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In Celebrity Endorsers We Trust

Syfte: Uppsatsen avser att undersöka hur konsumenten uppfattar trovärdighet i förhållande till talespersoner i kontexten av en reklamfilm och företagets varumärke. Detta för att komma med ett teoretiskt kunskapsbidrag inom det teoretiska ämnet The Source Credibility Theory. Teoretiska perspektiv: Uppsatsen tar utgångspunkt ur The Source Credibility Theory med inriktning på The Source Credibility M

Normer kring narkotikabruk: en rättssociologisk studie om narkotikanormer bland Lundastudenter

The legislation concerning narcotics was introduced in Sweden in 1968, and it has come to change multiple times since. The purpose of the legislation though remains the same; Swedish politics’ goal is a society free from narcotics, and the government has condemned a zero tolerance towards narcotic substances. This study aims to provide a better understanding of the bridge between social and legal

Reproductive and Sexual Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: The determinants of contraceptive knowledge and use in Malawi and Cameroon

The purpose of this study is to shed light on the socio-cultural and economic norms and practices that influence the knowledge and use of contraceptives and family planning services. To go further, we explore the role of media and the impact of attitudes towards domestic violence. Focusing on Cameroon and Malawi, we review the economic development and evolution of key indicators of Sexual and Repr

Supply Chain Management Practices and Performance: How To Thrive and Not Just Survive in a Low-Margin Supply Chain

Supply Chain Management (SCM) has increasingly become the focus of many organisations in a vast array of industries. However, due to external environment pressures and the multitude of internal management options, firms experience difficulties in determining how to best manage a supply chain in order to create a competitive advantage and enable higher organisational performance. This thesis aims t

Återhämtningsupplevelser och deras samband med förväntningar, förlängd jobbtillgänglighet och friskvårdsbidrag

Denna studie har undersökt hur ett företags medarbetares återhämtning ser ut och dess samband med förväntningar och förlängd jobbtillgänglighet. Friskvårdsbidrag och fritidsförlagd arbetstid har även undersökts i relation till återhämtning. Undersökningen gjordes genom en webbaserad enkät som skickades ut via företagets HR-personal. Utav populationen bestående av 25 medarbetare deltog 11. ResultatThis study has examined how co-workers in a company recover and how their recovery is connected to expectations and extended work availability. The use of the Swedish wellness grant and work during leisure is examined in relation to recovery. The study was executed through an internet survey and was sent out through the company's HR department. Out of a total population of 25, a total of 11 co

Eco-Efficiency Analysis of Swedish Regions: A second-stage DEA approach

This paper uses a two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) approach to measure and evaluate the relative eco-efficiency and the influencing factors of 17 out of 21 regions in Sweden during the period of 2008 and 2015. In the first stage of the DEA, a standard CCR model is used to calculate the relative eco-efficiency of the regions given multiple inputs and outputs. The model contains the variabl

Knowledge Sharing in a Shared Service Center Context - An explorative case study on aspects influencing knowledge sharing at the European HR Service Center of BASF

Remaining competitive as a company in a rapidly changing global environment is becoming challenging from day to day. In recent years, the establishment of so-called shared service centers gained popularity and growing number of companies centralizes supporting service in separate business units to bundle those services and perform them efficiently for the rest of the company. The mystery, however,

Assessment on Thailand’s Innovation System towards new innovation policy : using Two-Stage Explanatory Factor Analysis

There have been many studies conducted on national innovation system in order to understand the important actors, the linkages among all actors and factors that either support or discourage the innovation in the country. It is crucial to gain correct understanding so proper policy can be designed and implemented to address the correct situation. Thailand has been trapped into middle-income country

Att lära kör på gehör - En studie om körledares metoder

I denna uppsats efterforskas svar på frågan om hur körledare gör för att lära ut körmusik på gehör. Inledningsvis presenteras tidigare studier som berör körlivet i Sverige samt gehörsinstuderingen i kör. Den teoretiska basen utgår ifrån sociokulturell teori, i synnerhet det sociala samspelet. I teorikapitlets avslutande del introduceras den didaktiska triangeln och begreppet distribuerade resurserWhile it can be argued that learning music by ear is an essential and important element of modern choral practice in Sweden, it is a subject area that is widely ignored in music teacher training programs and higher music education generally. Furthermore, there has been relatively little research in Sweden on choral learning-by-ear practices. This study investigates what methods choral directors u

Key components when utilising BYOD within organisations - A framework for developing the BYOD policy

In this thesis, we introduce a theoretical framework that can act as a foundation when develop-ing and adopting a BYOD policy. Using BYOD within organizations is a growing concept and continues to evolve as technology gets better, cheaper and more advanced. Our literature study indicates that the biggest advantage in regard to implementation of BYOD is cost reduction, moving the actual cost to the

One Organisation, One Great Feeling? A qualitative study on cultural integration and employee organisational identification in a cross-border post-acquired company

This thesis aimed to develop a deeper understanding for the interplay between cultural integration and employees’ organisational identification in a cross-border post-acquired firm and how the employees account for their organisational identification five years after an acquisition. A qualitative research method based on a hermeneutics epistemology and a constructionist ontological perspective wa

”Det känns som att alla älskar att hata Malmö”. En rättssociologisk studie om mediebilden av Malmö

The Swedish city of Malmö has a problem with crime, which is shown in official statistics. However, the crime rates in other comparable Swedish cities are very similar. Despite this fact Malmö is depicted as a more dangerous city by the media, and this image of Malmö has been internalised by many. This study aims, using a qualitative method, to look into whether employees at the municipality of Ma

Preparation of Materials for Deep Tissue Imaging with Slow Light

Ultrasound Optical Tomography (UOT) is a proposed technique, which combines ultrasound imaging and optical imaging in a new way to detect, e.g., blood oxygenation and tumors deep inside biological tissue, where the ultrasound provides an excellent spatial resolution, and the optical imaging gives a high contrast of different tissues according to optical properties. However, the challenges of this

"Synd att det ena ska utesluta det andra" : lärarperspektiv på svenskämnets estetiska dimensioner

I detta examensarbete undersöks svensklärares uppfattningar om och användning av svenskämnets estetiska dimensioner. Svensklärarnas uppfattningar jämförs sedan med teaterlärares ämnestraditioner och undervisning. Syftet har varit att synliggöra och problematisera beröringspunkterna mellan ämnena svenska och teater samt att undersöka om och hur teaterlärares ämnestradition kan komplettera svensklär

The Formation of Return Migration Intentions: An Intra-Household Analysis of Foreign Families Residing in Italy

This study inspects the micro-determinants of return intentions for foreign nuclear families in Italy. In particular, I argue against the unitary nature of households and focus on intra-household patterns of decision-making, which have been largely neglected by previous studies. Using data from the “Statistics of Income and Living Conditions of Households with Foreigners” (Istat, 2009), I find tha

Wastewater treatment with nanofiltration in pilot-scale

Två studenter, Safa och Jane, från kemiteknikprogrammet LTH har undersökt möjligheten att hantera hela reningsprocessen av spillvatten på Dow Chemical site i Landskrona genom att installera en pilotanläggning för nanofiltrering i anslutning till den redan befintliga ultrafiltreringsanläggningen. Dow i Landskrona framställer olika vattenbaserade bindemedel från akrylmonomerer och stora mängder vatDuring the spring semester 2018, an investigation about supplementary cleaning of the waste water at Dow Chemical site in Landskrona was done. Different water-based binders from acrylic monomers are produced by Dow and large amounts of water is used for such processes. The wastewater, that is treated currently by ultrafiltration (UF), contains different chemical residues such as surfactants, resid

Filtering with spatial parameters in B-format audio streams

The B-format is an audio format capable of reproducing full spherical surround audio, meaning sounds can appear as if coming from any direction around the listener. This thesis investigates an approach to quantify and manipulate the spatial information carried in B-format audio signals. It describes an analysis method and a corresponding model for quantifying the spatial data. Two types of appli

Everyone’s a housewife: labour division in same-sex households

Previous research shows that gender is a strong predictor of household labour division in heterosexual households. Same-sex couples cannot use gender and social norms associated with them as a starting point for initial household labour allocation. Although literature on household labour division is extensive, it does not elaborate enough on same-sex households. The aim of this study is to fill th

Questionable Research Practices, Preregistration, and More – Exploring Self-Report Opinions of Swedish and Dutch PhD Students

For this exploratory study, I reached out to all 302 individuals that were listed as PhD students at the psychology departments of all Swedish and Dutch “Top 100” universities. The final 111 participants (37.9% response rate) were asked to indicate how often they encountered questionable research practices (QRPs) and replied to items asking about the impact of QRPs on themselves and their environm