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SmartPick - För nästa generations picknick

I en värld där samhället ställer höga krav på produkter, både sett till design och funktionalitet är behovet av vidareutveckling av befintliga produkter högt efterfrågat. Vissa produkter har dock halkat efter i denna utveckling och en av dessa som har identifierats är picknick-korgen som under de senaste åren inte har utvecklats till mer än vad den alltid varit, nämligen en väska med kylfunktion fIn a world where society places high demand on products, both in design and functionality, further development of existing products is important. However, some products have lagged behind in this development, and one of those identified has been the picnic-basket. In this degree project, conducted at Lund University in collaboration with the Design Sciences institution, both the market situation a

Experimental investigation of structure-borne noise induced by railway traffic in a multi-storey building

Buller är erkänt som det näst största miljörelaterade hälsoproblemet enligt WHO \cite{WHO} och det är därför är det viktigt att skapa goda metoder för att undersöka hur fastigheter påverkas av buller och vibrationer. Detta examensarebete har fokuserat på att undersöka buller och vibrationer i en flervåningsbyggnad orsakat av tågtrafik.One of the modern cities environment issues is noise and vibration created by train traffic, especially since cities today strive towards being more dense. Urbanization leads to new areas built with pre existing railway tracks. This puts a lot of pressure on the structures built on those areas regarding vibrations. Heavy concrete buildings are more resilient against vibrations than light-weight st

A concept to evaluate dynamic daylight glare

A method towards a dynamic daylight glare evaluation in the early stage of design was developed in this thesis, using existing glare metrics under multiple observer positions and gazes. The results pointed out that it is possible for a zonal characterization regarding glare sensation to be achieved with the combination of multiple existing metrics and a weighting system, named the adaptation possi

Object Detection in Augmented Reality

Augmented reality is a field which is getting increased funding every year, as more businesses are realizing the potential of rendering virtual objects in the real world. As the equipment gets more commercialized, the costs will get lowered while performance also goes up. As of now, augmented reality mostly makes use of plane detection and marker detection to find and locate objects. We want to in

Barriers and drivers for sustainable mobility in Cuenca, Ecuador, Reflections towards sustainable mobility transitions

Acknowledging, the research gap within sustainability transitions in analysing the local scale of transition processes, this work primarily, seeks to contribute to sustainability transitions studies by identifying the main factors that are enabling and hindering the materialization of low carbon mobility in Cuenca, Ecuador. The use of a case study as a research strategy and the nature of the rese

Case study at Scania: How packaging options affect supply chain operations and costs

Background/introduction: Scania supply chain is responsible for packaging to protect parts during transportation from their suppliers around the world. For many years Scania has used returnable packaging for inbound logistics of automotive parts. Scania packaging can be divided into two groups; namely Standard packaging and Special packaging. Problem description: When introducing a newer solution

Media construction of suffering : Nepalese print media role in representing suffering of earthquake victims

In crisis, media plays an important role in connecting people, communicating information and assisting with potential new dimensions, designs and approach. Media representation holds key for ongoing rescue program and upcoming rebuilding program, especially in developing countries where no one knows when the real impact of disaster will come to an end. Moreover, people interest or participation in

Understanding Bordering in the Context of War: an exploration of the experiences of Syrians frequently traveling to Lebanon

In this thesis, I explore the bordering experiences of Syrians who frequently cross the border into Lebanon during the Syrian conflict. I draw on five in-depth interviews conducted in March 2018 to show how they live, understand and manipulate the border. Through a theoretically informed analysis, using the concepts of the social construction of reality (Berger and Luckmann), habitus (Bourdieu) an

Människors förflyttning i trappor

Vid dimensionering av brandskyddet för en byggnad är utrymning en viktig aspekt. För att få en bild av hur utrymning sker i byggnader finns det en del simuleringsprogram till förfogande. Simuleringarna bygger på indata som användaren stoppar in i programmet och beroende på vilka värden som används kan resultatet variera. Thompson et al. (2015) förklarar att de värden på flöden som används idag saThe aim of this thesis is to investigate person density in relation to flow and speed in stairs and also how the different configurations affect the inter-person distance. This is done by observing people's movement in real environments. These observations were made at a staircase at Lindab Arena in Ängelholm on several occasions in the event that visitors were about to leave the arena after a

Väl mött

Det interna planerade mötet är en aktivitet av relevans inom organisationer i det avseende att det är ett medel för intern kommunikation och koordinering. Tiden organisationer spenderar på möten tycks även öka. Dock är forskningen om interna möten begränsad och den tidigare forskning som finns är i stor omfattning normativ och undersöker inte hur organisationer faktiskt ser på och arbetar med inte

Governing and negotiating a transnational legal space - the Greek hotspot Vial

This thesis aims to explore the transnational administrative structure in the Greek hotspots, exemplified in the hotspot Vial on the island Chios. The five Greek hotspots, all located on islands in the East-Aegean, serve as the implementation point of EU Commission`s hotspot approach as well as the EU-Turkey statement. It will be shown, that the Greek hotspots are administrated in a mode of joint

Den komplexa organisationstillhörigheten på konsultföretag

I den här studien undersökte vi om det fanns en skillnad i upplevd organisationstillhörighet beroende på vilken anställningsform den anställde hade på ett konsultföretag. Den första hypotesen syftade till att undersöka om det fanns en skillnad bland konsulterna i upplevd organisationstillhörighet utifrån typ av anställningsform (tillsvidareanställning och tidsbegränsad anställning). Den andra hypoWe investigated if organizational commitment at one consultancy firm differed depending on type of employment. The first hypothesis analyzed if organizational commitment differed among consultants due to type of employment (permanent and temporary employment). The second hypothesis explored if there was a difference in organizational commitment towards the consultancy firm among in-house employees

Villkorlig frigivning - En komparativ analys av svensk och norsk rätt

Sverige har idag ett system med en mycket stark presumtion för villkorlig frigivning efter två tredjedelar av avtjänat fängelsestraff. Enbart den intagnes skötsamhet under sin anstaltsvistelse kan läggas till grund för att den villkorliga frigivningen ska kunna skjutas upp. En majoritet av de svenska riksdagspartierna vill ändra eller avveckla systemet med villkorlig frigivning så som det ser ut iThe laws regarding parole in Sweden consists of mandatory release of a prisoner once two-thirds of their prison sentence has been served. It is only the behavior of the prisoner while in prison that can cause the parole to be declined and delayed. A majority of the Parliament parties in Sweden wants to change or remove the system of parole as it is today. It is mostly the question of whether or no

Nonequilibrium gauge field in Two Particle Irreducible real time formalism

Hur allting började och stora ting har alltid fascinerat människor, och hur mycket större och "i början" blir det än i kosmologi, läran om universums födelse och utveckling? När universum var bara några minuter gammalt var det minst sagt ohyggligt varmt (miljoner grader!). Vi har hyfsad koll på vad som hände vid olika tidpunkter efter de första sekunderna, efter 3 minuter bildades det väThe purpose of this thesis is to study what effect a photon field has on the equations of motion and the decay of a charged scalar field in thermal equilibrium at finite temperature and outside of thermal equilibrium. To do this we calculate the two-particle irreducible effective action for the mean fields and propagators and derive their equations of motion. The functional representations of up t

Om avlärningens psykologi vid samverkan. En fallstudie av Kraftsamling Herrgården

Stora sektorsövergripande samverkansprojekt har blivit på modet vad gäller att komma tillrätta med ökad segregation inom svenska förorter. För att åstadkomma långsiktig systemförändring förespråkas en omvandling från projektbaserade arbetssätt till strategisk samverkan där förortssituationen möts i hela sin komplexitet. Dessa så kallade wicked problems, som karakteriseras av problemställningar utaCross sector collaborations with multiple stakeholders are on the rise when it comes to dealing with segregation in Swedish suburbs. To achieve long-term systemic change, project-based interventions are slowly giving way to joint initiatives of a more strategic character, which target the situation of the suburbs in all of their complexity. These so-called wicked problems, characterized by problem

Old Norse loanwords in modern Irish

This study questions the received wisdom that surviving Old Norse loanwords in modern Irish are fewer than 50 in number and are mostly shipping-related. The eventual goal is a complete survey of all Old Norse loanwords still “in common use in modern Irish” (Greene 1976: 80), since nothing of the sort has been found in the literature. In the interim, this study proposes a list of 67 words, extant i

Ett leading mätsystem för leveranstillförlitlighet från en monteringsprocess

Issue of Study: The case company, Metius, has difficulties in meeting its customers’ demands for delivery reliability due to issues in the final assembly process. A leading management control system linked to the company’s final assembly could allow the production management to act proactively and avoid more dissatisfied customers due to poor delivery reliability. Relevant literature gives little

Dynamics of Mitochondria and Actin Cytoskeleton Interactions in Budding Yeast.

In the budding yeast, S. cerevisiae, mitochondrial distribution involves movements of the organelle from the mother cell to the bud (anterograde movement) and from the bud to the mother (retrograde movement). Both types of movements require actin cables, dynamic bundles of F-actin filaments, which undergo continuous retrograde flow from the bud into the mother and provide tracks for mitochondrial

With Cold Foreign Eyes? Existential Meaning in Truth vs. Mystery in Religion and Art

This essay explores two approaches to finding existential meaning in religion: either by an approach advocating feelings of mystery and sensuous immediacy, thus justifying an ineffability of mysterious experiences, or by an approach which advocates truth and objectivity. Although the latter approach views truth in existential terms (“existential truth”) it can be criticised for diminishing the “ma

Donor Driven Innovation: Using cultural analysis to stimulate strategic change in a Canadian NGO

This thesis is a study of development and international aid institutions and practices undertaken to give form and substance to international development as a cultural product. In a climate of changing policy priorities and the prospective loss of government backing for international development NGOs, this thesis uses applied cultural analysis to develop knowledge of the support network of NGO A,