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Accelerometer derived physical activity patterns in 27.890 middle-aged adults : The SCAPIS cohort study
The present study aims to describe accelerometer-assessed physical activity (PA) patterns and fulfillment of PA recommendations in a large sample of middle-aged men and women, and to study differences between subgroups of socio-demographic, socio-economic, and lifestyle-related variables. A total of 27 890 (92.5% of total participants, 52% women, aged 50–64 years) middle-aged men and women with at
House dust mite sensitization and exposure affects bronchial epithelial anti-microbial response to viral stimuli in patients with asthma
Introduction: Allergen exposure worsens viral-triggered asthma exacerbations and could predispose the host to secondary bacterial infections. We have previously demonstrated that exposure to house dust mite (HDM) reduced TLR-3-induced IFN-β in human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs) from healthy donors. We hypothesize that HDM sensitization in different ways may be involved in both viral and bact
System Identification of Atrial Activation during Chronic Atrial Fibrillation in Man
To further clarify the mechanisms maintaining chronic atrial fibrillation (CAF). a method for system identification of activation patterns of the atria was developed. Data were obtained as repeated recordings of 8 s duration, each of 56 atrial bipolar electrograms, simultaneously acquired during open-heart surgery at multiple sites in the right atrial free wall in 12 patients with stable sinus rhy
Association of rhinitis with asthma prevalence and severity
Asthma and rhinitis often co-exist in the same patient. Although some authors observed a higher prevalence and/or greater severity of asthma in patients with rhinitis, this view is not homogeneous and the debate continues. The aim of our study is to describe the prevalence of rhinitis in children and adolescents and to analyse their relationship with the prevalence of asthma. A multicentre study w
Sagan om ringarna : Berättelsen om en liten MAX – hur han började gå, växte upp och blev stor.
Synkrotronljuset från Lund : Hur lundafysiker lärde sig använda synkrotronljus på olika sätt.
Incident cases of vision impairment and blindness among adult foreign-born and Swedish-born individuals : A national Swedish study
Purpose: To analyse risk of vision impairment (VI) and blindness in adult foreign-born individuals and Swedish-born individuals. Methods: A nationwide study of individuals 18 years of age and older (N = 6,042,891; 2,902,918 men and 3,139,973 women) in Sweden. VI (in general) and blindness was defined as at least one registered diagnosis in the National Patient Register between January 1, 1998 and
Survey of lead-time challenges in the development and evolution of distributed real-time systems
This paper presents a survey that identifies lead-time consumption in the development and evolution of distributed real-time systems DRTSs. Data has been collected through questionnaires, focused interviews and non-directive interviews with senior designers. Quantitative data has been analyzed using the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP). A trend in the 11 organizations is that there is a statist
Pharmacological OGG1 inhibition decreases murine allergic airway inflammation
Background and aim: Allergic asthma is a complex inflammatory disease involving type 2 innate lymphoid cells, type 2 T helper cells, macrophages, and eosinophils. The disease is characterized by wheezing, dyspnea, coughing, chest tightness and variable airflow limitation for which there is no cure and is symptomatically treated with inhaled corticosteroids and β2-agonists. Molecular mechanisms und
Assembling community energy democracies
Calls for greater 'energy democracy' foresee a greater role for voluntary sector activity - including through community groups' ownership of energy projects - to help produce more open, participatory and just energy systems. This article offers a novel conceptualisation of democracy through viewing community energy projects as assemblages of heterogeneous elements, and traces their enlacement with
Purkinje cell vulnerability induced by diffuse traumatic brain injury is linked to disruption of long-range neuronal circuits
Cerebellar dysfunction is commonly observed following traumatic brain injury (TBI). While direct impact to the cerebellum by TBI is rare, cerebellar pathology may be caused by indirect injury via cortico-cerebellar pathways. To address the hypothesis that degeneration of Purkinje cells (PCs), which constitute the sole output from the cerebellum, is linked to long-range axonal injury and demyelinat
The EU’s role in fighting global imbalances
The EU’s Role in Fighting Global Imbalances looks at the role of the European Union in addressing some of the greatest challenges of our time: poverty, protectionism, climate change, and human trafficking. Contributions from ten leading scholars in the fields of economics, law, and political science provide in-depth analyses of three key dimensions of EU foreign policy, namely: the internal challe
Öppna frågor : en guide till bättre svar
En journalist gör intervjuer i en rad olika sammanhang. Ibland till en snabb nyhetsartikel som ska ut på sajten direkt, andra gånger till ett reportage som ska publiceras eller sändas längre fram i tiden. Under intervjun är det mycket att hålla reda på och det är lätt att tappa tråden. Journalisten ska leda intervjun, tänka på vinkeln, ställa följdfrågor, anteckna eller spela in, och också möta ol
Characteristic Modes : Into the Mainstream and the Path Beyond [Guest Editorial]
REM-Predominant Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is common in adults with coronary artery disease (CAD). OSA that occurs predominantly during rapid-eye movement (REM) sleep has been identified as a specific phenotype (REM-predominant OSA) in sleep clinic cohorts. We aimed to examine the association of REM-predominant OSA with excessive sleepiness, functional outcomes, mood, and quality of life in a CAD cohort, of wh
Introduction : Rigour and relevance in European entrepreneurship research
This introduction provides an overview and commentary on the main chapters in the book. The book presents contemporary examples of European research that embrace both rigour and relevance. In doing so, the book demonstrates that both rigour and relevance is alive in entrepreneurship research. Many of the following chapters address agendas that are influenced by pragmatic questions as much as theor
Comparative study of copper oxidation protection with graphene and hexagonal boron nitride
The use of protective barriers to isolate a metal surface from an aggressive environment is a common way to inhibit its degradation. We used ambient pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to assess in real time the evolution of the copper surface and the contextual protective action of 2D material coatings (graphene and hexagonal boron nitride) towards copper oxidation. In an isobaric experimen
Environmental factors in trade during the great transformation : Advancing the geographical coverage before 1950
In the study of trade-embedded environmental factors (land, water, energy, or material flows), three conflicting interpretations prevail concerning what happened before 1950. The 'great specialization' narrative argues that trade served to lighten pressure on the environment by redistributing environmental services from where they were abundant to where they were scarce. The 'great divergence' see
Prolonged passive second stage of labor in nulliparous women—Prevalence and risk factors : A historical cohort study
Introduction: This study examined the prevalence of and risk factors for a prolonged passive second stage of labor in nulliparous women. Material and Methods: This was a historical cohort study of all nulliparous women (n = 1131) at two delivery units in Sweden. Maternal and obstetric data were obtained from electronic medical records during 2019. Duration of the passive second stage was measured