such as tropical rainforests as well as less complex environments such as flowering meadows although little is known about how they avoid collisions while doing this. In this study, insect negotiation through holes was investigated using Bumblebees Bombus terrestris and Orchid bees Euglossa imperialis as test animals. This was done by allow

Building Back Greener: Assessing the Potential of Environmental Management Systems in Disaster Reconstruction

Environmental problems commonly occur in the aftermath of natural disasters. If not managed properly, they jeopardise the success of the entire recovery process. The humanitarian sector has realised this threat and is looking for ways to properly mitigate environmental problems while maintaining their necessary flexibility. The conventional industry broadly uses environmental management systems (E

Torn Between Home and Homeland, Present and Future: Identity Formation Among Individuals With Assyrian Background in Sweden

None of us are immune to the ongoing identity-processes. Identity formation is something that we are engaged in every day, both in our consciousness and our subconsciousness, from the society levels down to personal levels. This study examines how individuals with Assyrian background form their identities in Sweden. Questions on ”homeland” and ”home”, and statelessness are asked to contribute to t