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Narratology in Classroom: Using Narrative Metalepsis in Teaching Literature at Upper Secondary Level

I denna artikel undersöker jag spänningen mellan forskning i narratologi och undervisning i narratologi. Mitt främsta syfte är att analysera hur forskningen i detta äflt kan användas i undervisning. Studien görs på elever i gymnasiet i Sverige. Jag studerar elevernas reaktioner på ett så kallat "rambrytande" berättargrepp: den narrativa metalepsen. Samtidigt ifrågasätter jag vissa teoretiker enligIn this paper I explore the tension between research in narratology and teaching narratology. My main concern is to study how the research in this field can be used in teaching. The study is made on pupils at upper secondary level in Sweden. I study the pupils’ reactions to one kind of frame-breaking narrative device: the narrative metalepsis. In doing so, I question some theorists according to wh

Kvinnligt klosterliv i Sverige och Norden: En motkultur i det moderna samhället

Ordenssystrarna spelade en viktig roll i den katolska kyrkans återetablering i de nordiska länderna från mitten av 1800-talet och framåt. Denna återetablering mötte ett starkt motstånd i dåtidens nordiska samhälle, och fortfarande i början av 1960-talet framställdes katolicismen i allmänhet och klosterkommuniteterna i synnerhet som ett reellt hot mot nordisk identitet och nordiska värderingar. Ock

Distributed inter-domain link capacity optimization for inter-domain IP/MPLS routing

Our goal is to present a mathematical model useful for distributed optimization of traffic routing in multi-domain Internet networks. In such environments each domain is operated autonomously and has access to limited information about the rest of the network. Our model reflects this through an appropriate problem decomposition with respect to individual domains. The decomposition aims at supporti

Development of Capacitive Biosensors for Monitoring of Bacterial Toxins and Other Biomolecules

Sensing and quantification of biomolecules are becoming increasingly important in medical diagnostics, bioprocess technology and recently in homeland security. The majority of techniques currently employed to interrogate biomolecules require some type of radio-, enzymatic- or fluorescent-labeling. However, there is an increasing awareness of novel techniques in which biomolecules are detected in t

Om kantbuckling av pappersbanan vid pappersproduktion

Web wrinkling is one of the more common web handling problems, caused by shear forces, resulting from in-plane misaligned rollers. Several analytical models have been derived, mainly based on the theory of beams or membranes and isotropic material properties. Paper is a highly anisotropic material but can be assumed orthotropic for thin structures as paper web. For this reason, an orthotropic plan

Defense mechanisms: Current approaches to research and measurement

This chapter highlights the general theme of the book, including definitions of defense mechanisms within various theoretical frames of reference. After a period of exclusion from mainstream clinical psychology the concept of defense has now returned to center stage.

Interactive On-Line Evaluation of Robot Motion Control

This paper presents a new real-time architecture for motion control of industrial robots. The new control system obtained has two main advantages: first it provides a total open control architecture and the second advantage is the simplicity and the interactivity of the platform developed. Experimental evaluation of a passivity-based control scheme shows the benefits of the architecture which is u