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The Boundary Work of Commercial Friendship

With the aim to reconsider lifestyle values in relation to economic rationality in small tourism and hospitality businesses, we focus on the “commercial home” as a site where boundaries between personal and commercial values are constantly performed in practice. Through an interactionist analysis of the narrative of a B&B and gallery owner, we illustrate the emergence of intimacy as a commerci

The risk associated with indwelling catheters in children with haemophilia.

Infections are the most frequent complications associated with the use of central venous lines (CVLs) in children with haemophilia. Several retrospective studies that include data from a substantial number of patients have reported approximately 0.2-0.3 infections per 1000 catheter-days (mainly Port-A-Cath). Some studies have shown a much higher frequency of infections, 1-2/1000 catheter-days. The

The feasibility of left ventricular mechanical support as a bridge to cardiac recovery

Objective: To study the achievability of device weaning in patients receiving left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) as a bridge to transplantation. Methods: Eighteen consecutive patients receiving a LVAD between September 1997 and June 2002 were included in the study. During a four-month follow-up, patients were repeatedly evaluated with right heart catheterization and echocardiography and, if f

Calcium deposition and expression of bone modelling markers in the tympanic membrane following acute otitis media

Background and objectives In accordance with clinical findings, myringoscterosis develops after otitis media (OM) and paracentesis in an experimental setting. The pathogenesis of this phenomenon of calcification is poorly understood. As the calcification process and the sclerotic plaques of the drum mimics features of bone tissue, this study explores tympanic membrane calcium deposition in associa

International consensus statement on the use of disease-modifying agents in multiple sclerosis

Objective. To provide recommendations on the use of disease-modifying agents in the management of multiple sclerosis (MS) and to ensure that treatment will be available to those patients who may benefit. Methods. An initial draft of the consensus statement was prepared by the Steering Committee and amended in the light of written comments from a group of MS specialists. At a subsequent workshop, t

Momentum shearing interferometry of electron waves

We analyse recent experiments on momentum shearing interferometry of electron wave packets1,2 by using an optical analogy with shearing interferometry for optical waves. This analogy offers a convenient point of view to discuss the capabilities and difficulties of this technique used to access the phase of electron wave packets.

Quantification of bacterial subgroups in soil: comparison of DNA extracted directly from soil or from cells previously released by density gradient centrifugation

All molecular analyses of soil bacterial diversity are based on the extraction of a representative fraction of cellular DNA. Methods of DNA extraction for this purpose are divided into two categories: those in which cells are lysed within the soil (direct extraction) and those in which cells are first removed from soil (cell extraction) and then lysed. The purpose of this study was to compare a me

Equatorial Baltica in the Vendian: palaeomagnetic data from the Sarek Dyke Swarm, northern Swedish Caledonides

In this paper, we present Vendian palaeomagnetic data for continent Baltica, based on results from the 608 +/- 1 Ma old Sarek Dyke Swarm in northern Sweden. The dykes sit in the Sarektjahkka Nappe of the Seve Nappes, which were thrust eastwards over the Baltic craton during the early Palaeozoic Caledonian Orogeny. In spite of long transport distances as well as deformation and metamorphism in the

Late Quaternary landscape and vegetation diversity in a North European perspective

The rarefaction technique applied to fossil pollen sequences for analyzing palynological richness, interpreted as a signal of biological diversity of landscapes and vegetation, has been developed since 1988. Errors including population evenness and vegetation disturbance have been considered in this study. Information from two sites is discussed, one with a pollen diagram covering Late-Glacial (La

Developmental perspectives on prosocial and aggressive motives in preschoolers’ peer interactions.

Preschoolers’ prosocial and aggressive behaviors were explored longitudinally, with a focus on the inferred underlying motives of these behaviors. Forty-four children (initially 22–40 months) were observed in naturalistic interactions with peers, during a two-month period for each of three consecutive years. Three categories of prosocial behavior (requested, altruistic, and non-altruistic) and thr

Classification of fungi by means of pyrolysis-gas chromatography pattern recognition

SUMMARY Repetitive samples of three strains of the moujd Penicillium were subjected to pyrolysis-gas chromatography (Py-GC). From the chromatograms, 26 peak heights were used in a subsequent SIMCA pattern recognition analysis. This data analysis gives a marked improvement in the classification of the samples (100% correct, 85% unique) in comparison with the traditional analysis based on the averag

Parametrization of the Zeeman effect for hydrogen-like spectra in high-temperature plasmas

We present a method for parametrizing the Zeeman effect in hydrogen-like systems in high-temperature plasmas, where the fine-structure is completely unresolved. The method is based on the observation that the different polarization components behave collectively like separate entities, with simple relations. The entire Zeeman pattern can then be reduced to just three components, whose dependence o

Retrograde axonal transport of JNK signaling molecules influence injury induced nuclear changes in p-c-Jun and ATF3 in adult rat sensory neurons

In the present study, we investigated if the previously observed JNK-mediated activation of c-Jun and induction of ATF3 could be ascribed to axonal transport of JNK signaling components, or if axonal transport of the transcription factors themselves contributes to the nuclear changes in injured sensory neurons. We observed retrograde axonal transport of a number of JNK upstream kinases in ligated

Agenesis of the ductus venosus and its correlation to hydrops fetalis and the fetal hepatic circulation: case reports and review of the literature.

Under normal conditions about 50% of the placental venous return bypasses the liver through the ductus venosus. This blood flow is preferentially directed toward the foramen ovale and provides optimum oxygenation to the fetal heart and brain. Absence of the ductus venosus is a rare vascular anomaly, the significance of which has been disputed. We distinguish the pattern in which the liver is entir

Modeling of the deposition of stoichiometric Al2O3 using non-arcing dc magnetron sputtering

dc sputter deposition of stoichiometric Al2O3 is usually difficult due to the formation of an oxidized layer on the target surface, which reduces the deposition rate drastically and causes charge buildup and arcing at the target. To avoid this situation the arrival rate ratio O2/Al must be high enough at the substrate position that a stoichiometric film can form but low enough at the target that a

Real-time PCR analysis for blood cell lineage specific markers.

We here describe the methods for the isolation of distinct hematopoietic subpopulations, as defined by their immune phenotype by fluorescence-activated cell sorting, and how these cells can be analyzed even at a single-cell level for the gene expression of a number of transcription factors and other differentiation markers.

Low-dose GH improves exercise capacity in adults with GH deficiency: effects of a 22-month placebo-controlled, crossover trial

Fifty-five patients with adult-onset GH deficiency (mean age, 49 years) were enrolled in a placebo-controlled, crossover study to investigate the effects of GH therapy on exercise capacity, body composition, and quality of life QOL). GH and placebo were administered for 9 months each, separated, by a 4-month washout period. GH therapy was individually dosed to obtain an IGF-I concentration within

Study of flame stabilization in a swirling combustor using a new flamelet formulation

The dynamics in a swirl-stabilized flame is studied using large eddy simulation (LES). We account for the effect of turbulence on the flame through a model based on a filtered flamelet technique. The model provides a consistent and robust reaction-diffusion expression for simulating the correct propagation of premixed flames. The filtered flamelet formulation has been implemented into a high-order

Contradictory effects of dopamine at 32 degrees C in pigs anesthetized with ketamine

BACKGROUND: In critically ill patients who were surface cooled to 33 +/- 2 degrees C, we have observed that dopamine sometimes causes a substantial decrease in blood pressure. The present study was designed to compare the effects of dopamine in normothermia to those seen after surface cooling to 32 degrees C. METHODS: Seven pigs with a mean body weight of 21 kg were anesthetized with ketamine and

Characterization of serum antibody response to chlamydiae in patients with sexually acquired reactive arthritis

Sera from patients with sexually acquired reactive arthritis (SARA) with antibodies reacting with C. trachomatis and C. pneumoniae (group 1; n = 20) and also with C. psittaci (group 2; n = 19) were analyzed for antibody specificity. Sera from group 2 reacted significantly more often with C. trachomatis serotype E, H and K and had higher antibody titers to serotype E, as tested by microimmunofluore