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Your search for "*" yielded 532764 hits

Fixed point algorithms for detection of parabolic events

In this paper we show how to convert the problem of estimating delay, slope and curvature of a parabolic event into a frequency estimation problem. Two dimensional data (time and offset) is converted into samples on a two-dimensional manifold embedded in a three-dimensional spaced. To conduct frequency estimation on this manifold we design general domain Hankel matrices and make use of a fixed poi

Biharmonic functions on the classical compact simple Lie groups

The main aim of this work is to construct several new families of proper biharmonic functions defined on open subsets of the classical compact simple Lie groups SU(n), SO(n) and Sp(n). We work in a geometric setting which connects our study with the theory of submersive harmonic morphisms. We develop a general duality principle and use this to interpret our new examples on the Euclidean sphere S^3

Lessons from collapse of a 3-storey building in Sweden

The Swedish system for public quality control of structural design of buildings is one of the most liberal in the world. The full responsibility for this is given to the client in a building project. Consequences of this system are discussed in this paper via a case study of a recent collapse of a three-storey building. A number of gross errors in design and execution are described followed by a d

The frequency and influence of dementia risk factors in prodromal Alzheimer's disease

We investigated whether dementia risk factors were associated with prodromal Alzheimer's disease (AD) according to the International Working Group-2 and National Institute of Aging-Alzheimer's Association criteria, and with cognitive decline. A total of 1394 subjects with mild cognitive impairment from 14 different studies were classified according to these research criteria, based on cognitive pe

Design and control of integrated chromatography column sequences

To increase the productivity in biopharmaceutical production, a natural step is to introduce integrated continuous biomanufacturing which leads to fewer buffer and storage tanks, smaller sizes of integrated unit operations, and full automation of the operation. The main contribution of this work is to illustrate a methodology for design and control of a downstream process based on integrated colum

Sulfatase modifying factor 1 (SUMF1) is associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Background: It has been observed that mice lacking the sulfatase modifying factor (Sumf1) developed an emphysema-like phenotype. However, it is unknown if SUMF1 may play a role in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in humans. The aim was to investigate if the expression and genetic regulation of SUMF1 differs between smokers with and without COPD. Methods: SUMF1 mRNA was investigated in

Scrutinizing the relationship between adaptation and resilience : Longitudinal comparative case studies across shocks in two Nepalese villages

Growing concerns regarding the vulnerability of communities to natural disasters and climate-related hazards and risks have caused attention to be increasingly directed towards adaptation and resilience as important policy prescriptions. These two concepts are commonly becoming normative when used in this context and seen as intrinsically linked to each other, i.e. adaptation leads to resilience a

Re International survey on skin patch test procedures, attitudes and interpretation L.K. Tanno et al., WAOJ (2016) 9:8

A previous survey on the practice of diagnostic patch testing among representatives of member societies of the World Allergy Organization (WAO) has, in some countries, not addressed those stakeholders actually involved in patch testing, mainly dermatologists. The need for further standardisation is acknowledged and has been addressed e.g. by publication of a patch test guideline by the European So

Infantile hemangioma-derived stem cells and endothelial cells are inhibited by class 3 semaphorins

Class 3 semaphorins were discovered as a family of axon guidance molecules, but are now known to be involved in diverse biologic processes. In this study, we investigated the anti-angiogenic potential of SEMA3E and SEMA3F (SEMA3E&F) in infantile hemangioma (IH). IH is a common vascular tumor that involves both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. Our lab has identified and isolated hemangioma stem

Source deghosting

Marine seismic data are distorted by ghosts as waves propagating upwards reflect downwards from the sea surface. Ghosts appear both on the source-side as well as on the receiver-side. However, whereas the receiver-side ghost problem has been studied in detail and many different solutions have been proposed and implemented commercially, the source-side ghost problem has remained largely "unsolved"

Overlapping and specific patterns of GDNF, c-ret and GFRα mRNA expression in the developing chicken retina

GDNF and the GDNF receptors, c-Ret, GFRα1 and 2 mRNA is expressed in the developing chicken retina. GDNF labelling was mainly found in embryonic day 4-5 retina but weak labelling could also be found over scattered retinal cells at later stages. c-ret labelling was found over ganglion cells, amacrine and horizontal cells; the preferred GDNF receptor (GFRα1) over amacrine and horizontal cells; and t

Modelling invasibility in endogenously oscillating tree populations : Timing of invasion matters

The timing of introduction of a new species into an ecosystem can be critical in determining the invasibility (i.e. the sensitivity to invasion) of a resident population. Here, we use an individual-based model to test how (1) the type of competition (symmetric versus asymmetric) and (2) seed masting influence the success of invasion by producing oscillatory dynamics in resident tree populations. W

Liquid in accelerated motion

What happens to a liquid in a swing or a loop? Accelerated motions leadto effects that may seem surprising. Consider a liquid in a glass placed ona wooden triangle, in turn attached to a string and moving fast in circle a vertical plane. The surface of the water remains parallel to the bottom of the glass—and orthogonal to the string—as long as gravity and the tension in the string are the only fo

Enhanced immune response to MMP3 stimulation in microglia expressing mutant huntingtin

Huntington's Disease (HD) is an inherited neurodegenerative disease caused by a polyglutamine expansion in the huntingtin protein. The YAC128 mouse model of HD expresses the full-length human huntingtin protein with 128 CAG repeats and replicates the phenotype and neurodegeneration that occur in HD. Several studies have implicated a role for neuroinflammation in HD pathogenesis. Studies on presymp

Airborne hyperspectral data predict Ellenberg indicator values for nutrient and moisture availability in dry grazed grasslands within a local agricultural landscape

Species-based ecological indices, such as Ellenberg indicators, reflect plant habitat preferences and can be used to describe local environment conditions. One disadvantage of using vegetation data as a substitute for environmental data is the fact that extensive floristic sampling can usually only be carried out at a plot scale within limited geographical areas. Remotely sensed data have the pote

Hyperthyroidism after surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism

BACKGROUND: The coexistence of hyperthyroidism and primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) has been reported. We have questioned whether hypercalcemia or surgical trauma contribute to transient hyperthyroidism following parathyroid surgery.METHODS: Twenty-six pHPT and eleven breast cancer patients were compared regarding pre-, peri- and postoperative thyrotropin (TSH), free thyroxine (T4) and free trii

Long-term third-party assessment of results after continent cutaneous diversion with Lundiana pouch

Objectives: To investigate the long-term functional outcomes and complications after continent cutaneous diversion with the Lundiana pouch. Patients and Methods: Complications, re-operations, renal function, and continence were ascertained from patient charts. Outcome variables were validated by a second and independent review of the patient files. Results: A complication of Clavien-Dindo grade ≥I