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Articles (page 5 of 87)
- Zlov, V. & Zlatev, J. (2024). A cognitive-semiotic approach to impoliteness : Effects of conventionality and semiotic system on judgements of impoliteness by Russian and Swedish speakers. Journal of Politeness Research, 20, 249-296. De Gruyter.
- Aggestam, K., Bergman Rosamond, A. & Hedling, E. (2023). Digital Norm Contestation and Feminist Foreign Policy. International Studies Perspectives. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Anikin, A., Aseyev, N. & Erben Johansson, N. (2023). Do some languages sound more beautiful than others?. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120. National Academy of Sciences.
- Arbona, E., Seeber, K. & Gullberg, M. (2023). Semantically related gestures facilitate language comprehension during simultaneous interpreting. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 26, 425-439. Cambridge University Press.
- Arbona, E., Seeber, K. G. & Gullberg, M. (2023). The role of manual gestures in second language comprehension : A simultaneous interpreting experiment. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 01-15. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Arndt, H. L., Granfelt, J. & Gullberg, M. (2023). The Lang-Track-App : Open-Source Tools for Implementing the Experience Sampling Method in Second Language Acquisition Research. Language Learning, 73, 869-903. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Arndt, H., Granfelt, J. & Gullberg, M. (2023). Reviewing the potential of the Experience Sampling Method (ESM) for capturing second language exposure and use. Second Language Research, 39, 39-58. SAGE Publications.
- Bak, K., Dziedzic, D., Zillén, E. & Zurawska, E. (2023). Carl Snoilsky’s Svenska bilder and Cultural Memory in the 19th Century. Studia Litteraria Universitatis Iagellonicae Cracoviensis, 18, 1-19.
- Bandh, E., Collberg, P. & Lundin, K. (2023). L1-orienterad grammatikundervisning i L2-kontext : En kvalitativ studie. Acta Didactica Norden, 17, 1-25. Universitetet i Oslo.
- Bardel, C., Gyllstad, H. & Tholin, J. (2023). A country in focus : Research on foreign language learning, teaching and assessment in Sweden 2012 - 2021. Language Teaching, 56, 223-260. Cambridge University Press.
- Berghoff, R., Gullberg, M. & Kootstra, G. J. (2023). Structural priming of code-switches in non-shared-word-order utterances : The effect of lexical repetition. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 26, 670-683. Cambridge University Press.
- Beynet Fröjd, G. (2023). Un Manuscrit du Roman de la Rose en Suède : le manuscrit Vu 39 de la Bibliothèque royale de Stockholm. Pecia. Le livre et l'écrit, 25, 11-32. Brepols.
- Burenhult, N. (2023). Sustainability and semantic diversity : A view from the Malayan rainforest. Topics in Cognitive Science, 15, 546-559. Wiley.
- Burro, R., Branchini, E., Capitani, E., Barnaba, V., Fermani, A., Paradis, C. & Bianchi, I. (2023). Is there an association between consumers’ personality traits and the sensory characteristics they look for in wine?. Food Quality and Preference, 105. Elsevier.
- C. Rédei, A. (2023). Etik, autenticitet och det språkliga autentiska tecknet. Filosofisk tidskrift, 2023, 35-46. Thales.
- Caballero, R. & Paradis, C. (2023). Sharing Perceptual Experiences through Language. Journal of Intelligence, 11. MDPI AG.
- Carling, G., Cronhamn, S., Lundgren, O., Bogren Svensson, V. & Frid, J. (2023). The evolution of lexical semantics dynamics, directionality, and drift. Frontiers in Communication, 8. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Class, M. (2023). Introducing Trace as an Embodied Approach to the Novel in English. English Studies, 104, 579-588. Taylor & Francis.
- Class, M. (2023). Traces of the Queer Child in Shuggie Bain. English Studies, 104, 649-666. Taylor & Francis.
- Davydova, M. (2023). Den konservativa revolutionens estetik. Glänta, 2022, 34-38. Glänta förlag.
- Diagourtas, G., Kounetas, K. & Simaki, V. (2023). Consumer attitudes and sociodemographic profile in purchasing organic food products : Evidence of a Greek and Swedish survey. British Food Journal, 125, 2407-2423. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Duffy, C. (2023). Air. Romanticism on the Net.
- Farshchi, S., Andersson, A., van de Weijer, J. & Paradis, C. (2023). Brain responses to negated and affirmative meanings in the auditory modality. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 17. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Ferin, M., Gyllstad, H., Venagli, I., Zordan, A. & Tanja, K. (2023). LexVEN: A quick vocabulary test for proficiency in Venetan. Isogloss, 9, 1-31. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- Frykholm, J. & Mrozewicz, A. E. (2023). Special Issue: ‘Contemporary Scandinavian Art Cinema and Screen Cultures in Transition’. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 13, 215-218. Intellect Ltd..