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Imaging Using Machine Learning for the LDMX Electromagnetic Calorimeter

LDMX is a fixed target experiment designed to search for light dark matter. The experiment will search for dark matter signatures using missing momentum and energy in events with electrons scattering in the target. Part of the experimental setup in this search is a high granularity electromagnetic calorimeter to accurately measure the energies of recoil electrons. In this thesis artificial neura

Den tomma västen och det flytande folket : en diskursteoretisk analys av Gula västarnas kollektiva identitet

Trots uppsvinget för det populistiska forskningsfältet, inom vilket Ernesto Laclau och Chantal Mouffe varit pionjärer, och det stora intresset för Gula västarna i Frankrike, finns få analyser av proteströrelsen utifrån Laclau och Mouffes teorier. Syftet med denna studie är därför att utifrån beskrivningar av Gula västarna i vetenskapliga artiklar undersöka de diskursiva praktiker varigenom rörelse

Energy poverty and the elderly-care: Exploring energy poverty in the elderly-care through case studies with social welfare organizations in Taiwan

The topic of energy poverty has recently gained prominence amongst researchers and academia in Taiwan within the context of rising energy prices and low emission energy transitions. Social welfare organizations (SWOs) that provide 24-hour residence and care for vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and disabled, highly depend on various energy services and are likely to be significantly affe


At present, in potato starch industries, not only starch is extracted from the process but even proteins and fibers are recovered as they are economically valuable. Unfortunately, the process used for protein recovery can only partially recover protein from the potato fruit juice (PJ), while the reaming PJ is concentrated using an evaporator and is later on used as fertilizers. Potato starch indus

Continued integration of simulated vehicle model for software verification in CANoe and Simulink

Vad har en simulerad modell av ett fordon och en sportbil med 500 hästkrafter som körs på en frusen sjö i norra Sverige gemensamt? Jo, båda används eller kan användas till att testa den mjukvara som styr BorgWarners fyrhjulsdriftkopplingar. Genom att använda en simulerad bil och specialutvecklade testfall kan mjukvaran testas i alla tänkbara miljöer utan att behöva skeppa runt en riktig bil, även This Master’s thesis investigates if a previously integrated Simulink based vehicle model works for testing and verifying software on an ECU (electronic control unit) used to control a four-wheel drive coupling in cars. The testing is done through a specific program called CANoe that allows the tester to both develop and run test cases. This work also investigates the possibility to use static eva

Censoring Bias in Oncology Clinical Trials

Cancer är en av våra vanligaste sjukdomar och det pågår mycket forskning kring att hitta nya behandlingar. För att en ny behandling ska kunna erbjudas till cancerpatienter behöver behandlingens effekt och säkerhet utvärderas och säkerställas i en patientstudie. Effekten bedöms vanligtvis genom att mäta tiden det tar för cancersjukdomen att sprida sig och/eller tills patienten avlider. Generellt fåTime to disease progression or death (PFS) is of main interest in oncology clinical trials. The data is commonly analyzed using a Cox model. Early discontinuation gives uncertainty in the estimated hazard ratio (HR). Censoring is generally used to handle discontinuations. However, if discontinuations are related to the patients’ prognosis, the HR may be biased. By simulating PFS data, this bias wa

Municipal solid waste management in Minsk - current situation, future development and challenges

Mänsklig aktivitet leder till ett konstant och oundvikligt flöde av olika typer av avfall som måste hanteras och behandlas. Hushållsavfall, sådant avfall som uppstår i våra hem samt i bland annat skolor, vårdinrättningar och arbetsplatser, är den mest komplexa avfallsströmmen att hantera. Detta eftersom den vanligtvis består av mängder av olika material såsom papper, plast, glas och matrester. VärManagement of municipal solid waste (MSW) is an urgent issue throughout the world. Urbanization, population increase, and economy growth are all factors which contribute to an increase of MSW generation. The most common treatment method of MSW is through landfilling, which lead to a constant dissipation of resources in terms of material and energy, as well as environmental pollution and emission o

Digital Design Flow Techniques and Circuit Design for Thin-Film Transistors

Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) technology refers to process and manufacture transistors, circuits, Integrated circuits (ICs) using thin-film organic or metal-oxide semiconductors on different substrates, such as flexible plastic foils and rigid glass substrates. TFT technology is attractive and used for applications requiring flexible, ultrathin ICs to enable seamless integration into devices. TFT t

Häktning som tvångsmedel: en kvalitativ intervjustudie om häktningslagstfitningens syfte och effekter

When a person is suspected of a crime, the prosecutor can demand that the court detains the suspect during the preliminary investigation. It is not uncommon that restrictions are applied when being put in remand during an ongoing investigation. This is one of the reasons prosecutors demand a suspect be kept in custody in order to secure the criminal investigation. There has been criticism directed

The Effects of Digitalization on Auditing - A Study Investigating the Benefits and Challenges of Digitalization on the Audit Profession

Digitalization is an interesting and timely topic which is actively discussed nowadays. Big data & analytics, blockchain, artificial intelligence & robotic process automation are some of the most emerging technologies. This study aims to investigate the perceived benefits and challenges that these technologies bring, in the context of digitalization, to one of the most favorable profession

Entrepreneurial intent: an input or an output of entrepreneurship education? The influence of prior entrepreneurial intent of students entering a new venture creation entrepreneurship programme on their perceived learning outcomes

This study investigates the relationship between prior entrepreneurial intent and perceived learning outcomes of students entering a new venture creation programme. Previous research in this field has not addressed the influence of prior entrepreneurial intentions on learning outcomes but rather treated entrepreneurial intent as an outcome of entrepreneurship education. Therefore, the aim of this

The Impact of Corruption on Waste Management: A quantitative analysis of EU countries

Waste management and waste prevention are strong focal points for the EU in its transition towards sustainable development. In recent years, several policy actions were launched targeting, especially, the municipal waste generation. However, the differences in the quality and circularity of members’ waste management systems are considerable. In this scenario, the thesis investigates whether corrup

Automating the Opening and Closing Mechanism of a Functional Test Fixture

When producing printed circuit boards, end of line testing needs to be done to assure that as few faulty products as possible reach the customer. This can be done manually, but takes long time. By using a Functional Test fixture (FCT-fixture) it is possible to do the test faster and at a lower cost. A FCT-fixture is a fixture with a lid where the printed circuit board is placed. When the lid is cl

Hypermetylering i cytologiska prov från cervix och utveckling av allvarliga cellförändringar

Cervixcancer kan uppkomma vid ihållande infektion med humant papillomvirus (HPV). HPV orsakar även mildare cellförändringar, CIN-I, som många gånger läker tillbaka. Patienter med cellförändringar av typ CIN-II/III löper däremot större risk att på sikt utveckla cancer. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns en korrelation mellan hypermetylering på promotorregionerna i tumörsuppressorgene

Utformning av självbedömningsverktyg för hållbarhetsinventering av förvaltningar

Hållbarhetsfrågor tar stort fokus i dagens debatter, personliga livsstilar samt företagens marknadsföring och affärsmodeller. Miljöarbetet i byggsektorn drivs framåt via bland annat miljöcertifieringssystem. Framförallt nybyggnation präglas idag starkt av skärpta miljölagkrav och miljöcertifieringar tillämpas här i stor utsträckning. Vikten av miljöarbetet med redan befintliga byggnader hamnar oftThe subject sustainability is taking a great amount of spotlight in most debates of modern society. This time the focus is on business models and marketing as well as the influences that sustainable certification systems have within the building sector. Especially when constructing new buildings, the new and stricter sustainability laws and certifications are setting the foundations of a new era.

The Chinese dream, a migrant’s nightmare?

This thesis aims to uncover whether having a long-term or permanent contract improves the quality of employment of internal migrants in China. The focus lies specifically on the labour reforms in 2008, which will be analysed using a differences-in-differences approach. Though the results seem to point towards a positive direct effect of having such a contract, the laws seem to cause ambiguity. In