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Association between added sugar intake and mortality is nonlinear and dependent on sugar source in 2 Swedish population-based prospective cohorts

Background: Although sugar consumption has been associated with several risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases, evidence for harmful long-term effects is lacking. In addition, most studies have focused on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), not sugar per se. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the associations between added and free sugar intake, intake of different sugar sources, a

Apolipoprotein M induces inhibition of inflammatory responses via the S1PR1 and DHCR24 pathways

© 2019 Spandidos Publications. All rights reserved. Apolipoprotein M (ApoM) is a type of apolipoprotein. It is well known that high-density lipoprotein (HDL) decreases inflammatory responses via the apoM-sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) pathway. The present study further investigated the importance of ApoM in the inhibitory effects of HDL on inflammation. Mice with an apoM gene deficiency (apoM-/-) w

Multiethnic Genome-Wide Association Study of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Liability Threshold Modeling of Duration of Diabetes and Glycemic Control

To identify genetic variants associated with diabetic retinopathy (DR), we performed a large multiethnic genome-wide association study. Discovery included eight European cohorts (n = 3,246) and seven African American cohorts (n = 2,611). We meta-analyzed across cohorts using inverse-variance weighting, with and without liability threshold modeling of glycemic control and duration of diabetes. Vari

Personal recovery within positive psychiatry

Background: One goal within positive psychiatry is to support the personal recovery of persons with mental illness and providing opportunities for well-being. Aim: The current article aims to introduce readers to the concept of personal recovery and the potential and importance of recovery-oriented services and measures. Methods: A literature review was conducted to help consider the domains of ‘p

Effect of combined hole configuration on film cooling with and without mist injection

Turbine blades operate under a harsh environmental condition, and the inlet temperature of gas turbines is increasing with requirement of high engine effi-ciency. Some cooling schemes are adopted to prevent these blades from the ther-mal erosion of the hot mainstream. Film cooling technology is used widely and effectively in gas turbines. The coolant air is suppressed to the wall by the main-strea

The Unequal Distribution of Speaking Time in Parliamentary-Party Groups

Parliamentary debates provide an arena where Members of Parliament (MPs) present, challenge, or defend public policies. However, the “plenary bottleneck” allows the party leadership to decide who participates in a debate. We argue that in this decision the timing of a debate matters: in proximity of elections, the leadership should be concerned with maintaining its brand name and therefore restric

Thermal assessment of glass façade panels under radiant heating : Experimental and preliminary numerical studies

Nowadays, glass is increasingly being used as a load-bearing material for structural components in buildings and façades. Different structural member solutions (such as panels, beams, columns) and loading conditions were the subjects of several research studies in recent years. Most of them, however, were typically limited to experimental testing and numerical simulations on glass elements and ass

SeeMe at the crosswalk : Before-after study of a pedestrian crosswalk warning system

SeeMe is a pedestrian crosswalk warning system with automatic pedestrian detection that is mounted on crosswalk signs. Amber flashing lights are activated when pedestrians are approaching or crossing the crosswalk. The aim is to attract motorists’ attention, to improve yielding behavior and to reduce conflicts. A before-after study with a matched comparison group has been conducted in the Norwegia

Användning av siffermaskiner för syntes och realisering av regleringssystem : Föredrag vid NordSAM 63

Denna rapport ger en översikt av linjär optimal stokastisk kontroll. De fundamentala problemen formuleras och de centrala resultaten gives, utan bevis men med utförliga fysikaliska tolkningar. Användandet av siffermaskiner både för syntes och implementering behandlas. Vidare diskuteras några praktiska problem förenade med det optimala systemets realisering: val av samplingstid, reelltidsberäkning

Scaling our world view : How monoamines can put context into brain circuitry

Monoamines are presumed to be diffuse metabotropic neuromodulators of the topographically and temporally precise ionotropic circuitry which dominates CNS functions. Their malfunction is strongly implicated in motor and cognitive disorders, but their function in behavioral and cognitive processing is scarcely understood. In this paper, the principles of such a monoaminergic function are conceptuali

Hard x-ray multi-projection imaging for single-shot approaches

High-brilliance x-ray sources (x-ray free-electron lasers or diffraction-limited storage rings) allow the visualization of ultrafast processes in a 2D manner using single exposures. Current 3D approaches scan the sample using multiple exposures, and hence they are not compatible with single-shot acquisitions. Here we propose and verify experimentally an x-ray multi-projection imaging approach, whi

Reduced cancer morbidity and mortality in a prospective cohort of women with distal forearm fractures

At the Department of Orthopedics of University Hospital, Lund, Sweden, cancer incidence and overall and cause-specific mortality were studied in a prospective cohort of 677 women who had experienced a fracture of the distal forearm in 1974 or 1975. The women were followed through population-based population, cancer, and death registries in southern Sweden. There was a significant reduction In over

Biomass, community structure and phosphorus uptake of ectomycorrhizal fungi in response to phosphorus limitation and nitrogen deposition

Popular science summaryMycorrhizal associations Mycorrhizal fungi are organisms that live in association with plant roots and provide plants with water and nutrients in exchange for the sugars obtained during photosynthesis. In forested ecosystems mycorrhizal fungi are crucial for tree nutrition and trees rely heavily on these associations to take up key elements like nitrogen and phosphorus. As rHigh levels of nitrogen (N) deposition might result in a transition from N to phosphorus (P) limitation in high latitude forests. Thiscould have fundamental consequences for forest production, nutrient acquisition and nutrient leaching.I studied a Norway spruce forest in a region of high N deposition in southwest Sweden and added N, P or N+P to force thesystem to N or P limitation. I studied tree

Cells in Culture, Cells in Suspense : Practices of Cultural Production in Foetal Cell Research

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative affliction to which researchers have long striven to find a cure. The human embryo is a source of vital cells used in regenerative medicine, as well as a powerful symbol of life. Using foetal cells from aborted embryos for transplantation to the brains of Parkinson patients is an avenue that has been explored by neuroscientists on and off for the last thi

Use of terbinafine and risk of death in patients with prostate cancer : A population-based cohort study

Terbinafine is used for the treatment of several superficial fungal infections. In silico analyses and animal models suggest that terbinafine might have an anti-tumor effect. We aimed to explore whether subsequent administration of terbinafine might be associated with a lower mortality rate in patients with prostate cancer. We identified patients diagnosed with prostate cancer between July 2005 an