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Your search for "*" yielded 529956 hits

In vitro effects of fat, FA, and cholesterol on sphingomyelin hydrolysis induced by rat intestinal alkaline sphingomyelinase.

Dietary sphingomyelin (SM) may have regulatory effects on cell proliferation and tumorigenesis in the colon. Alkaline sphingomyelinase (SMase) is the major enzyme responsible for hydrolysis of SM in the gut. Previously we purified the enzyme and showed that the presence of glycerophospholipids inhibited SM hydrolysis induced by alkaline SMase in vitro. In the present work, we studied the effects o

Uncertainties on central exclusive scalar luminosities from the unintegrated gluon distributions.

In a previous report we used the Linked Dipole Chain model unintegrated gluon densities to investigate the uncertainties in the predictions for central exclusive production of scalars at hadron colliders. Here we expand this investigation by also looking at other parameterizations of the unintegrated gluon density, and look in more detail on the behavior of these at small k(). We confirm our concl

Ability of stress, sense of control and self-theories to predict Swedish high school students’ grades.

The aim of this study was to investigate self-theories (theories of intelligence, confidence in one's intelligence, internal attribution of failure, academic self-efficacy), specific control, and experiencing of stress by means of a questionnaire for 915 Swedish high school students. Factor analysis yielded 6 stress domains (Workload, Psychosocial Problems, Uncertainty, Problems in Close Relations

A new N-acetyl-beta-D-hexosaminidase disease with late onset of progressive neurological symptoms

Clinical data are presented on a 30-year-old male with normal early development (4-5 years) but subsequent progressive impairment of psychomotor functions. He has marked kyphoscoliosis and talipes calcaneo-valgus. The organs appear normal and the patient can walk unaided and feed himself although he does not recognize his parents. He has normal fundi oculi. Biochemical data show an absence of muco

Refractometry of microscopic objects with digital holography

Digital holography has some desirable properties for refractometry of microscopic objects since it gives phase and amplitude information of an object in all depths of focus from one set of exposures. We show that the amplitude part of the image can be used to observe how the Becke lines move between different depths of focus and hence determine whether an object has a higher or a lower index of re

Amperometric monitoring of redox activity in living yeast cells: comparison of menadione and menadione sodium bisulfite as electron transfer mediators

An amperometric method was applied for real-time monitoring of intracellular redox enzyme activity. Baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) cells were immobilized on platinum microband electrodes and mediated anodic currents were measured. The currents were observed in the absence and in the presence of glucose as a source of reducing equivalents, NADH and NADPH. 2-Methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone (mena

Retrovirally delivered Islet-1 increases recruitment of Ng2 expressing cells from the postnatal SVZ into the striatum.

Neural stem and progenitor cells hold the promise to be used in cell-based therapies to treat both acute and degenerative neurological diseases. To date, most research has been focused on the use of in vitro propagated stem cells used as a source of cells in cell replacement therapies. However, mobilization of endogenous neural stem cells to generate a specific differentiated cell type offers an a

Self-assembly of mixed ionic and zwitterionic amphiphiles: Associative and dissociative interactions between lamellar phases

The phase behavior and phase structure of the mixed lecithin/DDAB system in water are studied by SAXS, H-2 NMR, cryo-TEM, and optical polarization microscopy methods. Macroscopically, the triangular phase diagram is dominated by one lamellar liquid crystalline region. SAXS data in combination with 2H NMR detect the presence of two different lamellar phases. The collapsed lamellar phase originated

Human antibody response towards the pneumococcal surface proteins PspA and PspC during invasive pneumococcal infection.

gG antibodies against pneumococcal surface protein A, family 1 (PspAl) and family 2 (PspA2), protein C (PspC), and protein Hic were investigated in 41 patients with invasive pneumococcal disease. Pre-existing antibody levels against the four pneumococcal proteins were not significantly different from those found in 40 patients with non-pneumococcal bacteremia or 80 healthy controls. However, durin

Kissing stents in the common femoral artery bifurcation for critical limb ischemia: Technical description and report of three cases

The purpose of this article is to describe three cases of kissing stent placement in the common femoral artery bifurcation in patients unsuitable for open endarterectomy and patch plasty. In three patients with critical limb ischemia, caused by primary atherosclerotic disease or dissection-related injury when performing a lower extremity intervention, a technique of kissing stents was used to trea

CRK proto-oncogene maps to human chromosome band 17p13

A genomic DNA fragment, isolated from a human phage library using a chicken crk cDNA probe, was shown to derive from the human CRK locus. We have used fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to map CRK distal in chromosome band 17p13, a region which demonstrates frequent deletion or loss of heterozygosity in a wide range of human cancers.

Lymphocyte subpopulations and lymphokine production in children with constitutional aplastic anemia

The expression of lymphocyte surface markers as well as the production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-gamma (IFN) by mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) have been studied in five children with constitutional aplastic anemia. A significantly reduced T4/T8 ratio was found and two of five patients also had a reduced percentage of B cells. One patient had a high percent

A Fast, Bandlimited Solver for Scattering Problems in Inhomogeneous Media

The numerical treatment of two-dimensional scattering in inhomogeneous media is considered. A novel approach in treating convolution operators with low regularity is used to construct an iterative solver for the Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation. In this way, accurate approximations within a choice of bandwidth can be obtained in a rapid manner. The performance of the method is tested on a disc