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Beteendemönster och styrelseeffektivitet: Bolagsstyrning i en interpersonell kontext

På grund av svåra metodologiska och praktiska svårigheter domineras forskning om bolagsstyrning i allmänhet och styrelseeffektivitet i synnerhet av relativt ytliga modeller. Så kallade black boxstudier är mycket vanliga, och kontrasteras mest av rent konceptuella modeller utan kvantitativa amibitioner. Den här uppsatsen kikar in i den svarta lådan och utforskar den interpersonella kontexten i styrDue to severe methodological and practical difficulties, research on corporate governance in general and board performance in particular is dominated by relatively shallow models. So called black box studies are very common, and are contrasted mainly by conceptual models without any quantitative ambitions. This paper peeks into the black box, exploring the interpersonal context within the board ro

Skatteregler för en idrottskoncern - Med fokus på internprissättning

I denna uppsats undersöks koncernbeskattningsreglerna i en idrottskoncern. Fokus är på hur de allmännyttiga ideella föreningar som i ett dotterbolag äger en idrottsarena skall beräkna en marknadsmässig hyra. Detta med anledning av Skatteverkets granskning av denna typ av idrottsföreningar som tog sin början år 2007. Efter att denna granskning inleddes har flera idrottsföreningar blivit upptaxeradeThis thesis will investigate the Swedish group taxation for income tax purpose for sport groups. I will focus on how the public non-profit organizations who owns their own sta-dium should calculate a market rent. This is due to the Swedish Tax Agency starting an audit of sport associations in 2007. After this audit a couple of sport associations have been claimed to pay more tax because the Swedis

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Under första världkriget brevväxlade den franske poeten Guillaume Apollinaire med två kvinnor: Geneviève-Marguerite-Marie-Louise de Pillot de Coligny-Châtillon, av Apollinaire rätt och slätt kallad "Lou" och Madeleine Pagès. Uppsatsen analyserar breven från Apollinaire.

Third Country Nationals and Backdoor Immigration: Reverse Discrimination, Fundamental Rights and the Distinction between Use and Abuse.

The thesis examines the situation of Third Country Nationals who have familial links to a ‘returning’ Community citizen. The thesis analyses Danish Immigration law, Community free movement provisions, and the case law of the Court suggesting that the application of National law is ‘dying’ due to the Court’s interpretation of ‘abuse’ and gradual elimination of the ‘wholly internal situations’. The

Burmas förlorade skatter

This essay is about the fundamental paradox that surrounds the trade of natural resources from developing countries. The essay will focus on the gemstone trade from Burma. How is it possible that a country can be so rich in natural resources but so poor in terms of human capital, welfare and development. Is there a nexus between the amount of a country’s natural resources and development, a nexus

Rethinking Global Civil Society (GCS) Theory ----- A Political Analysis on the Rise of Popular Nationalism in China

Global Civil Society (GCS) Theory maintains that nationalism will gradually decline as processes of globalization increase. However, the recent rise of popular nationalism in China is one counterexample to GCS theory. By using case study and narrative analysis on researching recent popular nationalist movements in China, we find that it is the “victim-superpower” identity among Chinese people that


Due to the increasing need for advanced credit risk management and lacking quantitative credit risk measurement modeling at the Chinese banks, the purpose of this dissertation is to study the feasibility of applying the Western credit risk model, the Moody’s KMV (MKMV), to China. Because of the particular Chinese considerations, such as developing stage of financial market and lacking of default d

Disability and labor market outcomes in Sweden - Controlling for skill

In this thesis, employment and earnings differentials between visually or hearing-impaired and non-disabled Swedish workers are analyzed. The thesis investigates whether there are any differences and if so, how large, in the earnings and the employment probabilities of the visually or hearing-impaired and the non-impaired on the Swedish labor market. Due to the detailed measures of visual acuity a

Societal Costs Associated with Air Pollution Related Ill-health: A Review of Methods and Results

The aim of the paper is to provide a systematic review of the estimation of cost-of-illness (COI) due to air and noise pollution related ill-health. The methodology used for the review includes a systematic search on electronic databases for peer-review published literature and manual searches for the identification of unpublished literature. Searches are based on the major electronic databases su

Institutional Change; Does it help alleviate Poverty?

The problem of poverty is present all over the world. Poverty consists of many different factors and appears in different dimensions in all environments. Institutions are the rules and games of a society and are important to people experiencing poverty as they provide safety nets such as social security or strong social relations in the form of kinship ties. I will describe the role of institution

An Institutional Analysis of Market Transition and Political Capital

In his 1989 seminal paper, Victor Nee developed the market transition theory (MTT), which argues that reforming socialist economies shift power from a redistributive government to direct producers. One of the most contentious predictions of the theory is that market expansion will induce a relative decline in the value of political capital. However, China’s transition to a socialist-market economy

My name is Intelligence, Business Intelligence!

Uppsatsen är ett resultat av en explorativ studie av Business Intellience i några svenska företag. En grundläggande referensram presenteras för målgruppen för uppsatsen för attskapa en förståelse från grunden till studiens frågeställningar. Vad är Business Intelligence egentligen och vad betyder begreppet för dig? En analys av begreppet görs och ställs mot olika perspektiv i ett försök att definie

A multi-factor model for the Swedish stock market

In 1996, Robert A. Haugen and Nardin L. Baker published a study where they had made a multi-factor model based on micro-variables on the American stock market between 1979 and 1993. In testing the model on the examined period they made an average annual return of 30,9 percent. They also tested the model on several other markets around the world with similar results. This study is a somewhat simple

Samhällsekonomiska vinster med regionala fjärrvärmenät

Purpose: The aim was to explore what socio-economic benefits could be made out of regional networks in an economic, environmental and social perspective. The project also aimed to investigate where there is potential for regional networks and utilization of waste heat, and what barriers exist. In order to investigate the gains that can be achieved two different models was created and then compared


Statistical theory suggests that call arrivals to a telephone exchange follow a Poisson process and that time between successive calls is exponentially distributed. Previous studies indicate that the average number of arrivals changes over time, and thus follow a time-inhomogeneous Poisson distribution. The purpose of this thesis is to assess if the characteristics of daily calls to a call center

A model of reconstruction for the oral apparatus of the Ordovician conodont genus Protopanderodus Lindström, 1971

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Conodonterna var en framgångsrik och diversifierad marin djurgrupp som levde från ungefär mellankambrium (~ 500 Ma) till slutet av trias (200 Ma). Från ett fåtal bevarade avtryck vet man att djuren var långsmala, endast några cm långa och hade fenor. Avtrycken är svårtolkade, men mycket tyder på att conodonterna var förhållandevis avancerade och kanske till och Elements from the Ordovician conodont genus Protopanderodus Lindström, 1971 have been investigated to provide a model of reconstruction of the oral apparatus of this genus. In total, 4202 elements from the only five species representing Protopanderodus in the Swedish Middle Ordovician conodont fauna were included in the study. Four of the species, P. rectus, P. robustus, P. graeai and P. parvibasi

Structural control of fine-grained granite dykes at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory, north of Oskarshamn, Sweden

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Förekomsten av finkorniga granitgångar är ett potentiellt problem vid lagring av kärnbränsle i berggrunden eftersom de utgör svaghetszoner. Det är därför viktigt att ta reda på hur dessa gångar beter sig i berggrunden. Huvudsyftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka om de finkorniga granitgångarna är kontrollerade av några strukturer i tunneln vid ÄspölaborThe occurrence of fine-grained granite (FGG) dykes is one of the potential problems in the storage of nuclear waste in the bedrock. It is therefore important to locate and characterise such dykes. The major object in this thesis is to investigate, whether the FGG dykes at the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory (ÄHRL) are structurally controlled. This involves measuring the orientations of the dykes, to cor

A petrographical and geochemical study of granitoids from the southeastern part of the Linderödsåsen Horst, Skåne

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Skåne är till stor del täckt av sedimentära, avlagrade bergarter t.ex. sandsten och kalksten, samt mycket yngre istidsavlagringar. Den kristallina berggrunden i Skåne utgör grunden för sedimenten och bildades huvudsakligen för mer än 1200 miljoner år sedan. Denna berggrund är bara synlig i de stora nordvästriktade horstar (åsar), som utgör ett markant drag i SkåThe Precambrian crystalline basement in Skåne only outcrops in the large NW striking Horsts that are roughly parallel to the Tornquist Zone. In the south-easternmost part of the Linderödsåsen Horst in SE Skåne, the Stenshuvud porphyritic granitoids previously considered to be Palaeoproterozoic volcanic rocks, have been recently dated to 1458 Ma. This indicates that these rocks are coeval with the