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Conference contributions (page 76 of 77)
- Håkansson, G. (1992). Variation och rigiditet i ordföljdsmönster. In Axelsson, M. & Viberg, ?. (Eds.) Första forskarsymposiet om Nordens språk som andraspråk. Centrum för tvåspråkighetsforskning, Univ. Uppsala.
- Paradis, C. (1992). The use of quite.
- Schönström, R. (1992). Ett uppvaknande i Berlin - Om Strindbergs roman Klostret. In Schröder, S. M. & Geisler, U. (Eds.) Europa nach 1989: Perspektiven für Skandinavien in Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur (pp. 176-186). Freie Universität Berlin.
- Sigurd, B. (1992). Relativization Hierarchies and the Nordic Languages. In Louis-Jensen, J. & Poulsen, J. H. W. (Eds.) Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis. Supplementum, The Nordic languages and modern linguistics, 7 : Proceedings of the seventh International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics in Tórshavn, 7-11 August 1989. Vol. 2 (pp. 579-594), 18.
- Sigurd, B., Willners, C., Eeg-Olofsson, M. & Johansson, C. (1992). Deep Comprehension, Automatic translation and Generation of Weather Reports (Weathra). In Boitet, C. (Ed.) Coling : computational linguistics : international conference : proceedings, COLING 1992 Volume 2: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (pp. 749-755), 14. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (1992). Iconicity in Kammu morphology. In Luk, B. H.-K. (Ed.) Contacts between cultures – Eastern Asia: literature and humanities (pp. 72-369), 3. E. Mellen Press.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (1992). Stress in Khalkha Mongolian. Olon ulsyn mongolč èrdèmtnij V ix xural, 2, 410-412. International Association of Mongolian Studies, Ulaanbaatar.
- Wood, S. A. J. (1992). A radiographic and model study of the tense-lax contrast in vowels. In Dressler, W. U., Luschützky, H. C., Pfeiffer, O. E. & Rennison, J. R. (Eds.) Phonologica 1988 : proceedings of the 6th International Phonology Meeting (pp. 283-291). Cambridge University Press.
- Hedling, E. (1991). Permutations of trhe Cinema Indian: John Ford and the European Reception.
- Hedling, E. (1991). Poetic Rhetoric at Wartime.
- Horne, M. (1991). Phonetic correlates of the ‘‘new/given’’ parameter. Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 230-233. Aix-en-Provence : Université de Provence. Service de publ..
- Horne, M. (1991). Why do speakers accent ‘‘given’’ information?.
- Håkansson, G. (1991). "Pure inversion" in Swedish child language. In Alahuhta, E. (Ed.) The third Nordic Child Language Symposium : Oulu, 7-8 December 1990 : symposiumraportti (pp. 199-205), 6. Oulun yliopisto.
- Sigurd, B. (1991). Magritte, music and methods of language description. In Sundberg, J., SundbergCarlson, L. N. & Carlson, R. (Eds.) Wenner-Gren Center International Symposium Series, Music, Language, Speech and Brain : Proceedings of an International Symposium at the Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, 5–8 September 1990 (pp. 57-67), 59. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Sigurd, B. (1991). Pronouns in Referent Grammar and the MT system Swetra. Proceedings of the International Conference on Current Issues in Computational Linguistics : 10-14 June 1991 at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, 70-83. Universiti Sains Malaysia.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (1991). Vowel palatalization in Mongolian. Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences /Actes du XIIème Congres International des Sciences Phonetiques, 5, 102-105. Université de Provence.
- Wood, S. A. J. (1991). Vowel gestures and spectra: from raw data to simulation and applications. Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences /Actes du XIIème Congres International des Sciences Phonetiques, 1, 215-219. Université de Provence.
- Wood, S. A. J. (1991). X-ray data on the temporal coordination of speech gestures. In Scully, C. (Ed.) Speech Production Models, Methods and Data (Journal of Phonetics ) (pp. 281-292), 19. Academic Press.
- Larsson, B. (1990). Les clés des Mandarins. In Lindvall, L. (Ed.) Actes du Xe congrès des romanistes scandinaves : Lund, 10-14 août 1987 (Études romanes de Lund 45), 45. Lund University Press.
- Sigurd, B. (1990). Erferenheter av Swetra— ett svenskt MT-experiment. In Pind, J. & Rögnvaldsson, E. (Eds.) Papers from the Seventh Scandinavian Conference of Computational Linguistics : Reykjavík 1989 (pp. 229-236). University of Iceland.
- Sigurd, B. (1990). Implementing the Generalized Word Order Grammars of Chomsky and Diderichsen. In Karlgren, H. (Ed.) Coling : computational linguistics : international conference : proceedings, COLING 1990 Volume 2: Papers presented to the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of COLING and the 350th anniversary of Helsinki University (pp. 336-340), 13.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (1990). Phonetic correlates of stress in Mongolian. Proceedings / ICSLP 90, 1, 20-617. The Acoustical Society of Japan.
- Hedling, E. (1989). Victor Sjöström's Ingeborg Holm.
- Håkansson, G. (1989). Vilket språk ska vi lära ut?. In Nuoppeneb, A. & Palmberg, R. (Eds.) AFinLA:n vuosikirja : AFinLA yearbook, 47. Suomen sovelletun kielitieteen yhdistys (AFinLA).
- Henningsson, L.-?. & Håkansson, G. (1988). Etablering av subjektsposition. In Ragnhild, S. (Ed.) Paper / Child Language Research Institute (pp. 67-74). The Child Language Research Institute [Avdelningen för barnspråksforskning, Lunds universitet].