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Enhancement of Steady-State Entanglement via Continuous Feedback Control

Quantum entanglement is a crucial component for many applications in quantum technology. In recent years it has therefore become of great interest to develop methods for generating, controlling and storing entanglement. In 2015, it was shown that a two-qubit engine could generate stationary entanglement exploiting the incoherent interactions with its environment. However, the entanglement generate

Living with the sun - An investigation in natural light and multi-sensory design

The aim of this thesis is to explore the relationship between natural light and the built environment, by designing a mountain cabin without the use of any artificial lighting. How is it possible to make a house livable and functional without the use of any light sources besides the sun? The thesis digs into the fundamentals of natural light. Why to use it and how to use it in architecture, with

Bygga Bo Aspö

Utanför Dalarö i Stockholms skärgård ligger ön Aspö. Det är en två kilometer lång remsa av granit, täckt av ljung och tall. I norr höjer den sig 30 meter över havet och sluttar sedan ner i vattnet i söder. Längst i norr, lutande mot berget, ligger min familjs sommarställe där jag spenderat alla min barndoms somrar. På tomten finns idag fem små stugor, de flesta byggda av min mormors man Anders ell

Living with the surrounding conditions - Towards a more sustainable way of dwelling in an urban context

Historically, inhabitants have always altered their domestic spaces to adapt to different environmental conditions and to meet personal needs. Especially in rural dwellings, lowtech but very effective and simple ways of adaptations have been and are still in use. These methods stand more than ever diametral to the way we dwell and use our domestic spaces today. All the building ele- ments are gett

Modifying Fletchervirus with CRISPRi in Campylobacter jejuni and using PCR to create a synthetic genome

Campylobacter jejuni causes around 100 million cases of gastroenteritis each year and are often transmitted to humans through the consumption of contaminated food, especially poultry. One of the natural enemies of C. jejuni is the bacteriophage Fletchervirus. In this master thesis I have been working on developing and evaluating different tools to modify Fletchervirus which could in the future hel

Integrating Place Attachment into Local Government Climate Change Adaptation: Barriers and Implications for Equity

This research examines how consideration of place attachment and community values can inform the development and implementation of fair and equitable climate change adaptation (CCA) practices in the Australian local government context. The research adopts a qualitative approach, using semi-structured interviews with expert interviewees and reflective thematic analysis to answer three research ques

Evaluation of Woof - A Tool For Developing a Prosperous School Class

För att kunna handskas med de stigande stressnivåerna hos skolelever är det viktigt att skapa en välfungerande lärandemiljö. Detta kan till exempel göras med olika verktyg och ett av dem är Woof Technologies ApS platform WOOF som kan användas som ett hjälpmedel för lärare i grundskolan för att mäta och arbeta med elevers trivsel och välmående i en klass. Syftet med detta arbete är att analysera ocIn order to deal with the rising stress levels of pupils, it is important to create a well-functioning learning environment. This can for example be done with various tools, one of them being Woof Technologies ApS platform WOOF which can be used as an aid for teachers in elementary school to measure and work with students' well-being in class. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and eval

The male bias can be attenuated in reading : on the resolution of anaphoric expressions following gender-fair forms

Despite the increased use of different types of gender-fair forms in French, studies investigating their interpretation in context remain few. To fill this gap, we conducted a pre-registered study using a timed sentence evaluation task to examine speakers' possibilities to establish an anaphoric relationship between a gendered anaphoric expression (women or men) and non-stereotyped role nouns as a

Systematic Augmentation in HSV Space for Semantic Segmentation of Prostate Biopsies

In recent years, the combination of the digitization of the field of pathology and increased computational power has led to a big increase in research of computer-aided diagnostics using systems based on artificial intelligence (AI). This includes detection and classification of prostate cancer, where several studies have shown great promise in automated prostate cancer grading using deep learning

Monte Carlo study of disorder in electronic tight-binding models

Studier av material och deras egenskaper har nog aldrig varit mer relevant. Mycket av den teknologin som vi använder idag existerar just på grund av att vi förstår oss på de uppbyggande materialens egenskaper. Det är därför av stort intresse att fortsätta undersöka vad det är som ger material sina egenskaper och hur vi skulle kunna använda oss av det för att utveckla smartare, billigare, och mer eOftentimes solids are described by uniform, periodic lattices. In reality, however, there is often some disorder on some of the sites in the lattice. This disorder may come from, for example, there being a different type of atom or tightly bound electrons resulting in a larger on-site potential, affecting the electronic properties of the lattice. In this thesis the electronic properties of square,

The threat of embodied carbon in the building sector. What is guiding the solution?

Embodied carbon in the building sector is an emerging area for decarbonisation efforts due to its large contribution to carbon emissions and ability to support carbon neutrality targets. This thesis aims to understand the roots of current embodied decarbonisation strategy recommendations, by exploring how embodied carbon reduction strategies are in line with the philosophy of ecomodernism. A thema

Smart water monitoring for better water quality - An affordable and sustainable way to predict unexpected environmental changes of water bodies

This article discusses the challenges associated with maintaining water quality, particularly the issue of eutrophication, and the importance of technology advancements for monitoring and managing water quality. The potential of machine learning is highlighted, along with the importance of affordable and effective water quality monitoring techniques. The study aims to identify factors contributing

The Revival Church

Throughout the years, the church has played an integral role in the community. It has served as a spiritual hub, a political symbol, and a center point for the community. One thing that cannot be denied is that the church has had some sort of power and influence on the community throughout different periods of time. You may even argue if the impact it has had on the community is positive or not. S