This is a list of all pulications at SOL. Search for a specific publication in Lund University Research Portal.
Conference contributions (page 58 of 78)
- Ambjörn, L. (2006). al-Mu'aladjat al-Buqratiyya: en arabisk medicinsk encyklopedi från 900-talet.
- Ambrazaitis, G. (2006). Prosodic signalling of (un)expected information in South Swedish : an interactive manipulation experiment. In Hoffmann, R. & Mixdorff, H. (Eds.) Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation, Speech Prosody : 3rd International Conference, Dresden, May 2-5, 2006. Abstract Book and CD-ROM Proceedings (pp. 911-914), 40. TUDPress.
- Ambrazaitis, G. & Bruce, G. (2006). Perception of South Swedish Word Accents. In Ambrazaitis, G. & Schötz, S. (Eds.) Working Papers in General Linguistics and Phonetics, Conference proceedings from Fonetik 2006 : Lund, June 7-9, 2006. Working Papers in Linguistics, Lund University, Centre for Languages and Literature (pp. 5-8), 52. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Andersson, L. G. (2006). Movements and Mirrors: Peter Weiss and the Emergence of Swedish Experimental Cinema.
- Andersson, L. G. (2006). Swedish Experimental Cinema and the Prospects of Intermedial Historiography: The Case of Claes Söderquist.
- Blomqvist, J. (2006). In the boiler room of S/S Alma. A poem by Harry Martinson and the Odyssey.
- Bodén, P. & Grosse, J. (2006). Youth language in multilingual Göteborg. Proceedings from Fonetik 2006, Lund, June, 7-9, 2006/Working papers / Lund University, Department of Linguistics, General Linguistics, Phonetics, 17-20. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Bohnacker, U. (2006). Developmental sequences and (in)vulnerable domains in German interlanguage syntax. Language acquisition and development: Proceedings of GALA 2005, 65-78. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Clermont, F. & Zetterholm, E. (2006). F-pattern Analysis of Professional Imitations of "hallå" in three Swedish Dialects. In Ambrazaitis, G. & Schötz, S. (Eds.) Working Papers (pp. 25-28), 52. Department of Linguistics and Phonetics, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Diab, H. (2006). Understanding the Arab World. [Host publication title missing], 1-6. Internationella programkontoret.
- Ditvall, C. (2006). The IT-based University-LanguageLearning – some Reflexions.
- Ekberg, L. (2006). Construal operations in semantic change: the case of abstract nouns. In Nedergaard Thomsen, O. (Ed.) Competing models of linguistic change: evolution and beyond (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory) (pp. 235-252), 279. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Ekman, S. (2006). Interaction and Counteraction between Text and Illustrations in Stardust.
- Granfeldt, J. (2006). Profils grammaticaux et lexicaux - à la recherche d'un rapport. Actes du XVIème Congrès des Romanistes Scandinaves. Department of Language and Culture, Roskilde University, Denmark.
- Granfeldt, J., Nugues, P., Persson, E., Thulin, J., Ågren, M. & Schlyter, S. (2006). CEFLE and Direkt Profil: a new computer learner corpus in French L2 and a system for grammatical profiling. In Nugues, P., Ågren, M., Thulin, J., Persson, E. & Schlyter, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (pp. 565-570). ELRA.
- Gyllstad, H. & Wolter, B. (2006). Lexical and conceptual network restructuring - a fresh take on L2 associative behaviour.
- Hedling, E. (2006). Introduction: Brecht, Alan Price and Music.
- Heinat, F. (2006). A unified account of pronouns and reflexives.
- Heinat, F. (2006). Minimal Binding.
- Heinat, F. (2006). Probing phrases, pronouns, and binding.
- Heinat, F. (2006). The structure of pronouns.
- Helgason, J. (2006). Naturlighet, litterärt värde och kanon. Anna Louisa Karsch – ett 1700-talsexempel. In Hættner Aurelius, E., Wischmann, A. & Heitmann, A. (Eds.) Litteraturens värde – Der Wert der Literatur: Konferens i Stockholm 26-28 november 2004, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien: Konferenser 62 (pp. 129-144), 62. Kungliga Vitterhets- historie- och antikvitetsakademien.
- Holmlander, D. (2006). Nedtoningsstrategier hos svenskar som lär sig spanska – fungerar de?. OFTI 24, 1-1. Stockholms universitet.
- Holmlander, D. (2006). Un estudio piloto de expresiones de atenuación en conversación. In Olsen, M. & Swiatek, E. H. (Eds.) XVI Skandinaviske Romanistkongres (pp. 1-41). Department of Language and Culture, Roskilde University, Denmark.
- Horne, M. (2006). The filler EH in Swedish. In Ambrazaitis, G. & Schötz, S. (Eds.) Working Papers (pp. 65-68), 52. Center for Language and Literature, Lund University.