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Your search for "*" yielded 536330 hits

‘ They have this statistic about us ‘ :Young people impacted by incarceration using theater to counter prejudice

The work presented in this​ thesis looks at how young people impacted by incarceration, experience the creation of ​their own​ original theater performances. Through a lense of storytelling and narrative creation the thesis explores how these young people choose to share their stories and ​life experiences​.The study is based on the ​efforts​ of a non-profit organization in the USA working with cu

Skillnader i sakkunnigutlåtanden angående brand- och rökspridning

In order to classify a crime involving a fire, a fire-technical assessment that describes what damage the fire could have caused from a fire expert is needed. In Sweden, there are no rules how these assessments should be executed or who is considered competent enough to establish them, but there are guidelines. The conclusions of the expert opinion have a direct impact on how the crime is classifi

Self-Defence and the Notion of Armed Attack in the Context of Hybrid Warfare: Accumulation of events; a hybrid solution to a hybrid problem.

This thesis explores the link between hybrid warfare and the notion of armed attack in that it asks the question of whether the notion of armed attack is competent to encompass hybrid warfare. The thesis is approached in two parts. In the first part, Chapter two describes the legal framework surrounding the notion of armed attack as a threshold in triggering the use of force in self defence. The t

Kritiska framgångsfaktorer i praktiken

Sedan 1990 talet har rollen som Business intelligence spelar ständigt ökat i betydelse. Anledningen bakom det fenomenet är att en av fördelarna med att implementera ett sådant system är den att det kan avsevärt förbättra företagets position gentemot konkurrenterna. Forskare hävdar dock att ett BI system inte är ett vanligt informationssystem. Att implementera ett BI system menar forskarna är en ko

Sustainable Travel Mode Incentives in a Professional Service Firm: Case Study of the Consultancy ENGINEERING Gruppe Deutschland

A growing number of firms are voluntarily starting to implement measures with the aim to reduce their corporate greenhouse gas emissions. This paper analyses sustainable travel mode incentives for the case of a travel-intensive professional service firm. The aim is to evaluate the relationship between hierarchical status and travel intensity, and the effectiveness of incentivising employees using

Faktorer som påverkar individers inre motivation för träning

Studien ämnade att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar individers inre motivation för träning och hur sambandet mellan dessa faktorer såg ut. Faktorerna som undersöktes var upplevd kompetens, upplevd autonomi, upplevd samhörighet, utseende-motiv, ansträngning, fitness-motiv, genomsnittligt spenderade timmar på träning, genomsnittligt spenderade timmar på arbete eller studier och generell self-efThis study was aiming to investigate which factors influence individual’s intrinsic motivation for exercise and what their correlation to it was. The factors examined was perceived competence, perceived autonomy, perceived relatedness, appearance motives, effort, fitness motives, average hours spent on exercise, average hours spent working or studying, and general self-efficacy. The study chose to

Återbruk av kontorsmöbler

Det begagnades gagn I Sverige köps det årligen möbler för 26 miljarder kronor. En stor del av möblerna slängs vid flytt eller när de anses vara uttjänta. Experter menar att om ett kontor köper in återanvända möbler istället för nya sparar de ungefär 2 000 000 kronor och minskar klimatpåverkan med omkring 60 ton koldioxid vilket motsvarar drygt sju passagerarflygplan till Thailand tur och retur. This thesis was conducted to quantitatively describe environmental and economic benefits from reuse of office furniture together with a status analysis of methods used to calculate that kind of data. Information was gathered from literature and interviews with industry players. The results from the different sources were initially presented separately and later compiled to demonstrate what they in

IDOM's high performance office building lighting audit: a case study

People in industrialized countries spend most of their time indoors. In this respect, a pleasant indoor environment is therefore very important, and daylight plays a fundamental role in this matter. A good lighting design in offices has proved to improve the worker’s wellbeing and increase their productivity. It has become an important part of the early stages of the building design. Simultaneous

Innersläntens funktion och egenskaper

Vid utformning av vägar idag är det inte enbart vägytan och vägkroppen som beaktas utan hela vägmiljön inklusive vägens sidoområde. Detta ställer helt nya krav på utformning av slänter och diken. Den främsta utmaningen är hanteringen av vattnet och här är innerslänten ett vitalt instrument för utmaningen. Vattenhanteringen i vägområdet är en huvuduppgift för att kunna säkerställa en vägs säkerhetWhen designing roads in today’s time, it is not only the road surface and the structure that are being taken into consideration, but also the whole road environment including the side region of the road. This emphasizes completely new requirements on the geometrical design of slopes and ditches. The main task is the management of the road water and the inner road slope is a vital instrument for th

A Conceptual Framework for Long-Term Strategic Foresight

As global connectivity becomes the driver of value and vulnerability, new concerns are coming into the foreground that needs to be addressed – for example, the resource security-climate nexus, or the means of governing emerging technologies. The broader context and outset for this thesis is the defense and civil security landscape. More specifically, strategic foresight and the increasing challeng

Foreign exchange reserves: analysis of size and currency diversification

This thesis analyses the size of the foreign exchange reserves across countries and attempts to find the determinants that could explain the differences in reserve levels. Factors such as the foreign exchange regime, country development level, current and capital accounts balance, as well as the fuel-exporter status, are all important predictors of reserve size. The results provide evidence that b

What is in a physical store?

The study contributes to a deeper understanding of the customer experience journey regarding high involvement products and touchpoints that influence the customer experience in a physical store. This study serves as an extension to previous academic research as they focused on convenience goods with a different target group (Lemon & Verhoef, 2016). Furthermore, the research conducted has sever

Patentförlikningar inom läkemedelssektorn och förbudet mot konkurrensbegränsande avtal – en jämförelse mellan EU-rätt och amerikansk rätt

Läkemedelsmarknaden är uppbyggd runt företag, så kallade originalföretag, som utvecklar nya läkemedel och patenterar dessa. Patent är viktigt eftersom det ger originalföretagen en tidsbegränsad monopolistisk marknadsställning. De har därigenom möjlighet att genom stora marknadsvinster få tillbaka investeringarna som gjorts för att ta fram nya läkemedel. Patent ger också incitament till fortsatt foThe pharmaceutical market is based on companies, called originators, who develop new drugs and patent them. Patents are important since they allow the originators a time-limited monopolistic market position. The originators then have the opportunity to enjoy significant market profits to cover the costs for the development of a new drug. Patents are also an incentive for continued research and dev

En hjälpande tass : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hundens bidrag till socialt arbete

Abstract Authors: Lina Norlin & Caroline Claesson Title: Lending a helping paw – a qualitative interview study on dogs contribution to social work Supervisor: Olof Pavalder Assessor: Nataliya Thell The aim of this study was to gain a deeper understanding of dog-assisted interventions in social work, seen from the practitioners experiences. In addition we wanted to shed light on the method a

Ett fenomen - flera perspektiv : En studie kring yrkesverksammas konstruktion av individer vilka lider av samsjuklighet i form av missbruk och psykisk ohälsa

Abstract Authors: Hilda Andreasson & Maria Geritz Title: A phenomenon – several perspectives. A study concerning professionals’ construction of individuals suffering from co-morbidity in the form of abuse and mental illness. Supervisor: David Hoff Assessor: Anders Östnäs The purpose of this study has been to investigate, through a discourse analytic approach, how professionals construct co

Negativa attityder och misslyckade Open Source- projekt: En attitydanalys av commit-meddelanden i digitala förvaringsplatser som prediktor för misslyckade Open Source-projekt

I föreliggande studie utformades en modell utifrån hypotesen att negativa attityder i commit- meddelanden predicerar misslyckande i Open Source-projekt. Denna modell testades kvantitativt med ett bekvämlighetsurval av digitalt förvarade projekt eller så kallad repositories (n = 990) på GitHub. Ett egenutvecklat verktyg i form av en webbapplikation användes till att utvinna samtliga data och ett in

Framtida socionomers syn på sexualitet och könsidentitet : En enkätstudie om socionomers attityder mot HBTQ-personer

The aim of this study was to examine attitudes towards LGBTQ-people among social work students at Lund University in Sweden. The purpose was specifically to study if the attitudes change during the program and if the social work education has any impact on the attitudes. The data was collected through a digital survey-method which was distributed by email to students of all semesters of the educat

Analyzing potato protein isolates for their potential in developing meat analogues

To keep up with the rapidly increasing global population, a significant increase in production of protein foods is required. The environmental impact of the meat industry, in combination with consumer awareness, calls for this food production to become more sustainable. One solution is development of meat analogues, which are meat-like texturized products based on vegetable proteins. In this proj

Påverkande faktorer att beakta vid införandet av ett LIS

Ett sätt för företag att legitimera sitt informationssäkerhetsarbete är genom att upprätta ett ledningssystem för informationssäkerhet, även kallat LIS. Genom ett LIS kan ett tydligt värde uppvisas mot kunder och andra intressenter. Ett införande av ett LIS kan däremot påverkas av olika typer av faktorer, exempelvis säkerhetsmedvetenhet, ledningen, kostnad och policys och regelverk. Faktorerna kan

Challenges of Achieving a Green Future and Financial Security - A Multiple Case Study of Swedish Pension Firms' Green Bond Assessment Processes

Deriving from an increased awareness of the devastating effects of global warming consequences, the interest for green bonds is growing at an explosive pace. However, researchers and practitioners have raised concerns about the challenges of assessing green bonds. Responding to a well-defined research gap stemming from identified challenges to assess green bonds, the primary purpose of this study