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Commercialisation of food products for managing type 2 diabetes: Reaching success in a highly regulated market

Diabetes is an increasing problem in the world, where obesity is a large risk factor for developing the most common type of diabetes, i.e. type 2 diabetes. Numerous pharmaceuticals exist for managing the disease. The importance of the consumption of healthy foods is less emphasised albeit being an important and effective tool for managing the disease. The master thesis aimed at investigating how c

Vägen ut ur missbruk av alkohol och narkotiska substanser

Our intention of this research was to study how treatment assistants who is working in two different treatment houses for addicts are considering the way out of alcohol and narcotic substances addiction. The two different treatment houses are one motivation clinic and one support clinic. We have chosen a qualitative method with semistructured interviews in this research where six treatment assista

Fighting in the red corridor - The Naxalites and Indian government’s obstacle to reach the negotiation table

The intrastate conflict between the Maoist inspired rebel group the Naxalites and the Indian government have been active since the late 1960s. This qualitative case study, use parts of Jacob Bercovitch’s framework ‘Contingency Model of Mediation’ to interpret the obstacles found in this case, in order to reach a successful negotiation situation. Six different factors in the conflict were analysed.

Democratic Accommodation Under Pressure: A comparative study of the ethnopolitical accommodation in the Basque Country and Cataluña (1975-2017)

1975 marked the end of the Spanish dictatorship under the rule of General Francisco Franco and the transition to democracy. Yet, the Basque ethnopolitical militant group Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA) continued its violent struggle until 2017, several years after the end of the dictatorship, while the otherwise peaceful independence movement in Catalonia began escalating following an illegal referend

Generation of Artificial Training Data for Deep Learning

Can artificial training data be used for deep learning applications in computer vision? We investigated this by building a framework that uses computer graphics to generate large quantities of images portraying humans. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) were used to bridge the gap in appearance between the generated and real images. A dataset’s potential was estimated by first using it to trai

On molecular butterflies and eagles: improved synthesis of 5,11-R2dxCOTs

Enantioselective synthesis is an important research topic with applications in drug development. Asymmetrical catalysis is one of the available ways of producing enantioenriched products. C2-Symmetric dibenzo[a,e]cyclooctenes or dbCOTs are a family of versatile chiral ligands for transition metals. They display great efficiency and enantioselectivity in 1,2- and 1,4- additions reactions. In this

Om skälig tolkning och tolkning av skälighet - En analys av sambandet mellan skälighet och den gemensamma partsviljans betydelse i avtalstolkningen och generalklausulen

Framställningen tar upp sambandet mellan skälighet och den gemensamma partsviljan inom ramen för jämkning och avtalstolkning. Frågeställningarna innefattar främst i vilken mån som partsviljan beaktas inom ramen för jämkning, samt i vilken mån skälighetsöverväganden görs inom ramen för avtalstolkning. Detta analyseras sedan i förhållande till grundläggande avtalsrättsliga principer som avtalsfrihetThe thesis addresses the relationship between unreasonableness and the common will of the party within the assessment of unreasonableness within Article 36 of the Swedish Contracts Act and the interpretation of contracts. The main focus lies with to what extent the courts within their assessment of a contract’s reasonableness consider the common will of the contracting parties, and to what extent

Bevisvärdering av muntliga utsagor i mål om grov kvinnofridskränkning - en narrativanalytisk undersökning av berättelser om bevisvärdering och kärleksrelationer utifrån idén om juridiken som en språklig praktik

Grov kvinnofridskränkning är ett av de svåraste brotten att bevisa. Ofta är situationen sådan att ord står mot ord. Domstolen har då att bedöma trovärdigheten och tillförlitligheten i målsägandens utsaga, för att bedöma om utsagan, tillsammans med vad som övrigt visats i målet, kan styrka åtalet bortom rimligt tvivel. Hur denna bevisvärdering går till är i enlighet med den fria bevisprövningens prGross violation of a woman’s integrity is one of the most difficult crimes to prove. Most often, one person's word stand against another. In such cases, the court has to prove the credibility and reliability of the plaintiff's oral statement in order to assess if it, together with the other circumstances of the case, can prove the case beyond reasonable doubt. Due to the principle of free

Ställföreträdarens roll i LVU-processen - En rättslig analys av barnrättsperspektivets inverkan på utvecklingen av ställföreträdarens roll igår, idag och imorgon

Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda utvecklingen av rollen som den unges ställföreträdare i LVU-processen från igår till idag och imorgon. Framställningen omfattas av ett barnrättsperspektiv, med särskilt fokus på den unges möjlighet att tillvarata sin rätt som part i LVU-processen. Socialnämnden har en lagstadgad skyldighet att ge vård åt unga som uppvisar tecken på en ogynnsam utveckling. DennThe purpose of this paper is to investigate the development of the role as the legal representative of the child within the judicial process concerning The Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act (LVU). The thesis will in this matter clarify the child’s prospect to exercise his or her right within this judicial process. Furthermore, the dissertation is written through a children’s rights pe

Koncernbidrag vid omstrukturering - Skatteflykt eller ej?

Koncernbidraget är ett verktyg som ofta används av bolag för att kunna erhålla kontanter till bl.a. investeringar tack vare de skattelättnader som bidraget skapar. Systemet med koncernbidrag är uppbyggt genom en strukturbildning av bolagsformen koncern som förgrenas ut i form av olika dotterbolag. Nyligen kom ett avgörande från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen om just koncernbidrag och under vilka forThe Group contribution is a tool, often used by companies to achieve more money in order to invest and ease up the tax burden. The system is to build a concern with subsidiary companies and then make transfers to each subsidiary.This is not a problem in most cases, but would it be achievable to use this method in all tax related situations? When restructuring has been executed in a concern, it’s n

Klimatdiskurs och -politik i det högerpopulistiska Ungern

Climate politics in the right-wing populist Hungary is a critical discourse analysis of the Hungarian government’s climate politics. The critical discourse analysis is based on Faircloughs method and theories which are closely interlinked. The method uses three dimensions for interpreting a discourse, the linguistic, the interdiscursive and social realities. Through looking at three different mate


In a foreseeable future we can expect increased precipitation, raised sea levels and flooding in northern Europe. Casual commuting might more frequently include dealing with heavy sky fall, flooded streets and soaking wet clothes. But as we say in Sweden ”Any weather is tolerable as long as you have the right clothes”. Tretorn is a brand that truly knows bad weather. They have a long heritage

Humanitarian interventions - Should it be legal under contemporary international law?

Humanitära interventioner är ett väl debatterat ämne inom internationell rätt. Det är ett ämne som väcker stora känslor och diskussioner bland jurister samt inom och emellan stater världen över. När det gäller legaliteten av humanitära interventioner finns det mycket material att tillgå, dock övergår diskussionen sällan i det som egentligen är viktigast: Borde humanitära interventioner vara lagligHumanitarian interventions is a well debated subject within international law. When it comes to the legality of humanitarian interventions the international community is divided and a lot of material regarding such interventions can be found. Unfortunately, the discussion rarely turns to the more important question: Should humanitarian interventions be legal under contemporary international law? T

Den politiska tillitens skillnader - En kvantitativ studie av tillitslandet Sverige

Political trust is crucial for well-functioning societies, but what happens to a high trust country as Sweden when people from other cultures move there? The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether political trust differs between domestically and foreign-born swedes. Furthermore, other factors that can generate political trust has been analyzed. The theoretical framework departs from Mishler

Vem bestämmer åt dig? - En analys av självbestämmande och beslutsoförmögenhet i SOU 2015:80

This study sets out to analyze the problem representation in the Swedish official report SOU 2015:80. The study seeks to analyze what sort of understanding the policymakers have of the terms self-determination (självbestämmande) and mentally incompetent (beslutsoförmögen). Lastly the study will analyze what the lived effects of this policy may be for persons who are provided help and service by LS

Comparative Analysis of Plastic Packaging Recycling in Portugal and Sweden

Current concerns for how unsustainable plastic packaging waste management is and how it negatively affects the environment, combined with the fact that it does not promote a circular economy has given origin to a strategy for plastics in a circular economy defined by the European Commission, in 2018. Thus, this study intended to compare and analyse two different plastic packaging waste recycling s

Att bibehålla talangfull personal utifrån Generation Y´s upplevelse av arbetsplatsen

Undersökningen vill bidra med kunskap om hur organisationer kan bibehålla personal, med fokus på en ny generation arbetstagare Generation Y och vilka faktorer som anses viktiga för viljan att stanna kvar på arbetsplatsen, men även undersöka om personlighet är en avgörande faktor. Undersökningen genomfördes genom en digital enkätstudie med öppna svarsfrågor till personer som är eller har varit timaThis research provides insight into how organisations can operate to retain talented staff within the organisation, with focus on the new generation of employees Generation Y. The study analyses thru a digital questionnaire what factors Generation Y considers important when it comes to being satisfied at work to retain them, and the study analyses if personality is an important factor to consider.

Is value creation creaking old audit creatures joints? - A qualitative multiple case study of large audit firms

Seminar date: 2018-05-31 Course: BUSN79 Business Administration: Degree Project in Accounting and Finance, 15 credits Authors: Linnea Lövgren and Magdalena Stevens Advisor: Amanda Sonnerfeldt Five key words: Professional service firms (PSFs), value creation, technological development, competence, audit. Purpose: The overall purpose of this thesis is to provide deeper knowledge and provide a c

Labour Rights Protection in Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Recovery: What Role for International Labour Standards?

The world continues to be shaped by crises in both new and familiar forms. International and non-international armed conflicts and disasters are barriers to individual wellbeing, development, stability, and in the case of the former, represent a basic challenge to peace. The aftermath of such crises, in which communities can be rebuilt and the fabric of society can be mended, can be a time for rec

All lek sker på egen risk! – Om barns skadeståndsansvar i svensk rätt

Alla är vi barn i början. Med stigande ålder utvecklas förmågan att skilja på vad som är rätt och fel. Unga personer har begränsade möjligheter att bedöma risker och överblicka konsekvenserna av olika beslut. Likväl kan skadeståndsskyldighet bli aktuellt redan i ett tidigt skede av livet. Det civilrättsliga regelverket har en betydligt tuffare inställning till barns ansvar än vad straffrätten har.We all start out as children. The ability to distinguish between what is right and wrong develops with increasing age. Young people have a limited capability to assess risks and foresee the consequences of their decisions. Despite this, liability for damages can become a matter at an early stage of life. The regulations of civil law have a much tougher approach to children’s responsibility than th