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Application of infrared radiation in the drying of food products

Background: Drying is an important method to preserve food products. Although many traditional drying technologies (hot air, freeze, microwave drying) have been applied successfully to various food products, each drying technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Novel drying methods such as infrared drying, have become very popular. Scope and approach: This study gives an overview on the

Prevalence of germline pathogenic variants in 22 cancer susceptibility genes in Swedish pediatric cancer patients

Up to 10% of pediatric cancer patients harbor pathogenic germline variants in one or more cancer susceptibility genes. A recent study from the US reported pathogenic variants in 22 out of 60 analyzed autosomal dominant cancer susceptibility genes, implicating 8.5% of pediatric cancer patients. Here we aimed to assess the prevalence of germline pathogenic variants in these 22 genes in a population-

High-resolution assessment of environmental benefits of dockless bike-sharing systems based on transaction data

Dockless bike-sharing systems (DLBS) have gained much popularity due to their environmentally friendly features. This study puts forward a distinctive framework for assessing the environmental influences of DLBS in high resolution based on DLBS transaction data. The proposed framework firstly estimates the transport mode substituted by DLBS for each recorded bike-sharing trip by utilizing the rout

Towards system oriented innovation policy evaluation? Evidence from EU28 member states

Many years after the introduction of the innovation system concept in innovation policy design, it is still not clear whether innovation policy evaluation practices follow a system approach. Building on evaluation and innovation studies, this article develops the concept 'system oriented innovation policy evaluation’ based on four attributes (coverage, perspective, temporality and expertise). The

A PI-based control structure as an operating system scheduler

Many functions of operating systems are keen to be realised as feedback controllers. Doing so has a non negligible design impact, but also a significant payoff in terms of simplicity and generality. This paper presents a complete operating system scheduler, at present implemented in a microcontroller kernel, entirely composed of a PI-based control structure. The proposed scheduler is experimented

A systematic way to extend ideal PID tuning rules to the real structure

Tuning an ideal PID and then using its parameters in a real one, can yield undesired results. Nonetheless, many rules conceived for the ideal PID are successfully used in practice, owing to their greater flexibility. A systematic method would thus be useful to extend ideal PID tuning rules to the real PID, so as to preserve said flexibility while synthesising a realistic controller. This manuscrip

Feedback process scheduling with simple discrete-time control structures

This manuscript addresses the problem of process scheduling in a multitasking computing environment. The mainstream feedback-based approach to that problem preserves the existing scheduler, and adapts some of its parameters by means of convenient loops. On the contrary, in this research, the scheduler is entirely replaced by suitable control structures, synthesised and analysed in the discrete-tim

Renewing power : Including global asymmetries within the system boundaries of solar photovoltaic technology

Solceller är en eftertraktad teknik för att mildra de globala klimatförändringarna. Samtidigt finns det en växande oro att denna teknik är både skadlig för miljön och orättvist fördelad i världsekonomin. Forskare och miljöaktivister är oeniga i frågan om en global maktrelation är ofrånkomligt kopplad till solcellsteknik. Denna avhandling undersöker i vilken utsträckning de globala sociala och mateSolar photovoltaic (PV) technology is one of the most favored means of mitigating climate change. At the same time, there is a growing concern over how this technology is both environmentally harmful and unevenly distributed in the world economy. Researchers and environmentalists differ on whether a global relation of power is inherent in solar technology. This thesis investigates to what extent t

Response of a Li-glass/multi-anode photomultiplier detector to collimated thermal-neutron beams

The response of a position-sensitive Li-glass scintillator detector being developed for thermal-neutron detection with 6 mm position resolution has been investigated using collimated beams of thermal neutrons. The detector was moved perpendicularly through the neutron beams in 0.5 to 1.0 mm horizontal and vertical steps. Scintillation was detected in an 8 × 8 pixel multi-anode photomultiplier tube

Physical workload and psychosocial working conditions in Swedish pig transport drivers

Working conditions of 20 Swedish pig transport drivers (PTD) were assessed by a questionnaire, a workshop, and recorded postures and movements during on-farm loading, driving, unloading at abattoir and vehicle cleaning. High arm positions and high frequencies of shoulder problems indicated an excessive physical load on shoulders. Extreme crouching postures inside vehicles and high frequencies of l

Kalirin-RAC controls nucleokinetic migration in ADRN-type neuroblastoma

The migrational propensity of neuroblastoma is affected by cell identity, but the mechanisms behind the divergence remain unknown. Using RNAi and time-lapse imaging, we show that ADRN-type NB cells exhibit RAC1- and kalirin-dependent nucleokinetic (NUC) migration that relies on several integral components of neuronal migration. Inhibition of NUC migration by RAC1 and kalirin-GEF1 inhibitors occurs

Car Sharing as a Strategy to Address GHG Emissions in the Transport System : Evaluation of Effects of Car Sharing in Amsterdam

Shared mobility options, such as car sharing, are often claimed to be more sustainable, although evidence at an individual or city level may contradict these claims. This study aims to improve understanding of the effects of car sharing on transport-related emissions at an individual and city level. This is done by quantifying the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the travel habits of individuals