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Your search for "*" yielded 528477 hits

Religion and Forced Displacement in Georgia

This policy report focuses on religion-state relations in Georgia and argues that competition between the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church and the Muslim community have had an impact on state involvement with humanitarian programmes. The Georgian case stands out as the country experienced three waves of internal forced displacement. Each wavehas shown that religious

Identifying New Antimigraine Targets : Lessons from Molecular Biology

Primary headaches are one of the most common conditions; migraine being most prevalent. Recent work on the pathophysiology of migraine suggests a mismatch in the communication or tuning of the trigeminovascular system, leading to sensitization and the release of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP). In the current Opinion, we use the up-to-date molecular understanding of mechanisms behind migrai

A semidiscrete scheme for a one-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard equation

We analyze a semidiscrete scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard equation in one space dimension, when the interface length parameter is equal to zero. We prove convergence of the scheme for a suitable class of initial data, and we identify the limit equation. We also characterize the long-time behavior of the limit solutions.

Differential associations of APOE-ε2 and APOE-ε4 alleles with PET-measured amyloid-β and tau deposition in older individuals without dementia

Purpose: To examine associations between the APOE-ε2 and APOE-ε4 alleles and core Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathological hallmarks as measured by amyloid-β (Aβ) and tau PET in older individuals without dementia. Methods: We analyzed data from 462 ADNI participants without dementia who underwent Aβ ([18F]florbetapir or [18F]florbetaben) and tau ([18F]flortaucipir) PET, structural MRI, and cognitive

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, glyceryl monooleate, CAS Registry Number 111-03-5

The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. Glyceryl monooleate was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data show that glyceryl monooleate is not genotoxic. Data on glyceryl monooleate provide a cal

Transitions between levels of dependency among older people receiving social care - a retrospective longitudinal cohort study in a Swedish municipality

BACKGROUND: Knowledge is scarce on how needs for home help and special housing evolve among older people who begin to receive support from municipal social care. The purpose of this study was to describe baseline distributions and transitions over time between levels of dependency among older persons after being granted social care in a Swedish municipality.METHODS: Based on a longitudinal cohort

Brottslingar av en mycket speciell sort. : Spionskandalen som en maktkamp mellan visselblåsare, grävande journalister och underrättelsetjänster.

Spy scandals in Western democracies can be seen as a power battle between three actors: investigative journalists, whistleblowers and the intelligence organizations at the center of the scandal. It is a conflict played out both within and outside of the court-house as the actors try to claim the label “hero” for themselves while actively trying to repudiate other labels, such as “traitor”, “spy” o

Downstream effects of polypathology on neurodegeneration of medial temporal lobe subregions

The medial temporal lobe (MTL) is a nidus for neurodegenerative pathologies and therefore an important region in which to study polypathology. We investigated associations between neurodegenerative pathologies and the thickness of different MTL subregions measured using high-resolution post-mortem MRI. Tau, TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43), amyloid-β and α-synuclein pathology were rated on a sc

Book Review: Drexl, J., Lee, N. (2013). Pharmaceutical Innovation, Competition and Patent Law : A Trilateral Perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing

This is a review of the recent publication “Pharmaceutical Innovation, Competition and Patent Law – A Trilateral Perspective”, edited by Max Planck Director Josef Drexl and Finnish scholar Nari Lee (Edward Elgar 2013, 322 p., ISBN 978 0 85793 245 7). In summary, I conclude that the editors, who also contributed with excellent papers, have succeeded very well in the difficult task of structuring, s

Weak association between socioeconomic Care Need Index and primary care visits per registered patient in three Swedish regions

OBJECTIVE: The objective was to examine the association between primary care consultations and a Care Need Index (CNI) used to compensate Swedish primary care practices for the extra workload associated with patients with low socioeconomic status.DESIGN: Observational study combining graphical analysis with linear regressions of cross-sectional administrative practice-level data.SETTING: Three Swe

Translocal livelihoods research and the household in the Global South – A gendered perspective

This article combines perspectives from feminist agricultural economics and agrarian feminist Marxism to conceptualize the spatial process of translocality from a gender perspective arguing for the resurrection of the household as a unit of study in the context of translocality. Engendering the emerging field of translocal livelihoods research requires understanding the household both as a process

Forskarskolan FRAM – lärare forskar i de främmande språkens didaktik

Under senare år har flera satsningar gjorts på forskarskolor för lärare, i syfte att bygga upp skolans kunskapsbas och öka antalet lärare i skolan med utbildning på forskarnivå.Den här bokens innehåll baseras på resultaten från den nationella forskarskolan för språklärare De främmande språkens didaktik (FRAM) som bedrevs med stöd från Vetenskapsrådet under perioden 2012-2015.Forskarskolan möjliggj

Ett vatten stiger i mina ögon

I denna text är fokus på Öresundsbron, en förbindelse över ett specifikt vatten som gett den sitt namn. Från att tidigare ha varit en trafikled för båtar blev det med förbindelsen, som även inkluderar en tunnel, möjligt att färdas mellan Danmark och Sverige med bil eller tåg. Jag vill förstå den ambivalens inför bron som framträder när den av skilda anledningar inte är farbar. Centralt är de stark

PEPSDI: Scalable and flexible inference framework for stochastic dynamic single-cell models

Mathematical modelling is an invaluable tool to describe dynamic cellular processes and to rationalise cell-to-cell variability within the population. This requires statistical methods to infer unknown model parameters from dynamic, multi-individual data accounting for heterogeneity caused by both intrinsic and extrinsic noise. Here we present PEPSDI, a scalable and flexible framework for Bayesian

Simulation-based Inference : From Approximate Bayesian Computation and Particle Methods to Neural Density Estimation

This doctoral thesis in computational statistics utilizes both Monte Carlo methods(approximate Bayesian computation and sequential Monte Carlo) and machine­-learning methods (deep learning and normalizing flows) to develop novel algorithms for infer­ence in implicit Bayesian models. Implicit models are those for which calculating the likelihood function is very challenging (and often impossible),