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Your search for "*" yielded 527342 hits

Introducing Support for Release Planning of Quality Requirements - An Industrial Evaluation of the QUPER Model

In market-driven product development and release planning, it is important to market success to find the right balance among competing quality requirements. To address this issue, a conceptual model that incorporates quality as a dimension in addition to the cost and value dimensions used in prioritisation approaches for functional requirements has been developed. In this paper, we present an indu

Det förbjudna mödraskapet : En moralfilosofisk undersökning av surrogatmödraskap

Popular Abstract in Swedish I avhandlingen Det förbjudna mödraskapet argumenterar jag för att surrogatmödraskap bör tillåtas också i Sverige. Idag är metoden förbjuden. Ett av de bärande argumenten är att en legalisering skulle kunna bidra till att bryta ner flera konservativa föreställningar som idag finns kring kvinnors roll i reproduktonen.Surrogate motherhood, or surrogacy, means that a woman carries a child with the explicit intention not to keep the child after the birth. This reproductive method is illegal according to Swedish legislation. The question at heart of the dissertation is the following: Can a legal prohibition of surrogacy be morally justified? My answer is simple no. Consequently, I work with the thesis that there a

Specific language impairment: Neurophysiological studies of children and their parents

Popular Abstract in Swedish Specifik språkstörning är ett tillstånd som kännetecknas av en avvikande tal- och språkstörning hos ett i övrigt friskt och normalutvecklat barn. Tillståndet beror således inte på en allmänt försenad utveckling, hörselnedsättning, uppenbar neurologisk eller psykisk sjukdom. Ofta har flera familjemedlemmar varit sena i sin tal- och språkutveckling eller har läs- och skriSpecific language impairment (SLI) is commonly described as a condition where a child with otherwise normal development and hearing does not acquire language as expected. Children with SLI often have a family history of language disorders. The aetiology is poorly understood. In the first two studies, event-related brain potentials(ERPs)evoked in response to tone- and to speech stimuli were record

The Optical Model of The Nucleus. An Indexed and Abstracted Literature Review

All available literature, dealing with optical model calculations, has been reviewed to aid in assessing suitable well parameters and to indicate when the model has been successful in predicting various nuclear data. The material investigated has been indexed according to nuclide, and short abstracts have been prepared to provide a concise summary of the contents and main results. 342 references w

Mental Causation and Ontology

This book demonstrates the importance of ontology for a central debate in philosophy of mind. Mental causation seems an obvious aspect of the world. But it is hard to understand how it can happen unless we get clear about what the entities involved in the process are. An international team of contributors presents new work on this problem. In particular, they examine the nature of causes and effec

From similarity to uniqueness: Method and theory in comparative psychology

Comparative psychology is a strongly interdisciplinary field that shares many of its experimental methods and observational techniques with ethology and developmental psychology. The great variety of theories that comparative psychology evokes to explain behavior generates a wide array of exciting and potentially fruitful accounts, but is also problematic. It increases the risk of error in the for

Time-stamping accuracy in virtualized environments

The swift acceptance and the widespread use of virtual environments has substantially increased the stress on networks as each of the operating systems running in parallel sends out packets over the same network. As an increased number of packets traverse a network, the importance to continuously monitor whether the network is providing satisfactory service has increased. The metrics for such anal

Simulation of Fully Developed Laminar Heat and Mass Transfer in Fuel Cell Ducts with Different Cross Sections

The fully developed laminar flow and heat transfer for ducts with rectangular and trapezoidal cross section in fuel cells have been numerically simulated with one porous wall with a uniform mass injection or suction, while the other three walls being impermeable. The new concept of thermal boundary conditions of combined constant heat flux and constant temperature on the walls was implemented. Bas

Induced Growth and Precocious Maturation of the Digestive System in Suckling Rats and Pigs after Exposure to Red Kidney Bean Lectin

Popular Abstract in Swedish Däggdjurens mag-tarmkanal genomgår dramatiska strukturella och funktionella förändringar under di-perioden för att anpassa individen för den fasta föda som kommer att bli den huvudsakliga näringskällan efter avvänjningen från modersmjölken. Dessa förändringar följer en ?biologiska klocka? och är således huvudsakligen genetiskt styrda. Däremot kan yttre och inre stimuli The timing of the postnatal development of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in mammals is influenced by dietary and hormonal factors. It was hypothesized that accelerated GI cell turnover during maturation would result in a precoucios conversion to more mature digestive functions. Thus, it was investigated if red kidney bean lectin, phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) - a potent gut mitogen in adult rats - c

Fadern, sonen och berättaren. Minne och narrativitet hos Sven Delblanc

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen följer den konfliktladdade relationen mellan far och son i Sven Delblancs författarskap och visar hur en lysande berättarkonst växer fram i samspelet mellan minne och fiktion.In 1991, a year before his death, Sven Delblanc published his highly acclaimed autobiography, Livets ax. At the centre of these childhood memories lies the author’s problematic relationship to his father. In view of the attention attracted by Livets ax, it is not surprising that biographical interpretations of Delblanc’s oeuvre have been predominant. It is evident that the writer’s difficult child

Polymer Bound Water-Soluble Metal Phosphine Complexes-Preparation, Characterisation and Catalytic Application

Popular Abstract in Swedish En ny typ av vattenlösliga fosfin ligander har utvecklats. Dessa fosfiner har använts som ligander i rhodium katalyserade tvåfasreaktioner.Komplexbildningen mellan de nya liganderna och olika metalcentra har studerats och de nya komplexen har använts i hydroformylerings- och hydreringsreaktioner. Polymerbundna kirala fosfiner har använts i enantioselektiv hydrering.Four new water-soluble phosphines have been prepared by utilising water-soluble polymers as charge carrying units. Coupling of methyl-4-(diphenylphosphino)-benzyl-amine or 4-diphenylphosphino benzaldehyde to poly-acrylic acid and poly-ethylene imine, respectively, afford the ligands PAA-PNH and PEI-PNH. Coupling of (2S,4S)-4-diphenylphosphino-2-di-phenylphosphino-methylpyrrolidine (PPM) or (R,R)-3

Bibeln på bokmarknaden : ur Karl XII-bibelns editionshistoria

A new translation and edition of the Swedish Bible for the use of churches, by order of the King, was published in a stately folio in Stockholm in 1702-03. This chapter from a collection of essays celebrating the tercentenary of the book, sketches the later publishing history of this Bible version in different formats on the Swedish book market up to the mid-nineteenth century, arguing that the Bi

Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Crack Propagation in Inconel 718

Thermo-mechanical fatigue crack propagation in Inconel 718 has been studied with different methods. In-situ observations with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) were performed, the crack propagation process was followed cycle by cycle and the influences from load, temperature, and microstructure on the crack growth were analyzed. To measure the displacements an image analysis technique was devel