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Your search for "*" yielded 529991 hits

On the Origins of Risk-Taking in Financial Markets

Financial investment behavior is highly correlated between parents and their children. Using Swedish data, we find that the decision of adoptees to hold equities is associated with the behavior of both biological and adoptive parents, implying a role for both genetic and environmental influences. However, we find that nurture has a stronger influence on the share of financial assets invested in eq

A Devonian >2000-km-long dolerite dyke swarm-belt and associated basalts along the Urals-Novozemelian fold-belt : part of an East-European (Baltica) LIP tracing the Tuzo Superswell

Two dolerite dyke swarms are recognized along and paralleling the Ural Mountains, Russia. The Uralian swarm is 1400-km long (2300-km long if traced from its inferred plume centre). Further north, the Pay-Khoy swarm can be traced through the Pay-Khoy–Novaya Zemlya fold belt for a distance of c. 250 km (800-km long if traced from its inferred plume centre). An Upper Devonian age for volcanism associ

White adipose tissue browning in the R6/2 mouse model of Huntington's disease

Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal, autosomal dominantly inherited neurodegenerative disorder, characterised not only by progressive cognitive, motor and psychiatric impairments, but also of peripheral pathology. In both human HD and in mouse models of HD there is evidence of increased energy expenditure and weight loss, alongside altered body composition. Unlike white adipose tissue (WAT), brow

Cholinesterase inhibitors do not alter the length of stay in nursing homes among patients with Alzheimer's disease : A prospective, observational study of factors affecting survival time from admission to death.

Background: The survival time in nursing homes (NHs) in Alzheimer's disease (AD) might be affected by sociodemographic/clinical characteristics, rate of disease progression, and use of specific medications and community-based services. Whether different aspects of cholinesterase inhibitor (ChEI) therapy modify time spent in NHs is unclear. Therefore, we examined the relationship between these pote

Acute-phase proteins and incidence of diabetes : a population-based cohort study

Aims: To examine the relationship between plasma levels of the acute-phase proteins ceruloplasmin, alpha-1-antitrypsin, orosomucoid, haptoglobin and C-reactive protein (CRP), and incidence of diabetes in the population-based Malmö Diet and Cancer Study—Cardiovascular Cohort (MDCS-CC). Methods: The study population consists of 4246 participants (aged 46–67 years, 60.8 % women) with no previous hist

Association of knee pain and different definitions of knee osteoarthritis with health-related quality of life : A population-based cohort study in southern Sweden

Background: While the impact of knee pain and knee osteoarthritis (OA) on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) has been investigated in the literature, there is a lack of knowledge on the impact of different definitions of OA on HRQoL. The main aim of this study was to measure and compare the impact of knee OA and its different definitions on HRQoL in the general population. Methods: A random sa

A randomized controlled study of 5 and 10 days treatment with phenoxymethylpenicillin for pharyngotonsillitis caused by streptococcus group A - a protocol study

Background: In 2014 the Swedish government assigned to The Public Health Agency of Sweden to conduct studies to evaluate optimal use of existing antibiotic agents. The aim is to optimize drug use and dosing regimens to improve the clinical efficacy. The present study was selected following a structured prioritizing process by independent experts. Methods: This phase IV study is a randomized, open-

An efficient mean field approach to the set covering problem

A mean field feedback artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm is developed and explored for the set covering problem. A convenient encoding of the inequality constraints is achieved by means of a multilinear penalty function. An approximate energy minimum is obtained by iterating a set of mean field equations, in combination with annealing. The approach is numerically tested against a set of pub

Variational approach for minimizing Lennard-Jones energies

A variational method for computing conformational properties of molecules with Lennard-Jones potentials for the monomer-monomer interactions is presented. The approach is tailored to deal with angular degrees of freedom, rotors, and consists of the iterative solution of a set of deterministic equations with an annealing in temperature. The singular short-distance behavior of the Lennard-Jones pote

Occurrence and significance of heart disease in uraemia : An autopsy study

The occurrence of heart disease in uraemic patients was evaluated from study of 94 autopsied cases of chronic renal failure. The most common autopsy-ascertained causes of death were congestive heart failure (37%), acute myocardial infarction (13%) and tamponading pericarditis (8%). Death from congestive heart failure was significantly more common among the patients aged 60 or more than in the youn

Airline Crew Scheduling with Potts Neurons

A Potts feedback neural network approach for finding good solutions to resource allocation problems with a nonfixed topology is presented. As a target application, the airline crew scheduling problem is chosen. The topological complication is handled by means of a propagator defined in terms of Potts neurons. The approach is tested on artificial random problems tuned to resemble real-world conditi

Gas-phase advanced oxidation for effective, efficient in situ control of pollution

In this article, gas-phase advanced oxidation, a new method for pollution control building on the photo-oxidation and particle formation chemistry occurring in the atmosphere, is introduced and characterized. The process uses ozone and UV-C light to produce in situ radicals to oxidize pollution, generating particles that are removed by a filter; ozone is removed using a MnO2 honeycomb catalyst. Th