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Vitrockshypertoni: Höjt blodtryck på läkarmottagning, men normalt blodtryck i övrigt
Activation of Ca(2+)-dependent K(+) channels contributes to rhythmic firing of action potentials in mouse pancreatic beta cells
We have applied the perforated patch whole-cell technique to beta cells within intact pancreatic islets to identify the current underlying the glucose-induced rhythmic firing of action potentials. Trains of depolarizations (to simulate glucose-induced electrical activity) resulted in the gradual (time constant: 2.3 s) development of a small (60%) blocked by high (10-20 mM) concentrations of tetrae
Immune tolerance induction and the treatment of hemophilia. Malmo protocol update
The Malmo protocol for immune tolerance induction includes high doses of Factor VIII/IX, intravenous IgG and cyclophosphamide. If the inhibitor titer exceeds 10 Bethesda units at start, extracorporeal adsorption of IgG is performed using protein A. The protocol sometimes has to be repeated. A successful response may occur within a few weeks. In hemophilia A the success rate so far is 10/17 patient
Ett exempel på numeriska svårigheter vid beräkning av nollställen
Recension av Eva Heggestads En bättre och lyckligare värld. Kvinnliga författares utopiska visioner 1850-1950 (2003)
Effects of Tolterodine on Afferent Neurotransmission in Normal and Resiniferatoxin Treated Conscious Rats.
Purpose: The beneficial effects of antimuscarinics on detrusor overactivity and overactive bladder syndrome are exerted during bladder filling, when there is no parasympathetic outflow from the spinal cord. We tested the hypothesis that, if tolterodine exerts some of its effects on afferent nerves, the functional elimination of C-fiber afferents should affect the actions of the drug on urodynamic
Performance analysis of general charge sampling
This brief focuses on the performance analysis of general charge-sampling circuits for signal capture. The theoretical analysis in the brief can be applied not only for weak signal capture, but also for the normal signal sampling. Based on a general charge-sampling model, the transfer function, the noise performance, and the clock jitter tolerance are analyzed and compared to conventional voltage
CONTECVET : A validated Users Manual for assessing the residual service life of concrete structures
This manual has been produced by the Swedish partners within the Innovation project CONTECVET (IN30902I). The chaper “General Introduction” is produced by the British partner BCA. The lead in drafting this report was taken by Lund Institute of Technology. The project has been co-ordinated at European level by BCA and at national level by GEOCISA in Spain and CBI in Sweden.
A model on the evolution of cryptobiosis
Cryptobiosis is an ametabolic state of life entered by some lower organisms (among metazoans mainly rotifers, tardigrades and nematodes) in response to adverse environmental conditions. Despite a long recognition of cryptobiotic organisms, the evolutionary origin and life history consequences of this biological phenomenon have remained unexplored. We present one of the first theoretical models on
An Integrated System-On-Chip Test Framework
In this paper we propose a framework for the testing of system-on-chip (SOC), which includes a set of design algorithms to deal with test scheduling, test access mechanism design, test sets selection, test parallelization, and test resource placement. The approach minimizes the test application time and the cost of the test access mechanism while considering constraints on tests, power consumption
Glaucoma detection by Stratus OCT
Purpose: To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) summary report parameters from Stratus optical coherence tomography (OCT) in glaucoma patients. Patients and Methods: We obtained Stratus OCT measurements of peripapillary circle scans (average values) of the regular image resolution "FAST RNFLT" protocol, and of 1 circle scan of the high resolution "RNF
Carbon cycling in subarctic tundra; seasonal variation in ecosystem partitioning based on in situ 14C pulse-labelling
Carbon assimilation and allocation were studied in a tundra ecosystem in northern Scandinavia. Seasonal variation in the below-ground carbon allocation to dissolved organic carbon (DOC), coarse-, fine-, and hair roots was investigated using in situ C-14 pulse-labelling, adding 2-3 MBq (CO2)-C-14, dm(-2) to the above-ground vegetation. Combining the allocation data with regression models of the sea
Common variants in the ENPP1 gene are not reproducibly associated with diabetes or obesity
The common missense single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) K121Q in the ectoenzyme nucleotide pyrophosphate phosphodiesterase (ENPP1) gene has recently been associated with type 2 diabetes in Italian, U.S., and South-Asian populations. A three-SNP haplotype, including K121Q, has also been associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes in French and Austrian populations. We set out to confirm these find
Interactions between Sulfide Minerals and Alkylxanthate Ions .1. A Vibrational Spectroscopic Study of the Interactions between Sphalerite and Synthetic Zinc(Ii) and Cadmium(Ii) Sulfides, and Ethylxanthate Ions in Aqueous and Acetone Solutions
The crystal structures of zinc(II) and cadmium(II) sulphides are not affected by the stoichiometry of metal and sulphide ions at the precipitation of the two compounds. The composition and structure of the ultimate surface layers, and thereby the chemical properties of the particles, are on the other hand sensitive to the stoichiometry at the preparation. Chemisorbed ethylxanthate complexes are fo
Bibeln och homosexualitet
Effects of hypertonic saline, mannitol, and urea with regard to absorption and rebound filtration in cat skeletal muscle.
OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of the hypertonic solutions 15% mannitol, 3% and 7.5% saline, and 30% urea at clinically relevant plasma concentrations with regard to absorption and rebound effects on tissue volume in skeletal muscle. DESIGN: A prospective, experimental study. SETTING: University laboratory. SUBJECTS: Twenty-eight anesthetized cats. INTERVENTIONS: The study was performed on an aut
Synpunkter på problem vid praktiska identifieringsexperiment - speciellt val av insignal
Slalom encodes an adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate transporter essential for development in Drosophila.
Sulfation of all macromolecules entering the secretory pathway in higher organisms occurs in the Golgi and requires the high-energy sulfate donor adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate. Here we report the first molecular identification of a gene that encodes a transmembrane protein required to transport adenosine 3'-phosphate 5'-phosphosulfate from the cytosol into the Golgi lumen. Mutations in
A low-phase-noise low-phase-error 1.8 GHz quadrature CMOS VCO
A low-phase-noise low-phase-error 1.8 GHz quadrature CMOS VCO was presented. The VCO with three metal layers showed -140 dBc/Hz or less phase noise across an 18% tuning range while drawing 25 mA from a 2 V power supply. The VCO showed high phase-noise figure-of-merit and low phase-error.