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Articles (page 83 of 87)
- Warren, B. (1989). Pseudoproblematic Pseudo-adjectives. English Studies, 70. Taylor & Francis.
- Hedling, E. (1988). Skuldens labyrint: Dickens, David Lean och Lysande utsikter. Filmhäftet, 52-65. Filmhäftet.
- Horne, M. (1988). Towards a quantified focus-based model for synthesizing English sentence intonation. Lingua, 75, 25-54. Elsevier.
- Håkansson, G. & Lindberg, I. (1988). What's the question? Investigating questions in second language classrooms. AILA Review, 5, 73-88. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Sigurd, B. (1988). A referent grammatical analysis of relative clauses. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia. International Journal of Structural Linguistics, 21, 95-115. Routledge.
- Sigurd, B. (1988). Round numbers. Language in Society, 17, 243-252. Cambridge University Press.
- Sigurd, B. (1988). Using Referent Grammar (RG) in Computer Analysis, Generation and Translation of Sentences. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 11, 129-150. Cambridge University Press.
- Sigurd, B. & Gawrońska Werngren, B. (1988). The potential of Swetra - A multilanguage MT system. Computers and Translation, 3, 237-250. Paradigm Press.
- Sivam, P. & Ragvald, L. (1988). Bortom Pekings horisont. En på 60 miljoner: Guangdongs författare Kong Jiesheng. Orientaliska Studier, 16-38. Föreningen för orientaliska studier.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (1988). The East Asian code shift. Working Papers (Lund University, Department of Linguistics), 33, 193-214. Department of Linguistics, Lund University.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (1988). U. Linguistics of the Tibeto-Burman Area, 11, 64-133. Department of Linguistics, UC Berkeley.
- Thormählen, M. (1988). 'Rochester and "The Fall": The Roots of Discontent'. English Studies, 69, 396-409. Taylor & Francis.
- Thormählen, M. (1988). 'Rochester and Jealousy: Consistent Inconsistencies'. The Durham University Journal, 49, 213-223. University of Durham.
- Wood, S. A. J. & Pettersson, T. (1988). Vowel reduction in Bulgarian; phonetic data and model experiments. Folia Linguistica, 22, 239-262. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Bruce, G. (1987). Hur skånskan försvenskas : om partiell uttalsanpassning. Lundaforskare föreläser, 19, 96-101. Lund University Press.
- Hedling, E. (1987). Mardrömmen som verklighet: Shakespeare, Polanski och Macbeth. Filmhäftet, 86-95. Filmhäftet.
- Holmberg, B. (1987). "al-Kaskari and as-Sukkari". A possible solution to the question of authorship of a treatise attributed to Yahya ibn Adi. Parole de l'Orient, 14, 219-220. Université Saint-Esprit, Kaslik, Liban.
- Pettersson, T. & Wood, S. A. J. (1987). Vowel Reduction in Bulgarian and its Implications for Theories of Vowel Production: A Review of the Problem. Folia Linguistica, 21, 261-279. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Sigurd, B. (1987). REFERENT GRAMMAR (RG). A GENERALIZED PHRASE STRUCTURE GRAMMAR WITH BUILT-IN REFERENTS. Studia Linguistica, 41, 115-135. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Sigurd, B. (1987). Språkliga förlängningskonster. Språkvård. Tidskrift utgiven av Svenska språknämnden, 18-23. Språkrådet.
- Sivam, P. (1987). Revolution och reform: En studie av språkreformen i Kina. Orientaliska Studier, 3-15. Föreningen för orientaliska studier.
- Gårding, E., Kratochvíl, P., Svantesson, J.-O. & Jialu, Z. (1986). Tone 4 and Tone 3 discrimination in Modern Standard Chinese. Language and Speech, 29, 93-281. Kingston Press Ltd.
- Hedling, E. (1986). Att stoppa taxameterns tickande: Några funderingar kring berättandet i roman och film. Filmhäftet, 57-62. Filmhäftet.
- Holmberg, B. (1986). Notes on a treatise on the Unity and Trinity of God attributed to Yahya ibn Adi. Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 226, 235-245. Roma: Pont. Institutum Studiorum Orientalium.
- Horne, M. (1986). Focal prominence and the ‘‘phonological phrase’’ within some recent theories. Studia Linguistica, 40, 101-121. Wiley-Blackwell.