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Characterization of globulin and avenin protein profiles in oat (Avena sativa) using Osborne fractionation and novel genomic data

Historically, cereal proteins are categorized in Osborne fractions based on their solubility: albumins (water-soluble), globulins (salt-soluble), prolamins (alcohol-soluble), and glutelins (soluble in dilute alkali solutions). In this work, sequentially extracted proteins were separated on a polyacrylamide gel and quantified using BCA assay. The SDS-PAGE protein patterns of different cereals and o

Should Working from Home Become the Standard? An Exploratory Study of Social Relations in Remote Work

Research Questions: In organizations which do not typically support telecommuting, how do employees experience social interactions while working remotely during a global pandemic? As organizations are forced to work remotely during a global pandemic, how did the experience influence the mentality around remote working? Methodology: The research is an interpretive and qualitative study. We conduc

The Influence of Investors on Stress – a Blessing or a Curse for New Venture Teams? A Qualitative Study of Private Equity Investors’ Influence on Stress Experienced in New Venture Teams

Entrepreneurs often face high levels of stress (Boyd & Gumpert, 1983; Shepherd, Marchisio, Morrish, Deacon & Miles, 2010) and stress has been found to affect a team’s performance (Driskell, Salas & Johnston, 1999). At the same time, private equity investors are a common source to gain external funding, while being known for their value-added roles as well as potential risks (De Clercq,

KM och KMS i agil systemutveckling

Uppsatsen syftar till att redogöra för kunskapsdelning inom och mellan team i agil systemutveckling, KM-systems roll för kunskapsdelning samt utmaningar med KM-system för kunskapsutbyte. Litteraturen belyser kunskap som resurs och behovet av att förstå att kunskap existerar i olika former och omvandlas och utvecklas kontinuerligt när den används. Vidare belyser litteraturen varför KM-arbete skapar

Modernisering av geoteknisk hejarsondering

Hejarsondering är en geoteknisk undersökningsmetod som har använts inom svensk geoteknik sedan 1940-talet. På senare tid halkar dock metoden efter i sin utveckling och lever därför inte upp till de moderna förväntningarna på användbarhet och effektivitet. En modernisering av metoden ses därför som nödvändig och möjligheten att göra detta och eventuella förslag undersöks. Arbetet är utfört på avdelSwedish ram sounding is a geotechnical investigation method that has been in use in Sweden since the 1940s. In later times the method has not been able to fulfill demands in utility and effectiveness, due to lack of development, and a modernisation is seen as necessary. This investigation seeks to investigate the possibility of a modernisation of the method, as well as to discuss different solutio

Innebörder av kvalitet i kvalitetsarbete: En innehållsanalys av en kommuns kvalitetsarbete inom gymnasieutbildning un- der två decennier

Denna uppsats består av en kvalitativ dataanalys av det sys- tematiska kvalitetsarbetet i en mellanstor svensk kommun under två decennier, 1998-2019. Bakgrunden till uppsatsen är den ökade utvärdering av utbildningssektorn som har ägt rum sedan det tidiga 1990-talets mål- och resultatstyrningso- rienterade utbildningsreformer. Huvudmän och enskilda sko- lor har numera krav på sig att bedriva och d

VR för behandling av akrofobi

Mer än 10% av Sveriges befolkning lider av någon fobi och detta projekt studerar möjligheten att lindra akrofobi (höjdskräck) med hjälp av virtual reality (VR). Arbetets syfte är därför att undersöka hur man på bästa sätt kan lindra akrofobi med hjälp av VR. Frågeställningarna som skulle besvaras var: ”Kan man med hjälp av enbart visuell och auditiv feedback skapa en trovärdig miljö för att lindraMore than 10% of Sweden's population suffers from some kind of phobia and this project is studying ways to ease acrophobia (fear of heights) with virtual reality (VR). Therefore, the purpose of the work was to investigate how to best ease acrophobia with help of VR. The research questions to be answered were: "Is it possible with just visual and auditory feedback to create a credible envi

Recharge Center

This thesis seeks to explore the potential of extracting amusement from the utilitarian, and propose a design that aims to connect a vast industrial site with its immediate surroundings and the city. By investigating the design of a battery recycling plant that is to be built in Skellefteå, the thesis draws upon an actual situation to address a real world problem. 8 9 As there is no design yet fo

Adapting together in times of climate change : the potential of adaptive governance for improving the cooperation between reindeer herders and forest owners in northern Sweden

Reindeer husbandry has long been a central element of the traditional livelihood and culture of indigenous Sami people in northern Sweden. However, it faces several challenges from competing land uses, primarily forestry. Different forest conditions are desired by forestry and reindeer husbandry to accommodate each sectors’ distinct interests, promoting high timber and pulp production or improved

Collaboration use in E-learning: An interview study on how learners use collaboration software in higher education

The research in this paper aims to describe how learners in higher education use collaboration software when working on completing group work in an E- learning setting. Prior academic literature regarding concepts of E-Learning, collaboration software and collaboration activities are presented to be able to collect and analyse relevant data from learners about their use of collaboration software.

Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI)

Vid användandet av Business Intelligence (BI) kan organisationer förbättra beslutsfattandet genom att ta tillvara på, förstå och utnyttja den data som organisationen besitter. Self-Service Business Intelligence har vuxit fram som en ny inriktning inom BI och syftar till att tillgängliggöra BI-verktyg till fler användare inom en organisation. Syftet med studien är att undersöka användarkompetenser

Maskulinitet i livsstilsmagasin: en studie på hur konsumenten konstrueras i artiklar om skönhet i King och Elle

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka om och hur maskulina identiteter skapas i texter om skönhetsvård i samtida manliga livsstilsmagasin genom att jämföra hur den tänka läsaren/konsumenten skapas i svenska King och Elle, två modemagasin som riktar sig mot män respektive kvinnor. Den undersöker även om tidningen King använder strategier för att distansera sig från den feminint präglade disku

None are so deaf as those who would not hear : identifying where, who, and how the coal industry influences Australian federal energy policies

The widespread consequences of climate change are becoming more and more evident around the world and are raising crucial awareness to world leaders that a sustainable transition is direly needed to mitigate against disastrous climatic events. In Australia, in early 2020, these events took the form of some of the most devastating and largest forest fires the country has ever seen. This devastation

First-time mothers & Symbolic Consumption - The role of baby clothing consumption in woman's transition to motherhood

The parents growing interest towards children clothing has become apparent when following Finnish media during the past years. In similar vein consumer culture literature has noticed the rise of clothing markets for newborns. It is scientifically proven that consumption objects have a significant role in life transitional phases. Symbolic meanings of consumption objects are used to facilitate the

From the captains of industry to the trustees of sustainability : the positioning of the large family-owned companies' core values regarding the Green Deal for Europe's decarbonization goals

Significant behavioral changes will need to be implemented to prevent the energy supply sector from tripling CO2 emissions by the midcentury. However, within the academic research, behavior changes remain primarily focused on the individual level, while the behavior of companies that are responsible for elevated greenhouse gas emissions falls behind. This master’s thesis analyses the core values

Peripheral Immune Cell Signatures and Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), a neurodegenerative disease, defined by abnormal accumulation of proteins, both extracellularly (senile plaques, consisting of amyloid-beta(Aβ) accumulation) and intracellularly (neurofibrillary tangles, formed by Tau protein). Several studies demonstrate that the immune cells play a central role in the pathogenesis of AD, but it is not known if immune cells from the peri

Striving for a Competitive Edge Through a Knowledge Management System: A Critical Perspective on Knowledge Management

Today, organizational competitiveness largely depends on a company’s ability to learn, which is why more and more organizations aim to enhance organizational learning through practicing Knowledge Management (KM). Due to the little research on organizational culture and subcultures in KM literature, practitioners often embark on KM change efforts in a technocratic fashion and focus solely on techno

More than a pipeline: understanding and responding to the environmental injustices surrounding the Coastal GasLink pipeline conflict

The winter of 2020 was dominated by Canadian and international news coverage about a group of indigenous land defenders in Northern British Columbia, Canada. At the centre of the media frenzy was a pipeline conflict involving an indigenous community, namely, the Wet’suwet’en Nation, and Canada’s largest private sector investment ever which is set to cross directly through Wet’suwet’en territory. T

Pearls Airport's Urban Village

Vid den nordöstra kusten av den karibiska ön Grenada ligger en övergiven flygplats. Denna extraordinära miljö ligger i en dal mellan tropiska berg täckta av frodig regnskog. Landningsbanan är en 1,5 kilometer lång historisk startbana som möter Atlantens livfulla vatten. Grenada har redan drabbats av orkaner och andra tropiska stormar. Utvecklingen av klimatförändringar skapar oftare och mer intenOn the north east coast of the Caribbean island Grenada, there´s an abandoned airport. This extraordinary environment is located in a valley between tropical mountains covered by lush rain forest. The landing stripe is a 1,5-kilometer-long runway of history, facing the rough Atlantic Ocean. Grenada has already suffered badly from hurricanes and tropical storms. While climate changes are evolving