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Samarbetet mellan huvudentreprenör och underentreprenörer gällande arbetsmiljö i byggproduktion

Byggsektorn är en bransch som blir mer och mer invecklad och avancerad, det blir fler företag, arbetsuppgifterna ökar och efterfrågan blir allt större. Detta ställer stora krav på huvudentreprenörer runt om i landet att fortsatt hålla hög kvalitet på sitt arbete trots den ökade arbetsbelastningen. När arbetsuppgifterna blir flera och höga krav ställs på kvalitén vill huvudentreprenörer helst köpa

"OM ALLA GÖR DET ÄR DET VÄL OKEJ" En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnors användande av och inställning till nikotinsnus

Under de senaste åren har det skett en ökning av antalet unga kvinnor som använder sig av vitt nikotinsnus i Sverige. Det har gjorts uttalanden kring att detta är ett problem för folkhälsan då unga riskerar att bli beroende av en skadlig produkt. En del av problemet samt de diskussioner som uppdagats kring ämnet har varit bristen på marknadsförings- och försäljningsregler, vilket har gett företag Over recent years, there has been an increase in young women’s use of white nicotine pouches in Sweden. Statements have been made about this being a problem for public health since young people risk addiction to a harmful product. Part of the problem and discussion has been the lack of marketing and sales regulations, which has given companies the full ability to target specific groups. Considerin

När länder blir varumärken och politiker marknadsförare En kvalitativ analys av den svenska regeringens publicering på sociala medier

This study aims to contribute to the research field of public diplomacy and nation branding on social media. The study examines how Swedish government representatives communicated nation branding, reputation management and public diplomacy. The chosen time period was January 12th to February 3rd because two events took place in Sweden that evoked strong reactions from the outside world. The resear

Vad hände med de sociala relationerna under coronapandemin?

Under covid-19-pandemin blev många anställda rekommenderade eller tvingade att arbeta på distans (Fackförbundet ST, 2020; Wang m.fl., 2021). Sammantaget arbetade 30–40 procent av arbetstagarna hela eller delar av sin arbetstid på distans under pandemin (Myndigheten för arbetsmiljökunskap, 2021). Den fysiska arbetsplatsen var inte längre en självklarhet; från en dag till en annan blev i stället dis

Finding ways of optimizing coagulant dosage, for a more sustainable wastewater treatment process

Maskininlärning kan liknas vid en student som läser en väldigt stor kurs med ett väldigt brett innehåll. När tentan börjar närma sig så inser studenten att det är omöjligt att tentaplugga genom att lära sig allt som står i kurslitteraturen. Så istället fokuserar hen på att göra extentor för att lära dig svara på de frågor som brukar komma på tentan. För varje extenta så svarar studenten på frågornThe wastewater treatment process at Oatly consists of several treatment steps of which, two are chemical treatment steps involving coagulation followed by flotation to remove phosphorous and COD. The coagulant dosage is mainly determined based on the operator’s experience and supported using results from jar tests. Jar tests are, however, highly dependent on the wastewater quality parameters maki

Sediment efflux of silicon on the Greenland margin and implications for the marine silicon cycle

The polar region is experiencing one of the most rapid environmental changes driven by atmospheric warming, and feedbacks within the cryosphere. Under such a setting, it is crucial to understand the biogeochemical cycling of the nutrient silicon (Si) in the high latitudes, which is regulating the nutrient supply to polar ecosystems, and is linked to the global carbon cycle via diatom production. H

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Cryogenic Liquid Hydrogen Storage

Liquid hydrogen is an attractive alternative to fossil fuels in the aviation industry, but storing it both before and during flights introduces many challenges pertaining to the cryogenic liquid conditions required. Having reliable models to predict the dynamical behavior inside the storage tank is therefore of great interest. This thesis covers the development of a low-dimensional model for a l

Aeolian sand cover affects the soil hydrothermal state and permafrost degradation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Aeolian sand significantly affects permafrost degradation, but the effect of the aeolian sand on the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau remains unknown. The sand layer thickness is critical to its role. However, little quantitative research has been conducted on the effect of the sand layer thickness on its role. In this study, using CoupModel, we investigated the differences in the impact of

Från hierarki till harmoni: Resan mot självstyrande team

Titel: Från hierarki till harmoni: Resan mot självstyrande team - En kvalitativ studie om organisationskulturens betydelse för förändringar i en multinationell organisation Universitet/program: Lunds universitet, Service Management Kurs: KSMK65, Examensarbete för kandidatexamen Författare: Eleonora Lundquist & Carolina Runesson Handledare: Ulrika Westrup Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är

Nazist och autist - men ingen terrorist? En fallstudie med TRAP-18

This study investigates how the TRAP-18 instrument can be used to identify and prioritize threats from lone actor terrorists by applying the framework on a case of a Swedish man convicted of weapons offenses and crimes against the law on flammable and explosive substances. This case is a contribution to the increasing number of studies using TRAP-18, due to the fact that the individual studied is

Nord Stream: Sabotagen 2022 - En studie om förekomst av reflexiv kontroll på flashback

This PM study the Nord Stream sabotage, where Nord Stream 1 and 2 (NS) were disrupted on May 26, 2022, to investigate if any elements of Russian reflexive control (RC) can be identified. Empirical data from the internet forum flashback’s thread on the NS sabotage has been used in the study.1 The thesis will begin with the historical background and the definition of the term reflexive control in re

Chat Control 2.0 som medel för kriminalunderrättelser - En idéanalys av ett EU-förslag om övervakning

The aim of this paper was to examine Chat Control 2.0, a bill from the European Commission which seeks to combat child pornography on social media in the European Union by implementing a method of surveillance. Through a criminal intelligence standpoint using a theoretical framework consisting of Logic of appropriateness, Lawful illegality and the concept of the ideal victim we sought to understan

Safeguarding Financial Integrity and Privacy in the EU's Internal Market: Balancing Anti-Money Laundering Obligations against Fundamental Rights to Privacy

Uppsatsen undersöker EU:s åtgärder mot penningtvätt och finansiering av terrorism (AML-direktiven) och dess förenlighet med rätten till privatliv och dataskyddsregler. Då långtgående befogenheter att behandla personuppgifter för brottsprevention och upptäckande av penningtvätt traditionellt sätt har tillhört brottsbekämpande verksamhet ställer uppsatsen frågan huruvida AML-direktiven ger befogenheThe thesis explores the EU’s anti-money laundering framework’s compatibility with conditions required under privacy rights. It asks the question whether the anti-money laundering framework confers obligations to private entities and other actors not belonging to law enforcement in a way which risks violation to the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection. The thesis elucidates the signif

Exploration of Alternative Image Representation Using Signed Distance Functions

This project leverages the core concepts of differentiable rendering to find alternative representation of images using geometric primitives rendered with Signed Distance Functions. By utilising gradient-descent-based methods it is possible to find optimal parameters of rendered primitives to create high-quality reconstruction. Moreover, this research serves as a foundation for extending the princ

Träningsmodell för operation av Esofagusatresi

It is estimated that in Sweden, each year, 25 infants are born with the defect known as Esophageal Atresia. As a result the affected has trouble breathing and ingesting food, necessitating surgery within the first few days. Today most surgeries are done through open surgery leaving the infant more vulnerable. Experts are suggesting minimal invasive surgery. However, since this is a complex procedu

Improving the Efficacy of Enuresis Treatment through Early Prediction of Treatment Outcome: A Machine Learning Approach

Bedwetting, also known as enuresis, is the second most common chronic health problem among children and it affects their everyday life negatively. A treatment option for enuresis is an alarm treatment that the patient tries for 6-8 weeks before a decision is made regarding if the treatment should continue. This treatment has been further developed by the company Pjama AB that, in addition to the a

Microfluidic flow splitter shape optimization for high throughput

Due to an increasing incidence rate, the need for new effective methods for diagnosing cancer are of high importance. Studies have shown that circulating tumor cells, CTCs, have great potential as a diagnostic biomarker. Acoustophoresis is a label free method, capable of separating CTCs from red blood cells in a blood sample. In theory, this would enable better CTC detection than the gold standard