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Recension av Clementine Beauvais: The Mighty Child. Time and Power in Children's Literature
The early settlement of northern Europe : Technology and communication
Tidsresor i nutiden
Om fertilitet och utbredning hos Xanthoparmelia tinctina, kustkaklav
Kustkaklav Xanthoparmelia tinctina förekommer på västkusten i Sverige. I denna artikel kartläggs arten med hjälp av litteratur och samlingar. Morfologi, kemi och DNA har undersökts på ett nyinsamlat exemplar med apothecier från Åsa i Ölmevalla socken i Halland. Ytterligare ett antal fertila herbariebelägg från Halland och Bohuslän anges, vilket är anmärkningsvärt då arten bara rapporterats fertil
Exploring the nexus between e-commerce and urban land use planning – e-commerce impacts on mobility and location strategies
The aim of this study is to discuss potential long term effects of online shopping on transport (both passenger and freight) and urban land use planning (e.g. structure and location of retail) with a focus on the Swedish case. The explorative approach is conducted through a mixed method approach combining the analysis of planning documents and reports, interviews with planners/private actors for t
Constructive conflicts in the case of the Öresund Link
OGS2: genome re-annotation of the jewel wasp Nasonia vitripennis
Nasonia vitripennis is an emerging insect model system with haplodiploid genetics. It holds a key position within the insect phylogeny for comparative, evolutionary and behavioral genetic studies. The draft genomes for N. vitripennis and two sibling species were published in 2010, yet a considerable amount of transcriptiome data have since been produced thereby enabling improvements to the origina
”Hvad är bästa sättet at öfversätta et Skaldestycke?” Om svensk översättning av antik poesi c. 1750–1850
Marcus Wallenberg, 1774–1833
Heder och ära i tidigmodern politisk offentlighet
The Production of Sexual Mutilation among Muslim Women in Cairo
Ett ord saknas
Recension av: Emin Tengström Broar till antiken. Antikens inflytande på svenskt samhälls- och kulturliv 1780-1850
The Fascination of Nature: Marginalia in a Renaissance Marco Polo Manuscript
The association between daily concentrations of air pollution and visits to a psychiatric emergency unit: a case-crossover study
Uppåkra´s Political Situation in the Migration Period
The central place Uppåkra, Scania in the 5th -6th centuries interpreted out from find material, especially guld bracteates.
Walking or Reading the City : Spatiotemporal narrative forms in contemporary urban Chinese fiction
In his influential essay ‘Walking in the City’, Michel de Certeau contrasts the practice of walking in the city, which produces or ‘enounces’ space; “[t]he act of walking is to the urban system what the speech act is to language,” with the practice of viewing the city from above, which in turn “transforms the bewitching world by which one was ‘possessed’ into a text that lies before one’s eyes.” T
Hard Diffraction With Dynamic Gap Survival
We present a new framework for the modelling of hard diffraction in pp and (Formula presented.) collisions. It starts from the the approach pioneered by Ingelman and Schlein, wherein the single diffractive cross section is factorized into a Pomeron flux and a Pomeron PDF. To this it adds a dynamically calculated rapidity gap survival factor, derived from the modelling of multiparton interactions.