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Modeling Customer Lifetime Value in the Telecom Industry

Background The fierce competition in the telecom industry makes operators heavily invest in acquiring new customers. This is most often done with marketing campaigns and subsidies of handsets. But to be truly profitable, it is crucial not only to attract new customers, but also to make sure they retain with the company for as long time as possible. This turns the mobile operators’ attention to cus

The Future of Enterprise Mobility

Abstract Background This study defines enterprise mobility as “The set of technology, applications, processes and policies that support the possibility to perform business activities anywhere at any time”. Enterprise Mobility is one of the main trends in the enterprise ICT environment and a leading vendor describes it as we are entering a new wave of Enterprise Computing called consumer-driven Mob

Careem: A car within 15 minutes

Background: Careem FFZ Ltd is a technology startup within the ground transportation industry based in Dubai, U.A.E, initially focusing on the chauffeur driven personal transport segment. In an industry with a fairly low utilization rate and poor customer experience overall the company aims at setting a new benchmark for customer service. Being a first mover on the market with an on-demand smartpho

Markens kraft: Skogsbiologi, industrialism och skogsmarkforskning

This thesis examines Swedish forest biological soil research in its newly institutionalized form, performed in relation to industrialized silviculture, during the years 1916-1923. The main objective is to analyze how the early forestry scientists pursued, and legitimized, knowledge on forest soil for industry and society, and also to draw attention to less considered empirics within history of sci

Pensionsredovisningen förändras - mot önskad och efterfrågad riktining?

Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är tudelat. Med studien avser vi beskriva och analysera den effekt som uppstått i samband med förändringen av pensionsredovisningen gällande borttagandet av korridorsmetoden till redovisning i övrigt totalresultat. Studien syftar även till att analysera och diskutera hur förändringen av pensionsredovisningen har mottagits av bolag och intressenter. Metod: Vi har ti

Revisions in the concept of commencement of laytime and demurrage – Laytime and demurrage clauses in international sale contracts

Voyage charterparties, as one of the most common carriage contracts, has its own specific provisions which govern the legal relationship of the engaged parties. One of those specifications relates to the concept of laytime which is defined as the time during which the charterer can load or discharge the cargo. In this work the author tries to discuss the requirements that should be fulfilled to co

Parameter calibration in a model of the secondary settling tank in wastewater treatment

In a wastewater treatment plant, particles (activated sludge) are separated from the liquid in a process called continuous sedimentation. This process is of crucial importance when purifying water in a wastewater treatment plant. This report will focus on a special case of sedimentation, namely batch sedimentation, which means that no flux into or out from the sedimentation tank are present. The g

Gender Earnings Gap in urban Ecuador: Looking beyond Averages

This thesis explores the gender earnings gaps in urban Ecuador during the period between 2003 and 2012. The difference between the female average earnings and the male average earnings increases from 7% in 2003 to 12% in 2012. Thus, exploring if this increase is a common pattern of the gender earnings gap across the distribution, the links between the gaps and occupational segregation, the differe

Eventualförpliktelser inom balansräkningen: Vilka konsekvenser får IASB:s föreslagna förändring?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda de konsekvenser IASB:s föreslagna förändring av IAS 37 skulle ha för berörda svenska företag och intressenter. En induktiv ansats med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod. Vår kvantitativa data är insamlad från årsredovisningar för företagen i vårt urval. Vår kvalitativa data är insamlad från epostkorrespondens med en redovisningsansvarig, samt intervju med en r

Kostnadseffektiva Restidsförbättringar

Sträckan mellan Värnamo och Halmstad trafikeras av dieseldrivna persontåg och godståg. Persontågen trafikerar hela sträckan medan godstrafiken främst går mellan Torup och Halmstad. I dagsläget är hastigheten maximalt 120 km/h på en kort del av sträckan. Godstågen kan inte köra snabbare än 100 km/h, men persontågen klarar av att köra i 140 km/h. Även godstågen påverkas av en hastighetshöjning, då d

Lawful Repair and Illegal Reconstruction - The intersection between Competition Law and IP Law

Competition law and intellectual property law are two equally important areas of law for creating a dynamic market and developing the economy. At first sight, these two areas of law seem to be in conflict; competition law seeks to regulate the market and promote efficient market competition, while the rationale for intellectual property right (“IPR”) is to grant their proprietor the exclusive righ

Metadata & discoverability

The Swedish research regarding metadata and discoverability in publishing studies is, at its best, poor. That is where this bachelor thesis can fill a gap, and hopefully spread some light on the subjects of discoverability and metadata in the book business. The research strives to answer questions about the views and trends associated with these topics in today’s Sweden. Another central matter is

Unboxing Masculine Marketing

The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationships between masculinity and marketing, especially regarding cosmetic products, a typically female industry. It has a social constructionist approach with a case study including in-depth interviews and virtual observation. One of the main findings of this study is the fact that marketing has to be different for men, especially concerning

Will the issues pertaining to vouchers under the Recast VAT Directive be solved by the Voucher Proposal?

Vouchers are widely used within the EU, however there are no common rules within the EU pertaining to the treatment of vouchers for VAT purposes. Each member state has its own interpretation and rules as to how to treat the sale or redemption of vouchers. As a consequence of the absence of clear common VAT rules with respect to vouchers, double- or non-taxation could occur in cross-border transact

Social Media Communication during a Corporate Brand Crisis: The Case of Findus

The purpose of the research is to explore how social media can be used in order to handle a corporate brand crisis and to analyze how consumers respond to and reason regarding crisis communication in social media. The study is conducted with a qualitative case study approach. A combination of observations and semi-structured interviews were chosen to collect the empirical data. The theoretical fra

Föreställningars betydelse

Uppsatsens titel: Föreställningars betydelse - En uppsats om självständighet på kunskapsintensiva företag Seminariedatum: 27 maj, 2013 Ämne/Kurs: FEKN90, Examensarbete på Civilekonomprogrammet, 30 HP Författare: Emelie Persson, Melker Isell Handledare: Nadja Sörgärde Nyckelord: Självständighet. Föreställningar. Kunskapsintensiva företag. Kunskapsarbetare. Identitetsteori Syfte: Att skapa en