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Proceedings of the 15th Northern Research Basins International Symposium and Workshop, 29 August - 2 September, 2005, Luleå to Kvikkjokk, Sweden
GARCH forecasting under different distribution assumptions
Luni sul Mignone och dess kringland. En diakronisk studie av ett mellanitaliskt landskap och dess arkeologi
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar ett område beläget cirka 65 km nordväst om Rom, och är en detalj- studie av områdets arkeologi, i syfte att belysa förhållandet mellan en tätbebyggelse, Luni sul Mignone och dess kringland. Grundtemat är förändringar i demografi och bebyggelse över tiden, som dessa kan ses i olika slags materiella lämningar. Även andra aspekter än de rent demografThis thesis is an archaeological study of a small region in northern Latium and the diachronical relationship between a nucleated settlement and its rural landscape. The work has a twofold basis: a review of earlier research concerning the settlement Luni sul Mignone in the light of more recent research, and a survey conducted by the present author of the territory of Luni. This survey and its res
Översyn av den medicinska prövningsverksamheten i Pliktverket - Överväganden och förslag
Social Motivations and Goal Orientations with a Teachable Agent: Implications for Improving Test Performance
A recent study of ours suggested that the very presence of a Teachable Agent (TA) from a mathematics learning game might affect students’ test performance when the TA reappeared in the margin of a regular, digital math test. We hypothesized that this effect, which seemed to particularly target low-achievers, was due to the students’ mindset changing from that of “taking a test” to that of “teachin
Escaping the Allure of Meaning. Toward new paradigms in the study of ritual in prehistory
Den omöjliga kärleken : Pasolini och Livets trilogi
A reading of "The Trilogy of Life" by Pier Paolo Pasolini
The Metaphor Challenge of Future Economics: Growth and Sustainable Development in Swedish Media Discourse
Cultural ecology
Shock structure in bianisotropic media
Stellar intensity interferometry: Astrophysical targets for sub-milliarcsecond imaging.
Knowledge-light Letter-to-Sound Conversion for Swedish with FST and TBL
This paper describes some exploratory attempts to apply a combination of finite state transducers (FST) and transformation-based learning (TBL, Brill 1992) to the problem of letter-to-sound (LTS) conversion for Swedish. Following Bouma (2000) for Dutch, we employ FST for segmentation of the textual input into groups of letters and a first transcription stage; we feed the output of this step into a
"Wenn ich dich Liebe, was geht es dich an?" Försök till en jämförelse mellan Simmel och Løgstrup
En jämförelse görs mellan Løgstrup och Simmel utifrån den förres begrepp om "tillid" och den senares begrepp om "Treue".
Besynnerligt seende. Om perspektiv i Ekmans Vargskinnet
Tonal gestures in Mongolian interrogatives.
The article summarizes a study of tonal courses in Mongolian yes-no and question word interrogatives. The investigation concerns local characteristics of utterances, namely focal and boundary signaling gestures. A phonological analysis of the gestures is proposed based on the acoustic data.
Skandalösa pengar
Kväveutlakning från skogsmark vid olika skogsbruksåtgärder : uppskalning för avrinningsområden i södra Östersjöns, norra Östersjöns samt Västerhavets vattendistrikt
Diagnostic PCR for the Detection of Yersinia enterocolitica and Salmonella in the Food-Chain: Reliability of PCR Performance
This thesis deals with the methodological advances of diagnostic PCR including reliability of PCR and pre-PCR processing of food and feed samples. Diagnostic PCR has been greatly improved by the introduction of the second generation of PCR, so-called real-time PCR. Automated closed-tube quantitative real-time PCR favours the analysis of food-borne pathogenic bacteria. However, in common with conve