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A Protestant habitus: 16th-century Danish graveslabs as an expression of changes in belief

This article deals with an archaeology of Reformation in medieval Denmark. The change from Catholic to Protestant confession, which took place in 1536, ha,,; not been subject to elaborate investigation by archaeologists. The main question is, whether material culture reflects differences in the lifestyle between people possessing a Catholic or Protestant belief The focus is to find out how the dif

Individual Emergence in Contextual Analysis

Located within the tradition of Hermeneutic Dialectics (HD) this paper offers an approach which can further an analysis of a fit between information and organizational systems. Drawn upon Information Systems Development projects a relationship between theory and practice is aided through a multi-disciplinary approach to sense making activity. Using a contemporary version of contextual analysis to

EULAR evidence-based recommendations on the management of systemic glucocorticoid therapy in rheumatic diseases

Objective: To develop evidence-based recommendations for the management of systemic glucocorticoid ( GC) therapy in rheumatic diseases. Methods: The multidisciplinary guideline development group from 11 European countries, Canada and the USA consisted of 15 rheumatologists, 1 internist, 1 rheumatologist-epidemiologist, 1 health professional, 1 patient and 1 research fellow. The Delphi method was u

Local stakeholders' acceptance of model-generated data used as a communication tool in water management: The Ronnea study

The objective of this study was to increase the knowledge of local stakeholders' acceptance of model-generated data when used as a communication tool in water quality management. The Ronnea catchment in the southwest of Sweden was chosen as the study area. The results indicate the model-generated data served as a uniting factor. Simultaneously, the stakeholders were concerned with presented data,

Cyclin D1 overexpression versus response to induction chemotherapy in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck--preliminary report

The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is an association between overexpression of cyclin D1 and response to therapy. Immunohistochemical overexpression of cyclin D1 was determined in paraffin-embedded specimens from diagnostic biopsies of 89 primary cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN), using a polyclonal antiserum. The tumor response rates were estimated

In-vehicle speed adaptation - On the effectiveness of a voluntary system

The overarching aim of this thesis is to study the long term effects of a voluntary speed adaptation system, the Active Accelerator Pedal (AAP), and its effectiveness for different driver types. The papers making up this thesis are based on a study carried out on 284 vehicles and drivers in the Swedish city of Lund from 1999 until 2002. The results showed that the AAP brought a significant reducti

High Solids Waterborne Hybrid Systems: Effect of Surfactant Concentration and pH on Droplet Size and Morphology

Hybrid systems have been made by taking an acrylic latex dispersion and slowly dropping an alkyd resin into the dispersion while stirring to achieve a solid content of 75–80%. The particle size distributions of alkyd droplets were studied with a laser diffraction instrument and the structure of the hybrid system in the liquid state has been studied by light microscopy. The hybrid system was define

The renewables portfolio standard in Texas: an early assessment

Texas has rapidly emerged as one of the leading wind power markets in the United States. This development can be largely traced to a well-designed and carefully implemented renewables portfolio standard (RPS). The RPS is a new policy mechanism that has received increasing attention as an attractive approach to support renewable power generation. Though replacing existing renewable energy policies

Development of traffic conflicts technique for different environments: A comparative study of pedestrian conflicts in Sweden and Jordan

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna studie är att förbättra den nuvarande svenska konflikttekniken [TCT] inom området fordon - fotgängarekonflikter. Den nuvarande definitionen av konflikters allvarlighetsgrad verkar ge färre allvarliga konflikter än den borde, särskilt när den relevanta trafikanten (RRU) är en fotgängare. Ett annat mål är att tillämpa den svenska konflikttekniken i JordanThis study is aimed at improving the current Swedish Traffic conflicts Technique [TCT] in relation to vehicle-pedestrian conflicts. The present definition of conflict severity appears to produce less severe conflicts than they might be, particularly if the relevant road user (RRU) is the pedestrian. Another aim is to apply the Swedish TCT in Jordan as a method for evaluating safety conditions at j

Helping alliance and ward atmosphere in psychiatric in-patient care.

OBJECTIVE: The study investigated how patients in a psychiatric in-patient ward perceived the therapeutic relationship and the ward atmosphere, the interrelationships between these phenomena, and whether demographic and clinical factors had an influence on the helping alliance. DESIGN: This was an explorative study in a natural setting. A correlational and multiple regression design were adopted.

Modelling and Numerical Analysis of the Centrifugal Compressor and its Operation in the Pressurised SOFC GT Process

Small-scale power plants based on the SOFC-GT (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-Gas Turbine) system are foreseen for future application such as APU units in flight transportation systems or stationary power production. Although these new systems offer high load flexibility and potentially high efficiency, there are several constraints referring to thermal/mechanical stress of the fuel cell as well as to a po

Spatial representation of evolving anisotropy at large strains

A phenomenological model for evolving anisotropy at large strains is presented. The model is formulated using spatial quantities and the anisotropic properties of the material is modeled by including structural variables. Evolution of anisotropy is accounted for by introducing substructural deformation gradients which are linear maps similar to the usual deformation gradient. The evolution of the

On the Under-Pressure in the Pore Water of Sealed High Performance Concrete, HPC

This article outlines an experimental and numerical study on the estimation of under-pressure in the pore water of HPC. For this purpose 96 sealed cylinders made of 8 HPCs with w/c varying between 0.25 and 0.38, based on low-alkali Portland Cement, were manufactured. Five or ten per cent silica fume was used in the HPCs as calculated on the basis of the cement content. Basic creep was studied on t