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Articles (page 87 of 87)
- Sigurd, B. (1965). Morfologiska mönster i nationalitetsord. Arkiv för nordisk filologi, 80, 231-276. ANF.
- Sigurd, B. (1962). Salskrake, salknipa och salsvärta. Meijerbergs arkiv för svensk ordforskning, 11, 91-96.
- Sigurd, B. (1961). The Code Shift in Old Norse. Studia Linguistica, 15, 10-21. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Sigurd, B. (1958). Tendencies in the combination of prevocalic and postvocalic consonanats in Swedish monosyllables. Studia Linguistica, 12, 27-51. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Sigurd, B. (1955). Rank order of consonants established by distributional criteria. Studia Linguistica, 9, 8-20. Wiley-Blackwell.