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Spelaragentens intressekonflikt - En studie av agentens lojalitet gentemot spelaren i ljuset av Svenska Fotbollförbundets nya reglemente

I och med idrottens kommersialisering skapades nya behov och därmed möjlighet för nya aktörer att ta plats på den idrottsliga arenan. En av dessa var spelaragenten, som idag förekommer inom i stort sett alla kommersialiserade idrotter. Inom fotbollen skedde kommersialiseringen framförallt under 90-talet, där den nya mängden pengar och intressen i branschen, i kombination med den omvälvande BosmandWith the commercialization of sport, new needs were created, thus allowing new participants to take part in the sports arena. One of these was the player agent, which today occurs in virtually all commercialized sports. The commercialization within football occurred mainly during the 1990s, where an increased amount of money and interests, in combination with the revolutionary Bosman ruling 1995,

Transportinfrastrukturplanering inom Greater Copenhagen – en studie av relationen mellan stat och region

The increasing focus, in recent decades, on regions as the primary actor in economic growth and development has led to tensions concerning the responsibilities for regional development between the regions and the nation states. This essay presents the allocation of responsibility between the region and the state, as a case study of the transport infrastructure planning in the Greater Copenhagen cr

Levande bottenplan - Om placering av kommunala verksamheter i bottenplan för att skapa liv i gaturummet på masthuggskajen

In order to create non-commercial places in the central city of Gothenburg, locating municipal services on ground floor level has been introduced as a part of the social sustainability dimension. The purpose is to create a vivid community and an including society within the urban development project Masthuggskajen. There is however a limited number of previous research conducted on how proceed wit

Investigating the Practice of Disaster Risk Reduction Mainstreaming into Development : the Experience of a Development Organization

The understanding of development and disaster nexus has enforced the international community to think and act differently. Disaster risk reduction mainstreaming has been embraced as one of our best approach for sustainable development and has been consistently featured in international discussions. Mainstreaming in general is known to be a complex process requiring a set of institutional arrangeme

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On one hand Self-help is seen as social instrument providing disabled people assistance and emphasizing the citizen's motivation and commitment in compensating for their needs. But historically, on the other hand, Self-help in terms of care in a social repayment- and control system is interpreted from an intellectual clash between philanthropic and liberal thinking about the right to care, res

Multi-scale modelling of fire in accelerator tunnels: a CERN case study

Multi-scale modelling is a novel approach to fire modelling in situations where the size of the domain prevents it from being modelled completely in 3D. By splitting the domain in a 1D and 3D portion multi-scale modelling allows for much faster simulations which still adhere to the correct boundary conditions. In this thesis the multi-scale methodology is applied to the LHC accelerator in use at C

Determining splicing of probably, possibly and high-risk human papillomavirus and identification of regions controlling splicing of HPV16 E6/E7 and E2

De cancerorsakande generna skiljer mellan olika humanpapillomvirus Humant papillomvirus (HPV) är en grupp små, välkända virus som har funnits på denna jord sedan Homo sapiens satte sin fot på jorden. Totalt finns det idag över 200 typer men framförallt 20 är av stort intresse, eftersom de kan orsaka cancer hos människor, framförallt livmoderhalscancer. Årligen diagnostiseras runt 500 000 människoHuman papillomaviruses (HPVs) are DNA viruses which have existed on earth since the emergence of mankind. In total there are over 200 different types and twenty of these show a correlation with the development of cancer. These twenty HPVs are divided into high-risk and probable/possible high-risk HPVs depending on the occurrence in carcinoma in situ. Five biomarkers have been set for these twenty

Habitat Suitability of the Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and the Effect of Marine Protected Areas on its Distribution in the Baltic Sea

Invasive species are one of the leading causes of biodiversity loss worldwide, and effective management of protected areas is one of the primary ways in which conservationists try to limit their impacts and dispersal. The round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) is a problematic invasive species in the Baltic Sea, along with other brackish waters, lakes, and rivers in Europe and North America, having b

Insider Threat detection using Isolation Forest

In contrast to the need for companies to get real time information about insider threats, there is a privacy and integrity based limitation of what the individual accepts as acceptable surveillance. This creates a problem since performing online surveillance would pose an infringement on the employees privacy and integrity. Therefore we present a model using Isolation Forest to solve this problem.

Låneförbudet i 21 kap ABL och dess konsekvenser

Denna uppsatsen handlar om att undersöka vad förbudet av penninglån till aktieägare betyder samt hur låneförbudets straffrättsliga konsekvenser påverkar vårt förtagande. Uppsatsen har följande frågeställning: 1. Vad betyder förbudet av penninglån till aktieägare enligt 21 kap 1§ ABL? 2. Hur påverkar låneförbudets straffrättsliga konsekvenser vårt företagande ? Låneförbudet blir tillämpligt i etThis essay is about examining what the prohibition of money loans to shareholders means and how the criminal law consequences of the loan ban affect our engagement. The following questions is this essay going to examen: 1. What does the prohibition of money loans mean to shareholders according to Chapter 21, Section 1 of ABL? 2. How does the criminal law consequences of the loan ban affect our en

Usage - The Holy Grail of Digital Services: An Exploration of Factors influencing B2B Customers’ Usage of Digital Services

Many product-based companies have identified digital services as a promising way to differentiate themselves and to stimulate future growth. However, as digital services frequently induce a business model change to a pay-per-use or subscription model, companies see themselves increasingly challenged as their revenues are progressively dependent on customers’ actual usage. This is in contrast to th

The Impact of Instruction Time on Student Achievement

There is mounting evidence that cognitive skills such as numeracy and literacy are causal drivers of economic growth. Improving such skills is therefore an essential concern for policymakers. This thesis examines whether instruction time can raise students' cognitive skills. By using cross-sectional data on several countries participating in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science

Environmental Policy Stringency and Economic Output

This analysis examines the correlation between the stringency of environmental policies and the economic output in terms of real GDP. The data is covering real GDP, the stringency of market based as well as non-market based environmental policies, interest rates, total factor productivity and human capital. 33 countries, among the OECD and the BRICS, are being analyzed in the regression model duri

Revising the effect of the Internet access on International trade: A study on submarine Internet cables’ effect on international trade

The purpose of this thesis is to further the knowledge of the Internet’s effect on trade. The study is conducted by examining the specific example of the introduction of the SAT-3/WASC submarine Internet cable in Benin. The research is conducted by using a Difference in Difference estimator and observing the treatment effect of the Internet cable on the country’s exports. Previous studies have mo

The Nature of the Far-Right's Nature: ‘Nature’, ethno-nationalism and the Finns Party

The thriving far-right has been transforming social and political space in Western Democracies for decades. Yet despite the contemporary ecological crisis and other environmental problems, there is a considerable lack of research on the far-right’s positions on nature. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to filling the research gap and to investigate the ideological relations between the far-r

ESG scores as screening tools for common risk and return measures - A study on Bloomberg ESG disclosure scores across sectors

Today, investors look for more than just the potential return a company can bring when making investment decisions. An increased demand to invest sustainably has created a demand for investors to screen companies via ESG scores. In this thesis, we therefore aim to examine if Bloomberg’s ESG disclosure scores can be used as screening tools and proxies for the most common risk and return measures, v

Hur beskrivs och upplevs arbetsterapeuters arbete i skola?

Bakgrund: Arbetsterapeuter och deras arbete i skolor i Sverige efterfrågas mer och mer men kunskapen kring hur arbetet upplevs och beskrivs är ett förhållandevis outforskat område. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva arbetsterapeuters arbete i skola samt hur detta upplevdes av arbetsterapeuter och andra yrkesverksamma i skola. Metod: Studien var en kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Nio semistruBackground: Occupational therapists and their work in schools are being inquired for more and more in Sweden but the knowledge around how their work are perceived and described are a relatively unexplored area. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe the work of occupational therapists in school, as well how this is experienced by occupational therapists and other professions in schools. Method:

THE ISLAND IN BETWEEN Creating a Sustainable District by using its local green qualities as backbone for the development

From a reputation of an industrial and trading city, Aalborg has changed into a contemporary university city, with a strong development of creative clusters in knowledge-based industries. Nowadays the Vækstaksen, an urban growth axis set by the municipality, has become the driving force in the city’s development to avoid further sprawl. A great part of East Aalborg belongs to this axis and is curr

“Jag är väl, typ, anställningsbar?” Studenters upplevda anställningsbarhet och deras attityder till artificiell intelligens i relation till personliga egenskaper

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka det potentiella sambandet mellan studenters upplevda anställningsbarhet och deras attityder gentemot artificiell intelligens. Detta område är av intresse att undersöka av flera skäl, särskilt eftersom artificiell intelligens är ett fenomen som i dagsläget är väldigt omtalat. Artificiell intelligens kan uppfattas som ett potentiellt hot, men även som en möjThe purpose of this study was to investigate the potential relationship between students’ perceived employability and their attitudes towards artificial intelligence. This area is of interest to study due to several reasons, particularly because artificial intelligence is a phenomenon which has gained substantial attention lately. Furthermore, artificial intelligence may be seen as a potential thr

Vän eller chef? - En kvalitativ studie om att vara chef för sina tidigare arbetskamrater

Syftet med studien var att undersöka och få en fördjupad förståelse för hur internrekryterade chefer upplever att bli chef för tidigare arbetskamrater, och få en ökad insikt i de utmaningar som kan uppstå i samband med detta. Som metod användes en kvalitativ ansats varpå tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. För att analysera intervjumaterialet användes tematisk analys, vilket resulterade The aim of the study was to examine and gain a more in-depth understanding of bosses’ experience regarding internal promotion and becoming the boss for previous work colleagues, as well as gaining more thorough insight regarding the challenges that may occur. A qualitative approach was used in this study, and ten semi-structured interviews were conducted. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the