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Your search for "*" yielded 531675 hits

Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) - A comparative treatment planning study

Purpose: To study Intensity Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) with a new treatment planning optimization software. The aim was also to make a comparative study between existing conventional photon plans, Intensity Modulated X-ray Therapy (IMXT) plans and IMPT plans for three different cancer diagnoses. Materials and methods: The conventional photon plans and the IMXT plans were optimized in Oncentra

Diffusion q-space measurements in-vivo does sequence timing influence the result?

Vattenmolekyler är i ständig slumpmässig rörelse som beror på systemets termisk energi, dvs temperaturen. Diffusionsrörelsen kallas även Brownsk rörelse efter den engelske botanikerns Brown, som upptäckte fenomenet på 1800 talet. Människokroppen består till 70 % av vatten, vilket gör det lämpligt att använda MRT för att studera diffusionsegenskaper i biologisk vävnad och för klinisk diagnostik av Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is still a fast growing area of research and is an important part of the clinical tools used for diagnosis of various diseases. The diagnostic values of diffusion imaging are well known especially for ischemic stroke in the acute phase. This work concerns whether the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) changes when the ima

Using q-space Diffusion MRI for Structural Studies of a Biological Phantom at a 3T Clinical Scanner

"Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is today a well-established method in clinics around the world. For example it is a leading method or diagnosing ischaemic stroke at an early stage. Trough research it is a continuously growing field applicable to many different tasks. Alternatively, the diffusion MRI can be used for morphologic studies by the use of q-space analysis. q-space imag

Uppskov med beskattning vid andelsbyten En studie av de svenska reglernas förenlighet med fusionsdirektivet

I denna uppsats undersöks om de svenska reglerna för uppskov med beskattning vid andelsbyten strider mot det EG-rättsliga fusionsdirektivet. Först beskrivs hur de svenska reglerna och fusionsdirektivet är utformade. Sedan följer en beskrivning av den rättspraxis som finns på området. Därefter tar jag upp ett antal punkter där det är tveksamt om svensk rätt stämmer överens med fusionsdirektivet. Sl

Momentum - Trendspotting in the Swedish Stock Market

We set out to investigate the presence of momentum in the Swedish stock market in an attempt to distinguish whether the market displays the weak- and the semi-strong form of efficiency. Adopting a strategy similar to that of Jegadeesh and Titman (1993) and (2001), where past winners are bought and past loser are sold, we are able to show that momentum indeed is present, earning approximately 1 per

International Human Rights in Land As a Tool to Empower Women in Post-Conflict Countries

The nature of warfare is changing in ways that increasingly endanger women and girls. Besides suffering from the general brutality inflicted by violent conflict, women also suffer particular attacks whose form is defined by distinct notions of female sexuality. However, the ironic fact must be recognized that the upheaval of a conflict can break down social barriers and traditional patriarchal pat

Underrepresentation of women in the parliament of the Republic of Moldova. A gender perspective on democratic development in the country.

Women’s participation in politics is an interesting subject to study. The value of the study is even more meaningful if it considers the gender perspective. Of course, the representation of women in politics is not a new issue to make one’s research on, yet now it is very up to date when new democratic states emerge and higher numbers of women tend to become politically active. At the same time ju

The Perfect Gentleman: Exploring a Development of Masculine Ideals in Jane Austen's Heroes

The fact that Jane Austen composed and edited her novels during two eventful decades in Britain’s history excites an interest to investigate if this has affected the creation of her characters. This thesis explores whether Austen’s heroes develop in accordance with a shift in masculine ideals that can be discerned around the turn of the nineteenth century. The masculine ideal for gentlemen can be

Can the "Puppies of the Euro Stoxx" beat the European market?

This thesis examines if the investment strategy “Puppies of the Dow” is a working strategy applied to a European market setting during the years 2001-2010. The purpose was to determine whether the strategy could be successfully replicated in a different market with conditions differing from the once underlying the Dow Jones Industrial Average that the investment strategy originates from. By replic

Accepterad sexhandel- olika perspektiv på prostitution i Thailand

Abstract The aim of this study was to make a survey of different perspectives on “voluntary” prostitution in Thailand, which we tried to accomplish by semi structured interviews with people who, in some way, were connected with the field. Their occupations stretch from a student writing his thesis to a human rights lawyer. This study has centered around four areas concerning prostitution in Thaila

Mobility and productivity among Swedish inventors – a cause for causality?

In this thesis the background characteristics as well as the mobility and productivity of Swedish inventors is investigated. Swedish inventors tend to be highly educated, with an education in engineering or natural sciences. They are to a large extent male and in their mid-forties. Since there is possible an endogenous relationship between mobility and productivity, instrumental variables applied

Do the Swedish Trade Council and the Foreign Service Promote Exports?

Export promotion policies are widely used in most countries. The aim is to increase exports to foreign markets and in this, Sweden is no exception. In this study, my objective is to investigate whether Swedish export-promoting activities abroad, realized through the Swedish Trade Council (STC) and the Foreign Service (i.e. embassies and consulates), are associated with higher aggregate Swedish mer

The Group of 20 and Global Economic Affairs

The G20 leaders forum was created as a response to the economic and financial crisis of 2008-2009. However, well before the crisis, calls for a new order in global economic governance had mounted as the credibility and importance of existing patterns of global governance had waned. Accordingly, the G20 replaced the G7 for dealing with international economic matters and designated itself as the pre

The ethics and politics of Fair Trade

Fair Trade has noticed a new form of involvement for the public and the private sphere in relation to consumption. The aim of this study is to explore ethical consumption in relation to Fair Trade as well as the political aspect of it which has been relevant for supporting global causes and a form of citizen participation. The data collected for the study are an in-depth semi-structured interviews

Ett möte mellan Japanska och svenska chefer - en empirisk undersökning om ledarskap inom två kulturer

Today the organization, the employers and employees must be more flexible and always adapt to a changing environment. The purpose of my study is to investigate how managers interact with their employees and how they use their leadership in an international organization. In order to achieve this I have conducted qualitative interviews with six managers within the same department and international c

Let's not talk about it: Social Acceptance of Violence against Women in El Salvador

This Bachelor’s thesis is an ethnographic study examining the gendered norms and identities ascribed to men and women and how this impact the meaning accorded to violence against women in El Salvador. Violence is not just a physical act but must be studied in relation to the social and cultural structures that give it meaning. The central argument in this thesis is that there exists an inherent so

EUROPEAN PATTERNS OF UNEMPLOYMENT: A Spatial Analysis of Regional Unemployment in Europe

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the structural evolution and spatial pattern of regional unemployment rates in the EU for the period 1999-2009. Several previous studies have found large disparities across Europe’s regions, contrary to what neoclassic theory predict would be the effect of regional integration. Moreover, some literature finds that these differences seem to increase over tim

Järnvägsteknisk svetsning

High and increasing traffic on the railroad requires a more extensive maintenance. Railway technical welding is an important part of maintenance. To meet the wear is a specific arrangement of steel in the rail. The composition of the steel requires that the welding work on the rail material is considered as a special process. Since it is not possible to fully control if the welding is carried out

Monte Carlo simulations of the Elekta SLi Plus electron applicator system A base for a new applicator design to reduce radiation leakage

In this report the characteristics of the electron applicator system for an Elekta SLi Plus linear accelerator have been studied. The investigation will serve as a basis for a new applicator design that will give less radiation leakage. The present applicator system does not fully comply with the recommendations of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards recording radiation l