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Your search for "*" yielded 532238 hits

Motives for Design for Disassembly in Building Construction

Design for disassembly, DfD (Design for Deconstruction), is an essential action to reduce the use of energy and resources and the production of waste in building construction. DfD has many environmental, economical as well as social benefits. It seams obvious to include the aspects of DfD, in both on-site and off-site production. Some countries have observed the importance of DfD and taken action

Intermolecular interactions in hydrogen bonded 1:1 molecular complexes. A matrix isolation study.

A number of matrix isolated binary hydrogen bonded complexes with water as one of the components have been investigated with FTIR in the mid and far infrared regions. Water has been found to be the hydrogen bond donor in complexes with water, ammonia, dimethyl ether and acetone. With formamide two equally strong hydrogen bonds are formed one from water to the carbonyl oxygen and one from an amide

Startup of an anaerobic single stage digester with a fixed wheat straw bed

The most common form of technology for energy utilization via anaerobic treatment is slurry digestion with a low solids contents, such as sewage sludge or manure. Process control and maintenance are relatively simple, but costs involved with liquid handling and heating favour large, centralised plants. Raising the solids content of a digester to 30% significantly improves the economy of anaerobic

Transport Phenomena in Fuel Cells

Fuel cells are expected to play a significant role in the next generation of energy systems and road vehicles for transportation. However, substantial progress is required in reducing manufacturing costs and improving performance. This book aims to contribute to the understanding of the transport processes in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) and direct me

The Top Runner policy concept: Pass it down?

In the 1990s, Japanese energy regulators were concerned by the fact that new generations of energy using appliances and products no longer displayed successive use-phase energy efficiency improvements, such as those that characterised product development in Japan after the 1970s oil crises. Therefore, in 1999, Japan incepted its Top Runner programme, designed to rejuvenate the lost momentum. Sever

Numerical study of fluidic injection for noise reduction

We investigate the ability of fluidic injection to control the noise of a model gas-turbine nozzle exhaust. The work is conducted using a hybrid method of LES for the flow field and Lighthill's acoustic analogy for the acoustic field. The impact of injection on the flow development in terms of coherent structures and characteristic frequencies is evaluated. The main results show that a low momentu

Det retrospektivt upplevda värdet av den gymnasiala spetsutbildningen : En uppföljning av unga vuxnas erfarenheter omkring ett och ett halvt år efter deras examen

Skolverket inledde på uppdrag av Regeringen hösten 2009 försöksverksamhet med riksrekryterande gymnasial spetsutbildning inom matematik, naturvetenskapliga, samhällsvetenskapliga och humanistiska ämnen. Försöksverksamheten har kontinuerligt följts upp och kontinuerligt utvärderats sedan dess. Våren 2012 tog de första eleverna inom de nio först startade utbildningarna sin examen. Syftet med delutvä

Introduction to Law and Social Theory

Although most law schools recognise the value of introducing students to a broader sociological perspective on law,this usually falls short of a full engagement with sociology as an academic discipline. This book introduces a wide range of sociological traditions, and how they can be used in investigating law and legal institutions. The book is organised into six sections, each with an introducti

Waste management in Zabrze: Pathways to a More Sustainable System

Zabrze is a medium size town of 200 000 inhabitants in the region of Upper Silesia, Poland. The development of the town was originally based on the exploitation of heavy industries. In the past few years Zabrze has, however, moved towards more service and tourism oriented industries. As part of this journey, the city of Zabrze sees the need to improve its existing waste management system. This rep

Structural Properties of Palladium-Manganese Alloys

Structural properties of adsorbed overlayers on well-defined single crystals and of Palladium-Manganese surface alloys formed on Pd(100) have been investigated using synchrotron-based photoemission, scanning tunneling microscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The experimental valence electronic structure of PdMn systems on Pd(100) is compared to density functional calculations (DFT).

Dealing with values that differ across concerned consumer groups and policy makers — values as elements in societal concerns

Agricultural policies have always had a tendency to be controversial. In many cases they generate major transfers of welfare between different groups of people, and hence are favoured by some and criticised by others. They also frequently cause trouble at the international level as domestic programmes interfere with trade flows and affect the wellbeing of people in other parts of the world. In add

The social and intellectual development of library and information science

The background of the project is partly found in a long tradition within library and information science (LIS) of meta-analyses on the field, partly in a science studies discussion on research fields and their contextual relation to wider academia, fields of professional practices and professionalization processes. The general purpose of the project is to analyze the social and intellectual develo

FOSS-galaxen. En empirisk undersökning kring fri och öppen programvaraurörelsen

FOSS står för Free Open Source Software. På svenska talar man om fri programvara eller öppen källkod. Rapporten diskuterar denna företeelse samt redovisar en enkätundersökning genomförd bland medlemmar av Svenska Linux-föreningen. Den övergripande ambitionen är att bidra till ett svar på frågan: Varför är FOSS ett sociologiskt intressant och betydelsefullt socialt fenomen?

Machinability variations in Alloy 718 —With focus on machining of turbine components

Popular Abstract in English You may have never heard of gas turbine engines, but they are used in all kinds of un¬expected places. For example, many of the helicopters you see, a lot of s¬maller power plants and even the military vehicle use gas turbines. A gas turbine consists of a compressor, a combustion chamber and a turbine. Air is taken into the compressor and mechanically compressed. It isIn gas turbine engine, nickel base alloy, such as Alloy 718, accounts for almost half of the total material requirement. Nickel-base superalloys are used for gas turbine components mainly because of their outstanding strength and resistance to oxidation at high temperatures (> 550°C). The massive cost involved with the machining of nickel alloys has driven continued research and development of cut

Cultural Functions of Intermedial Exploration

This collection of 19 essays is the first one devoted to function-oriented analyses of intermedial interrelationships in literature, art, music, and film. The contributors — among others, Werner Wolf, James Heffernan, Walter Bernhart, Siglind Bruhn, Claus Clüver, Valerie Robillard, and Tamar Yacobi — are leading international scholars in the field of intermediality. The common basis of the essays