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Articles (page 5 of 86)
- Burenhult, N. (2023). Sustainability and semantic diversity : A view from the Malayan rainforest. Topics in Cognitive Science, 15, 546-559. Wiley.
- Burro, R., Branchini, E., Capitani, E., Barnaba, V., Fermani, A., Paradis, C. & Bianchi, I. (2023). Is there an association between consumers’ personality traits and the sensory characteristics they look for in wine?. Food Quality and Preference, 105. Elsevier.
- C. Rédei, A. (2023). Etik, autenticitet och det språkliga autentiska tecknet. Filosofisk tidskrift, 2023, 35-46. Thales.
- Caballero, R. & Paradis, C. (2023). Sharing Perceptual Experiences through Language. Journal of Intelligence, 11. MDPI AG.
- Carling, G., Cronhamn, S., Lundgren, O., Bogren Svensson, V. & Frid, J. (2023). The evolution of lexical semantics dynamics, directionality, and drift. Frontiers in Communication, 8. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Class, M. (2023). Introducing Trace as an Embodied Approach to the Novel in English. English Studies, 104, 579-588. Taylor & Francis.
- Class, M. (2023). Traces of the Queer Child in Shuggie Bain. English Studies, 104, 649-666. Taylor & Francis.
- Davydova, M. (2023). Den konservativa revolutionens estetik. Glänta, 2022, 34-38. Glänta förlag.
- Diagourtas, G., Kounetas, K. & Simaki, V. (2023). Consumer attitudes and sociodemographic profile in purchasing organic food products : Evidence of a Greek and Swedish survey. British Food Journal, 125, 2407-2423. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Duffy, C. (2023). Air. Romanticism on the Net.
- Farshchi, S., Andersson, A., van de Weijer, J. & Paradis, C. (2023). Brain responses to negated and affirmative meanings in the auditory modality. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Ferin, M., Gyllstad, H., Venagli, I., Zordan, A. & Tanja, K. (2023). LexVEN: A quick vocabulary test for proficiency in Venetan. Isogloss, 9, 1-31. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- Frykholm, J. & Mrozewicz, A. E. (2023). Special Issue: ‘Contemporary Scandinavian Art Cinema and Screen Cultures in Transition’. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 13, 215-218. Intellect Ltd..
- Gosselke Berthelsen, S. & Roll, M. (2023). Computer-aided L2 prosody acquisition and its potential in second language learning. ASLA:s skriftserie, 30, 157-182.
- Granfelt, J., Erickson, G., Bardel, C., Sayehli, S., Ågren, M. & Österberg, R. (2023). Speaking French, German and Spanish in Swedish lower secondary school : A study on attained levels of proficiency. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, 17, 91-121. University of Jyväskylä.
- Granfelt, J., Gullberg, M. & Munoz, C. (2023). Input in study abroad and views from acquisition : Focus on constructs, operationalization and measurement issues: Introduction to the special issue. Second Language Research, 39, 3-11. SAGE Publications.
- Gustafsson, A. W., Johnsson, P., Järvholm, K., Bernhardsson, K., Forslid, T. & Ohlsson, A. (2023). An intricate dance of intersubjectivity : The social and cognitive benefits of a digital shared reading group. Scientific Study of Literature, 12, 103-132. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Gyllstad, H., Sundqvist, P., Sandlund, E. & Källkvist, M. (2023). Effects of Word Definitions on Meaning Recall : A Multisite Intervention in Language-Diverse Second Language English Classrooms. Language Learning, 73, 403-444. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Gärdenfors, M. & Johansson, V. (2023). Written products and writing processes in Swedish deaf and hard of hearing children : an explorative study on the impact of linguistic background. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Göransson, E., Maurits, L., Dahlman, B., Sarkisian, K. ?., Rubenson, S. & Dunn, M. (2023). Improved distance measures for “mixed-content miscellanies” : An adaptation for the collections of sayings of the desert fathers and mothers. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 38, 127-150. Oxford University Press.
- Hartman, J. & Paradis, C. (2023). The language of sound : events and meaning multitasking of words. Cognitive Linguistics, 34, 445-477. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Henry, A. (2023). Multilingualism and persistence in multiple language learning. Modern Language Journal, 107, 183-201. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Henry, A. & Liu, M. (2023). Can L2 motivation be modelled as a self-system? A critical assessment. System, 119. Elsevier.
- Henry, A., Thorsen, C. & Uztosun, M. S. (2023). Exploring language learners’ self-generated goals : Does self-concordance affect engagement and resilience?. System, 112. Elsevier.
- Hildeman Sjölin, M. (2023). "[Y]oung Hamlet" : Shakespeare for Swedish Children. Critical Survey, 35, 94-112. Berghahn Journals.