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Stigande havsnivåer – En hållbar utveckling? En fallstudie om Ängelholms kommuns planering kring stigande havsnivåer.

This essay aims to investigate how a small coastal municipality is planning for the consequences of sea level rise and in which way it contributes to sustainable development. This is done by a case study on Ängelholm, a small municipality in Scania, Sweden. The case study involves analysis of documents provided by the municipality, Länsstyrelsen and research papers on the subject in addition to an

"Jag kan inte leva om det inte är rent!" - En intervjustudie där tre körledare beskriver sitt arbete med intonation

Syftet med studien är att undersöka och jämföra hur tre erfarna körledare beskriver sitt arbete med intonation i sina körer. Avsikten är att ta reda på vilka faktorer de menar påverkar intonationen och vilka arbetsmetoder de anser effektiva för att främja en god intonation i kör. För att uppnå målet med studien utfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med tre körledare i vars körer författaren tidigare sjuThe purpose of the study is to investigate and compare how three experienced choir leaders describe their work with intonation in their choirs. The intention is to find out what factors they mean affect the intonation and what working methods they consider effective to achieve a good intonation in the choir. In order to achieve the goal of the study, qualitative interviews were conducted with thre

Corporate Social Responsibility from Employee Perspective - The Influencing Factors and Strategic Implications of Employee Perception

Growing global challenges such as poverty and climate change push companies to find new ways to tackle these issues and consequently, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an indispensable priority for business leaders. Furthermore, a correlation between CSR and employee engagement has been identified, and as employees are often considered as one of the most important stakeholders, comp

Reputational Loss Associated with Regulatory Sanctions in Scandinavia

The purpose of this thesis is to determine if there is reputational harm as a consequence to a regulatory sanction. The focus of the thesis is the Scandinavian countries after the global financial crisis. To confirm if there is reputational losses associated with regulatory violations, an event study of abnormal returns was employed. The regulator, as well as the company in violation of regulation

”Det är glädjen som har funnits hela tiden” – En studie om kvinnliga fotbollsspelares upplevelse av att nå elitnivå

Syftet med studien var att kvalitativt undersöka kvinnliga fotbollsspelares upplevelse av att nå elitnivå. Semistrukturerade intervjuer användes och totalt intervjuades tre deltagare. Intervjuerna analyserades med IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis) som metodologisk ansats. Totalt kunde fem teman urskiljas som centrala i upplevelsen av elitnivå: tankar och känslor kopplade till övergångThe purpose of this study was to qualitatively explore the experience of reaching the elite level for women in football. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three participants. The interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). In total, five themes emerged: thoughts and feelings associated with reaching the elite level, social support, gender identity, m

The Impact of Elevator Usage and Zoning on High-Rise Building Evacuation

For decades, the use of elevators has been prohibited during emergencies but with the ever-increasing heights of the buildings, safe and timely vertical evacuation by the conventional means of stairs seems more and more of a challenge. With the recent push for a better understanding of the pros and cons of use of elevators for evacuation by various concerned parties, it is imperative that there is

Hire or fire?

Today fund investment options are endless. To be able to profit, talented fund managers are of great importance. The purpose of this thesis is to communicate the real performance of managers and if they are skilled enough to cover their costs. This analysis can contribute to the decision of hiring or firing a fund manager. The main data consist of fund returns from Bloomberg and fee information fr

Real-time Entanglement of Auger and XPS-electrons: a preliminary investigation

Under början av nittonhundratalet började det bli känt att det fanns mer till världen än man tidigare trott. Det fanns en helt ny arena med helt nya spelregler: Kvantvärlden. Albert Einstein lade grunderna för den fotoelektriska effekten, varvid ljus används för att jonisera atomer genom en process där en atom absorberar ljus, och därmed energi, för att sedan avge en elektron, en så kallad fotoeleIn this work, we employ a semi-classical approach to light matter interaction to describe and char- acterize spin configurations resulting from quantum correlations between electrons created by a photoemission event and by the following Auger decay. The system studied consists of three atomic levels and two continua. Initially, an external classical light field, in the form of a narrow Gaussian pa

Patienters upplevelser av oro och ångest inför generell anestesi. En systematisk litteraturöversikt.

Bakgrund: Preoperativ oro och ångest kan ha negativa konsekvenser på det perioperativa förloppet. Förutom ökat lidande, kan det öka behovet av anestesiologiska läkemedel, förekomst av postoperativ smärta och illamående samt ge förlängd vårdtid. Syfte: Att belysa patienters upplevelser av oro och ångest inför generell anestesi. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med 14 kvalitativa studier analyserade i e

On the statistics and practical application of the reassignment method for Gabor spectrograms

The reassignment method is a technique for improving the concentration of signals in spectrograms and other time-frequency representations (TFR). It achieves this by displacing the points in a TFR according to the reassignment vector for every point. By doing so, the reassignment method gives perfect concentration of infinite constant frequency sinusoids, impulses and linear chirps. A downside to

How Does Evaluative Content in Job Advertisements Influence Job Seekers Perception of Organizational Fit?

The contemporary job advertisement is characterized by enhancing organizational attributes that are perceived as desirable. To what extent this evaluative way of writing advertisements affects job seekers perception of organizations is an area that requires more attention within research. How individuals subjectively feel that they will fit with an organizational context is referred to as Person-O

China’s Family Planning Policy and Contraceptive Using

Under the Family Planning Policy, the contraceptive use in China is not only the outcome of personal choice but highly influenced by the policy regulations. Using provincial level data, this study aims in finding to what extend does Family Planning Policy have its impact on the contraceptive use of married Chinese women aged 15-49 years from year 1992 to 2017. Controls for social economic status (

Does beauty matter? - An analysis of the effects of physical attractiveness in social media networks -

The recent rise of social media networks has given billions of users the possibility to share content and create digital self-expressions. Hereby, the physical attractiveness of users’ plays is important when it comes to being liked by other people. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse if physical attractiveness and the beauty premium in social networks have an influence on the altruisti

The Interplay between Emotion and Time Movement Metaphors: A Cross-cultural Study between English Speakers and Mandarin Speakers

Time is often talked about in terms of movement metaphors because that can provide a more concrete spatial experience to understand the abstract concept of time. Specifically, there are two kinds of time movement metaphors: ego-moving metaphor implies that people perceive themselves as agents moving through time; time-moving metaphor implies that people comprehend time as a conveyor belt moving to

Lingering Educational Inequities under the Chinese Hukou System: A Human Opportunities Perspective

China, an Asian powerhouse, has reached record levels of economic growth since milestone market reforms started in the late 1970s. It is poised to enter the next phase of development to join the ranks of advanced nations. Although it aspires to be a model of growth with equity by 2030, it seems unlikely to happen without further institutional progress. Institutional legacies like the Chinese hukou

Exploring the Circular Economy: The Case of the Food Industry in Sweden

The food system today is faced with enormous challenges, leading to negative externalities which influence all the layers of sustainable development. In this scenario, the transition from a linear to a Circular Economy for the global food system, but also for the entire economy, has been proposed as a solution towards reducing environmental pressure from economic growth. The aim of this thesis is

Ta Ansvar eller Avstånd? En kvantitativ studie om individers hemberedskap inför eventuell kris ur ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv

Denna studie undersökte sambanden mellan individers personlighetsdrag och individers nivå av hemberedskap, vilket innebär i vilken utsträckning individer är benägna att förbereda sig inför en eventuell kris som påverkar samhällsfunktioner. För att ge ytterligare en dimension till studien undersöktes även individers världsbild i relation till personlighetsdragen. De undersökta faktorerna var de tre

Factors Influencing Treatment Satisfaction, Quality of Life and Life Satisfaction in Adults with Hypothyroidism: The Role of Shared Decision Making and Psychological Flexibility

Hypothyroidism is a common disease involving diverse physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms impacting many aspects of functioning. The indicated treatment produces significant improvements but leaves many with residual symptoms that significantly impair functioning. Numerous patient surveys reveal high levels of dissatisfaction with the treatment and healthcare professionals. Less well unders