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Agility in entrepreneurial projects

Managing entrepreneurship is of importance for the society, for organizations and for the individual. It is not enough with knowledge and skills relating to the idea behind entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur must have knowledge and skills to manage the entrepreneurial process. The purpose of this paper is to put forward for agile project management as an appropriate way to manage an entrepreneuria

Characterization and micromechanical modelling of microstructural heterogeneity effects on ductile fracture of 6xxx aluminium alloys

Ductile failure of three 6xxx serie aluminium alloys has been characterized and modelled for about thirty hardening conditions each. These alloys involve relatively similar composition and volume fraction of second phase particles. The tensile mechanical properties show the expected decrease of fracture strain with increasing strength but also major differences among the different alloys with a fa

Four-dimensional in vivo X-ray microscopy with projection-guided gating

Visualizing fast micrometer scale internal movements of small animals is a key challenge for functional anatomy, physiology and biomechanics. We combine phase contrast tomographic microscopy (down to 3.3 μm voxel size) with retrospective, projection-based gating (in the order of hundreds of microseconds) to improve the spatiotemporal resolution by an order of magnitude over previous studies. We de

Simultaneous dual-energy X-ray stereo imaging

Dual-energy or K-edge imaging is used to enhance contrast between two or more materials in an object and is routinely realised by acquiring two separate X-ray images each at different X-ray wavelength. On a broadband synchrotron source an imaging system to acquire the two images simultaneously was realised. The single-shot approach allows dual-energy and stereo imaging to be applied to dynamic sys

Structural mouthpart interaction evolved already in the earliest lineages of insects

In butterflies, bees, flies and true bugs specific mouthparts are in close contact or even fused to enable piercing, sucking or sponging of particular food sources. The common phenomenon behind these mouthpart types is a com-plex composed of several consecutive mouthparts which structurally interact during food uptake. The single mouthparts are thus only functional in con-junction with other adjac

Unwinding the spiral : Discovering the manufacturing method of Iron Age Scottish glass beads

Spiral decorated Iron Age Scottish glass beads are a group of highly decorated objects about which very little is known. Despite considerable debate in the past, their technical complexity and elaborate design have always hindered the understanding of their method of production. The innovative application of X-ray micro-computed-tomography (μCT), with synchrotron light, rendered detailed informati

Management of multi-projects in a process oriented organization

When projects are used as an organisational platform to conduct business, a project can be the only project in the organisation or one amongst several others. The latter case is called multi-project organisation. Usually an organization with a multi-project environment has a base organisation, which can be functional, matrix structure or another. The purpose of this article is to develop a model b

Pericytes secrete pro-regenerative molecules in response to platelet-derived growth factor-BB

Brain pericytes not only maintain the anatomical, biochemical and immune blood-brain barrier, but display features of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vitro. MSCs have pro-regenerative properties attributed to their secretome. However, whether also brain pericytes possess such pro-regenerative capacities is largely unknown. Here we characterize the secretome and microvesicle (MV) release of human

Computational analysis on the effects of variations in T and B cells. Primary immunodeficiencies and cancer neoepitopes

Computational approaches are essential to study the effects of inborn and somatic variations. Results from such studies contribute to better diagnosis and therapies. Primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) are rare inborn defects of key immune response genes. Somatic variations are main drivers of most cancers. Large and diverse data on PID genes and proteins can enable systems biology studies on their

Exploring health navigating design: momentary contentment in a cancer context

Purpose: The technocratic and medicalized model of healthcare is rarely optimal for patients. By connecting two different studies we explore the possibilities of increasing quality of life in cancer care.Methods: The first study captures survival strategies in a historically isolated Arctic village in Norway resulting in Momentary contentment theory, which emerged from analysing four years of part

Child Day-Labourers in Agriculture : Evidence from Farm Accounts, 1740-1850

While child labour has always been an important part of the industrial revolutionstory, there is little quantitative evidence about the number of child workers in the1740–1850 period. This article estimates trends in the percentage of the agriculturalday-labouring workforce that were children. By using the wage level to identify childworkers, it is possible to estimate child labour for a large sam

International trade and carbon emissions : The role of Chinese institutional and policy reforms

The carbon dioxide embodied in Chinese exports to developed countries increased rapidly from 1995 to 2008. We test the extent to which institutional reforms in China can explain this increase. We focus on five areas of reforms: trade liberalization, environmental institutions, legal and property rights, institutional risk and exchange rate policy. Our results show that trade liberalization, weak eThe carbon dioxide embodied in Chinese exports to developed countries increased rapidly from 1995 to 2008. We test the extent to which institutional reforms in China can explain this increase. We focus on five areas of reforms: trade liberalization, environmental institutions, legal and property rights, institutional risk and exchange rate policy. Our results show that trade liberalization, weak e

Yttrande över remissen ”Förslag till ett skärpt amorteringskrav för hushåll med höga skuldkvoter”

Nationalekonomiska institutionen delar Finansinspektionens oro för hushållens höga skuldsättning och de negativa effekter dessa kan få på samhällsekonomin i framtiden. Institutionen ställer sig emellertid inte bakom förslaget om ett skärpt amorteringskrav. Hushållens växande skulder är orsakade av låga räntor Amorteringskravet är förvisso en metod för att motverka de låga räntornas effekt på skuld