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Conference contributions (page 62 of 78)
- Thurén, C. (2005). Presensparticipens Ø-form och s-form står i privativ opposition. En studie av presensparticipens syntaktiska funktioner i 1500- och 1600-talens svenska. In Falk, C. & Delsing, L.-O. (Eds.) Studier i svensk språkhistoria 8 (pp. 301-311). Institutionen för nordiska språk, Lunds universitet.
- Wahlgren, S. (2005). Die Logotheten-Chronik: Form - Inhalt - Ideologie. In Wallraff, M. (Ed.) Julius Africanus und die christliche Weltchronik (pp. 245-251). Martin Wallraff.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2005). A Swede is a Swede is a Swede? Sweden and the Swedish-American: National Identity and Cinematic Representation.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2005). A Swede is a Swede is a Swede? Sweden and the Swedish-American: National Identity and Cinematic Representation.
- Wendt, B. (2005). Kalendariska tidsuttryck under senmedeltid och reformationstid. In Delsing, L.-O. & Falk, C. (Eds.) Studier i svensk språkhistoria (pp. 313-322), 8. Institutionen för nordiska språk, Lunds universitet.
- Wiberg, E. (2005). Dalla romanistica all'italianistica.Centoventi anni di ricerca in Svezia. In Garavelli, E. & Suomela-Härmä, E. (Eds.) Atti del VII congresso degli italianisti scandinavi (pp. 279-290), LXVIII. Société Néophilologique.
- Wiberg, E. (2005). La politica linguistica in Svezia. Pianificazione dell'insegnamento lingustico in ambito liceale e universitario. In Guardiano, C., Calaresu, E., Robustelli, C. & Carli, A. (Eds.) Lingue, istituzioni, territori. Riflessioni teoriche, proposte metodologiche ed esperienze di politica linguistica. Atti del XXXVIII Congresso internazionale di studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI) (pp. 447-458), 49. Bulzoni.
- Wikman, C. (2005). Le interpretazioni metaforiche nella pubblicità su stampa. Il caso di Carapelli. In Garavelli, E. & Suomela-Härmä, E. (Eds.) Atti del VII Congresso degli Italianisti Scandinavi. Helsinki, 3-6 giugno 2004 (pp. 311-318), LXVIII. Société Néophilologique.
- Zillén, E. (2005). Djuret i den svenska 1600- och 1700-talsfabeln.
- Andersson, L. G. (2004). Portraits of the Artist as an Old Man: Ingmar Bergman and the Politics of Art.
- Blomberg, M., Elenius, D. & Zetterholm, E. (2004). Speaker verification scores and acoustic analysis of a professional impersonator. In Branderud, P. & Traunmüller, H. (Eds.) Fonetik 2004 : proceedings (pp. 84-87). Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Bodén, P. (2004). A New Variety of Swedish?. In Cassidy, S., Cox, F., Mannell, R. & Pal, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Tenth Australian International Conference on SPEECH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (pp. 475-480). Australian Speech Science and Technology Association.
- Broeder, D., DeClerck, T., Romary, L., Uneson, M., Strömqvist, S. & Wittenburg, P. (2004). A large metadata domain of Language Resources. In Lino, M. T., Xavier, M. F., Ferreira, F., Costa, R. & Silva, R. (Eds.) Proceedings of LREC 2004.
- Bruce, G. (2004). An intonational typology of Swedish. In Bel, B. & Marlien, I. (Eds.) Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2004 (pp. 175-178).
- Bruce, G., Frid, J. & Thelander, I. (2004). Swedish accent navigation. Proceedings of Tonal Aspects of Language, 9-12.
- Burenhult, N. (2004). Spatial deixis in Jahai. In Burusphat, S. (Ed.) Papers from the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society 2001 (pp. 87-100). Arizona State University: Program for Southeast Asian Studies.
- Enkvist, I. (2004). Juan Goytisolo y el debate multicultural. In León Gómez, M. (Ed.) La literatura en la literatura. Actas del XIV simposio de la Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada. Centro de estudios cervantinos, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.
- Eriksson, E., Green, J., Sjöström, M., Sullivan, K. & Zetterholm, E. (2004). Perceived age: a distractor for voice disguise and speaker identification?. In Branderud, P. & Traunmüller, H. (Eds.) Fonetik 2004 : proceedings (pp. 84-87). Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Gyllstad, H. (2004). Testing L2 Vocabulary - Swedish Learners of English, Their Knowledge of Lexical Collocations and How to Test It.
- Gyllstad, H. (2004). Testing L2 vocabulary: Swedish advanced learners of English and their command of collocations.
- Gyllstad, H. (2004). Testing L2 Vocabulary: Swedish Learners of English, Their Command of Lexical Collocations and How to Test It.
- Hansson, P. & Svensson, G. (2004). Listening for “Rosengård Swedish”. In Branderud, P. & Traunmüller, H. (Eds.) Proceedings FONETIK 2004 (pp. 24-27). Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University.
- Hedling, E. (2004). Dialogical Faithless.
- Hedling, E. (2004). The Concept of Modernism and Film Theory.
- Heinat, F. (2004). Anaphora in a phase based syntax.