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Byggnader med inskrifter och bilder i renässansens Skåne cirka 1450–1658

Den här artikeln undersöker hur olika individer manifesterade sin person i byggnader under renässansen i Skåne. Genom en analys av stentavlor och träbjälkar med inskriptioner och bilder belyses frågor om identitet och individualitet. Föremålen placerades ofta ovanför dörrar i borgar och herrgårdar eller i byggnader som tillhörde städernas elit. Artikeln diskuterar vem som kunde se och förstå budsk

Iridium Catalyzed Dehydrogenation in a Continuous Flow Reactor as a Tool Towards Practical On-Board Hydrogen Generation From LOHCs

To enable the large-scale use of hydrogen fuel cells for mobility applications, convenient methods for on-board hydrogen storage and release need to be developed. A promising approach is liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs), since these are safe, available on a large scale and compatible with existing re-fuelling infrastructure. Usually, LOHC dehydrogenation is carried out in batch-type reacto

Effects of dynamical screening on the BCS-BEC crossover in double bilayer graphene : Density functional theory for exciton bilayers

We derive a gap equation for bilayer excitonic systems based on density functional theory and benchmark our results against quantum Monte Carlo simulations and recent experiments on double bilayer graphene. The gap equation has a mean-field form but includes a consistent treatment of dynamical screening. We show that the gap survives at much higher densities than previously thought from mean-field

Bone health as a co-morbidity of chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease and osteoporosis commonly co-exist in aged patients. Chronic kidney disease affects bone health because of its effect on mineral metabolism in the syndrome, Chronic Kidney Disease Mineral and Bone Disorder, resulting in an increased risk of fractures. Hip fracture risk may be as much as four-fold higher in the worst affected. Tools to estimate fracture risk such as FRAX® and

Initial Analysis of Dynamic Panel Activation for Large Intelligent Surfaces

Large intelligent surfaces (LIS) have the potential to be the beyond-massive-MIMO solution, even further improving spectral efficiency, coverage, reliability and other performance measures. They also open up for entirely new services, such as precise localization, environment sensing, and wireless energy transfer. By constructing larger surfaces as a grid of panels, we can activate and deactivate

Coordination during Cholera Outbreak Response : Critical Insights from Yemen

Within the humanitarian arena and since the introduction of the humanitarian reform process in 2005, the cluster approach was introduced to strengthen the cooperation and accountability between agencies working in the same field. Such an integrated approach is particularly needed and relevant in emergencies like cholera, especially in countries undergoing internal conflicts like Yemen. Several are

Cross-borehole electrical monitoring in groundwater remediation projects : Understanding the flow path of remediation agents

In-situ remediation of contaminated groundwater often relies on the installation of a treatment zone degrading the pollution plume. In such projects, adequate delivery of remediation agents in the whole target volume is not trivial. Monitoring the spatial distribution of injected reagents is important for engineers and decision-makers, in order to determine the need of more careful injection in so

Response of an Afro-Palearctic bird migrant to glaciation cycles

Migration allows animals to exploit spatially separated and seasonally available resources at a continental to global scale. However, responding to global climatic changes might prove challenging, especially for long-distance intercontinental migrants. During glacial periods, when conditions became too harsh for breeding in the north, avian migrants have been hypothesized to retract their distribu

Contesting Covid: The ideological bases of partisan responses to the Covid-19 pandemic

How do political parties respond to external shocks? Using an original survey of political parties across Europe conducted in June 2020 and Chapel Hill Expert Survey (CHES) data on partisan ideological positioning, we argue that the pre-existing ideological stances of Europe’s political parties shaped their response to emerging Covid- 19 policy issues, including the tension between economic normal

Computer simulation of spontaneous speech

This paper pinpoints some of the problems faced when a computer text production model (COMMENTATOR) is to produce spontaneous speech, in particular the problem of chunking the utterances in order to get natural prosodic units. The paper proposes a buffer model which allows the accumulation and delay of phonetic material until a chunk of the desired size has been built up. Several phonetic studies