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Vestibular asymmetry increases double support time variability in a counter-balanced study on elderly fallers

Vestibular asymmetry is a common cause of dizziness in the elderly, for whom it precipitates the risk of falling. Previous studies have shown that those with vestibular asymmetry displayed an altered variability in double support time (DST) compared to controls. However, swing time (SwT) variability findings are conflicting. In this study, we investigated if vestibular asymmetry might be causally

Activation of the c-Met receptor complex in fibroblasts drives invasive cell behavior by signaling through transcription factor STAT3

c-Met is the receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF). It mediates multiple cellular responses in development and adult life, and c-Met hyperactivity is associated with malignant transformation of cells and the acquisition of metastatic properties. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) has been shown to contribute to c-Met-mediated cell motility and is, th

Design and rationale for the Influenza vaccination After Myocardial Infarction (IAMI) trial. A registry-based randomized clinical trial

Background Registry studies and case-control studies have demonstrated that the risk of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is increased following influenza infection. Small randomized trials, underpowered for clinical end points, indicate that future cardiovascular events can be reduced following influenza vaccination in patients with established cardiovascular disease. Influenza vaccination is rec

Rotating swings - a theme with variation

Rotating swing rides can be found in many amusement parks, in many different versions. The 'wave swinger' ride, which introduces a wave motion by tilting the roof, is among the classical amusement rides that are found in many different parks, in different sizes, from a number of different makes and names, and varying thematization. The 'StarFlyer' is a more recent version, adding the thrill of lif

Judicial Interpretation and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Lands, Participation and Consultation. The Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ Approach

This article proposes a critical legal analysis of the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights regarding indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, participation, and consultation. It focuses on the role that cultural diversity as a legal standard has played in the recognition of the indigenous peoples’ right to consultation and participation in all matters that directly affect them, a

Needle biopsy through the abdominal wall for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumour - Does it increase the risk for tumour cell seeding and recurrence?

PURPOSE: Preoperative percutaneous transabdominal wall biopsy may be considered to diagnose gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST) and plan preoperative treatment with tyrosine kinase inhibitors when an endoscopic biopsy is not possible. Hypothetically, a transabdominal wall biopsy might lead to cell seeding and conversion of a local GIST to a disseminated one. We investigated the influence of pre

Beyond ΛCDM : Problems, solutions, and the road ahead

Despite its continued observational successes, there is a persistent (and growing) interest in extending cosmology beyond the standard model, ΛCDM. This is motivated by a range of apparently serious theoretical issues, involving such questions as the cosmological constant problem, the particle nature of dark matter, the validity of general relativity on large scales, the existence of anomalies in

Inventing Sacred Spaces: Islamic Symbolism in Turkish Visual Politics. Paper at Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA) Annual Meeting, Boston, US

This paper discusses the increasing prominence of religious, iconic symbolism in Turkish visual politics, by focusing state sponsored expositions, cultural-cum-pedagogic events and public celebrations, orchestrated by the Turkish AKP Government and affiliated municipalities. Such public, religio-cultural and populist orchestrations of Islamic symbolism, this paper argues, are aspects of a current This paper discusses the increasing prominence of religious, iconic symbolism in Turkish visual politics, by focusing state sponsored expositions, cultural-cum-pedagogic events and public celebrations, orchestrated by the Turkish AKP Government and affiliated municipalities. Such public, religio-cultural and populist orchestrations of Islamic symbolism, this paper argues, are aspects of a current

Energy Stored by Radiating Systems

Though commonly used to calculate Q-factor and fractional bandwidth, the energy stored by radiating systems (antennas) is a subtle and challenging concept that has perplexed researchers for over half a century. Here, the obstacles in defining and calculating stored energy in general electromagnetic systems are presented from first principles as well as using demonstrative examples from electrostat

A study of the mean field approach to knapsack problems

The mean field theory approach to knapsack problems is extended to multiple knapsacks and generalized assignment problems with Potts mean field equations governing the dynamics. Numerical tests against 'state of the art' conventional algorithms shows good performance for the mean field approach. The inherently parallelism of the mean field equations makes them suitable for direct implementations i

Jitter-correction for IR/UV-XUV pump-probe experiments at the FLASH free-electron laser

In pump-probe experiments employing a free-electron laser (FEL) in combination with a synchronized optical femtosecond laser, the arrival-time jitter between the FEL pulse and the optical laser pulse often severely limits the temporal resolution that can be achieved. Here, we present a pump-probe experiment on the UV-induced dissociation of 2,6-difluoroiodobenzene (C6H3F2I) molecules performed at

Living unnoticed: Cognitive impairment in older people with multimorbidity

Objectives: To investigate the correlation between MMSE ≤ 23 and the presence of a diagnosis of dementia in the medical record in a population with multimorbidity. Design, setting, and participants: This cross-sectional study was part of the Ambulatory Geriatric Assessment – a Frailty Intervention Trial (AGe-FIT; N = 382). Participants were community dwelling, aged ≥ 75 years, had received inpatie