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Visual proteomics of the human pathogen Leptospira interrogans

Systems biology conceptualizes biological systems as dynamic networks of interacting elements, whereby functionally important properties are thought to emerge from the structure of such networks. Owing to the ubiquitous role of complexes of interacting proteins in biological systems, their subunit composition and temporal and spatial arrangement within the cell are of particular interest. 'Visual

Reality TV Crime Programs

Crime reality television is a significant origin story in understanding reality entertainment. In the 1980s, crime reality television captured the public’s imagination with cold cases, ongoing criminal investigations, surveillance feeds, and live appeals to the public for information to catch criminals. Early crime reality television borrowed from other factual genres, including news reportage, cr

LRN 2016 SPECIAL – high capacity vehicles and modal shift from rail to road : combining macro and micro analyses

This paper addresses a road transport policy of allowing high capacity vehicles (HCVs) on the roads. The purpose is to examine the effect reduced road transport costs from HCVs can have on a modal shift. Two studies of HCV implementation in Sweden were combined. A micro-based case study modelled the distribution network of a major retailer in scenarios based on actual cost and flow data. A macro a

Mixing work and private activities in the digital working life. A diary study.

Laptops and smartphones are now challenging the traditional boarders of work and have contributed to new ways of combining work and other parts of life. Both time and room dimensions have been resolved or taken new forms through the new information and communication technology. Questions like when and where you are supposed to, or can or want to work are likewise important to companies and employeLaptops and smartphones are now challenging the traditional boarders of work and have contributed to new ways of combining work and other parts of life. Both time and room dimensions have been resolved or taken new forms through the new information and communication technology. Questions like when and where you are supposed to, or can or want to work are likewise important to companies and employe

The Use of Aquatic Resources by Early Mesolithic Foragers in Southern Scandinavia

A long tradition in research on prehistoric southern Scandinavia recognizes full use of aquatic resources in the Late Mesolithic Ertebølle Culture (5500–4000 cal BC): coastal sites are frequently found containing well-preserved fish bones, and isotope values from human collagen indicate a high dietary intake of marine resources. However, recent finds and new methodologies suggest that the view of

Protocol for meta-analysis of temperature reduction in animal models of cardiac arrest

Targeted temperature management (TTM) of 32-34 °C has been the standard treatment for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest since clinical trials in 2002 showed benefits to survival and neurological outcome. Recently, this treatment has been challenged by another clinical trial showing no difference in outcome between TTM of 33 °C and 36 °C. This protocol describes the methodology for a meta-analysis det

Denial outperforms apology in repairing organizational trust despite strong evidence of guilt

Previous work in the areas of organizational trust repair and crisis communication has provided conflicting answers to the question of whether denial can be more effective than apology in repairing stakeholder trust in a company following an integrity-based violation. This article reportsthe results of an experiment designed to (i) test the effects of these two strategies on individuals’ trust in

The European Social Dialogue in Perspective : Its future potential as an autopoietic system and lessons from the global maritime system of industrial relations

Denna avhandling har tre utgångspunkter. Den första är den europeiska sociala dialogen (ESD), vilken har kritiserats för att sakna kapacitet för att förbättra arbetsvillkor i EU. Den andra är det globala systemet för kollektivavtal och förhandlingar som har utvecklats genom ITFs kampanj mot bekvämlighetsflagg (ITF FOC), vilket anses ha kapacitet att förbättra villkor för sjömän på global nivå. DenThere are three starting points for this thesis. First, there is the system of ESD, which is criticised for lacking capacity to improve the working conditions within the EU. Secondly, there is the system developed through the global ITF FOC campaign, which is considered to have capacity to improve working conditions for seafarers at a global level. Thirdly, there is the theory on self-referential

Singing in Action : An inquiry into the creative working processes and practices of classical and contemporary vocal improvisation

This dissertation explores performative perspectives on classical and contemporary vocal improvisation (CCVI) as a critical, creative tool for development of and research in vocal performance. It consists of one introductory part and five articles, with additional documentation on a homepage. The artistic projects have been performed in close collaboration with fellow classically trained singers a

A Consensus Set of Outcomes for Parkinson's Disease from the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement

Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition that is expected to double in prevalence due to demographic shifts. Value-based healthcare is a proposed strategy to improve outcomes and decrease costs. To move towards an actual value-based health care system, condition-specific outcomes that are meaningful to patients are essential. Objective: Propose a global con

Social and economic burden of recurrent urinary tract infections and quality of life : a patient web-based study (GESPRIT)

Background: Uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections (UTIs) occur in approximately 50% of women, and 20–30% experience recurrent UTI. Data on UTIs and quality of life (QoL) in Europe are limited. Methods: This was an anonymous, self-administered web-based survey conducted in 5 countries (Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Russia and Italy), on adult women who had experienced recurrent UTI and were

Frequency of Achilles Tendon Xanthoma in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome

AIM: We studied the frequency of Achilles tendon xanthoma (ATX) in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Furthermore, we investigated the differences in clinical findings between ACS patients with and without ATX.METHODS: Patients with ACS (n=335) were admitted to the coronary care unit of Nippon Medical School between July 2011 and December 2014. Informed consent for the measurement of Ach